Chapter 107 Lin Jihan was furious

Shen Mengqi opened the law she had copied and handed it to Shen Qingning, saying: "The [-] articles of the law of the Tianyuan Kingdom are clearly stipulated, you should take a good look at it yourself."

Shen Qingning took the dictionary over in disbelief, and she looked at the [-]th article of the law and read: "Anyone who insults a husband and wife with words such as love/flirting/shamelessness will be imprisoned for three days. , several years in prison?”

Shen Qingning closed the law with a snap, she glared at Shen Mengqi viciously and said, "What kind of bastard law is this, sister Mengqi, didn't you just copy it to deceive us?"

The emperor coughed heavily, and Shen Qingning silenced it instantly.This law has passed the emperor's eyes. To say that the law is an asshole is not to say that she is saying that the emperor is an asshole.

What she was waiting for was her words, Shen Mengqi took out the original law from her bosom and handed it to Shen Qingning: "You can see if it is true or not."

Shen Qingning didn't answer for a long time.

Seeing that Shen Qingning didn't answer, Shen Mengqi didn't take back her hand, just waiting for her with the law, and the atmosphere became stalemate all of a sudden.

At this time, Lin Jihan moved.

Just when everyone thought he was going to stop Shen Mengqi, the regent reached out to take the law from Shen Mengqi's hand and said to Shen Mengqi, "Good boy, give it to me. Your injuries haven't healed yet, and you won't be able to stay for a long time." Stretch your arms."

Then Lin Jihan turned to face Shen Qingning and said, "Princess Qingning, open it and have a look."

Xu Shi has formed a habit of doing things under Lin Jihan's hands for many years, and she doesn't have to accept what Shen Mengqi offers.But facing Lin Jihan, she didn't dare not answer.

Just when Shen Qingning frowned and was about to take over the law, the Queen Mother said, "Meng Qi has always been careful and careful in doing things, and she will never make mistakes. There is no need to read this law a second time."



"Go and apologize to your sister. Let's forget about this matter. We are all a family. Do you still treat yourself as a child if you say something depressing about going to jail or not at this family banquet?"

The queen mother's words were all about defending Shen Qingning, looking at Shen Qingning's smug face, a look of sadness flashed in Shen Mengqi's eyes.

"I'm sorry, Sister Mengqi. In the past few years, the princess has been fighting in the Nine Nether Thirteen Counties, and has no time to study the law. That's why this is a joke. Please, sister Mengqi, don't be as knowledgeable as the princess."

"It's ok."

"There are relationships."

Two voices sounded at the same time, and everyone immediately looked at the owner of the second voice in unison.

I saw Lin Jihan with Erlang's legs crossed, with one hand wrapped around Shen Mengqi's back in a protective posture, and with the other he slapped the law heavily on the table.

The two loud bangs made everyone present tremble in their hearts, "Does Princess Qingning not understand human speech?"

Looking at Lin Jihan's cold eyes, Shen Qingning shrank her neck in fright, "My lord, Qingning doesn't have any."

"My wife is here today to attend a family banquet, not to be angry. You have repeatedly provoked my wife. Do you think this king is dead? Are you apologizing or declaring war?"

Seeing Lin Jihan's anger, the emperor immediately smoothed things over and said, "Prince Regent, everything you say belongs to the whole family."

This was the first time Lin Jihan interrupted the emperor.

"My wife took your family, so you can abuse her like this? This king was born to protect his family and defend the country. My wife is a woman who works day and night for Tianyuan Kingdom. Is this how you treat us?"

Shen Mengqi grabbed Lin Jihan's sleeve and wanted to tell him to stop saying a few words, but Lin Jihan didn't seem to sense it.

He slapped the table hard, "If the emperor and the queen mother don't like this king, you can just say it. I can resign now. The two acres of Susukida left by my ancestors can still support me. Mrs. Wang's!"

Seeing Lin Jihan who was burning with anger, the expressions of everyone present were not very good.

Finally, the Queen Mother spoke, "Lime, I apologize."

"Sister Mengqi, yes. Sorry, I was wrong."

"Apologizing is enough?"

Lin Ji smiled coldly: "If that's the case, what do you want Dali Temple and the Ministry of Punishment to do?"

The noble concubine couldn't stand it and said: "Prince Regent, it's almost over. Qing Ning is still a child who hasn't left the cabinet. No one can do anything wrong without being a sage. This is a family, so don't be too extreme in everything." .”

The third prince couldn't help correcting in a low voice from the side: "Mother and concubine, the cardamom age is the child."

The noble concubine gave the third prince a hard look and said in a low voice: "Shut up!"


Hearing Lin Jihan's sneer, Shen Qingning's face instantly turned red like a pig's liver. Doesn't it make it clear that she is an old girl?

The Queen Mother looked at Shen Mengqi and said: "Mengqi, after all, this is a matter between you two sisters, tell me, what do you want."

The queen mother's words put Shen Mengqi into a dilemma. If she was biased towards Shen Qingning, she would have chilled Lin Jihan's heart. If she was biased towards Lin Jihan, then she would be a 'sinner' whose married daughter threw water and turned her elbows outward.

After Shen Mengqi thought about it for a while, she tugged at the corner of Lin Jihan's clothes and said in a low voice, "Husband, since Sister Qing Ning already knew she was wrong, then let's forgive her."

This was the first time Shen Mengqi called Lin Jihan's husband in front of so many people. Lin Jihan's eyes widened instantly, and the corners of his mouth were tightly pursed, suppressing the urge to laugh, so as not to lose his composure in front of everyone.

After holding back for a long time, he finally whispered in Shen Mengqi's ear: "Madam, if you say husband, my life belongs to Madam. Naturally, everything is up to Madam."

As he said that, Lin Jihan stretched out his little finger and hooked Shen Mengqi's index finger to play with it carefully.

Only then did Shen Mengqi say to the queen mother: "The emperor's grandmother and the emperor's uncle said that they are a family. Since sister Qing Ning has apologized, naturally there is nothing to worry about. But..."

"But what?"

Shen Mengqi flipped through the laws at hand and looked at the imperial concubine and said, "Your imperial concubine, do you know how many laws of the Tianyuan Kingdom you violate every day?"

Seeing that Shen Mengqi had transferred the flames of war to her, the noble concubine's face turned pale.

She said: "I stay in my own palace all day, how can I break the law? Your Royal Highness, this is a family banquet, not a place where you wait for the law to show off."

The imperial concubine repeatedly emphasized the family banquet, obviously a little flustered.She subconsciously turned her head to look at the emperor and the queen mother for shelter, but found that both the queen mother and the emperor were savoring the dishes on their plates, and no one looked up.

The noble concubine couldn't help biting her lips, she looked at the emperor and said, "Your Majesty~~"

Only then did the emperor raise his head, "Meng Qi, it's almost done."

There was some perfunctory in this warning.

Shen Mengqi opened the law on her own and said, "Your concubine, you are breaking the law now."

(End of this chapter)

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