Chapter 112 The backer behind

The queen mother nodded in satisfaction after hearing this, "I can't let go of family affection. In the face of the country's righteousness, right and wrong, she can still stick to her heart despite hesitation and hesitation. She has grown a lot."

The emperor also echoed: "Yes, Queen Mother, Meng Qi has never let you worry about it since she was a child, so naturally she won't when she grows up."

The queen mother smiled and said: "Meng Qi is indeed more calm than you back then."

Looking at the queen mother who was in a good mood with pride and pride on her face, the emperor tentatively said.

"Mother, you also saw today that the Prince Regent is wholeheartedly devoted to Meng Qi, and Meng Qi is also very dependent on the Prince Regent, do you want to?"

The queen mother raised her hand to signal the emperor to stop, there was no room for negotiation on the matter of Shen Mengqi and Lin Jihan.

"Without love, you can have no worries, and without fear, you can keep your heart."

The queen mother insisted: "In the face of power, all love will become vulnerable. Haven't you suffered enough of this?"

Looking at Shen Mengqi who was kneeling straight outside the hall, the Queen Mother sighed: "The Ai family would rather she be sad now than she would pay the price in blood for it in the future."

"Today's incident really reminded the Ai family, you go and inform Qing Ning to take action, they can't go on like this."

"That Nan Chen over there"

The queen mother nodded.

"Understood, my son will tell Nan Chen to enter the court tomorrow."

The emperor looked at Shen Mengqi, who was kneeling outside the palace and couldn't even be lazy, he looked at her with some distress and said in his heart, Xiao Mengqi, you have to hold on.

Shen Mengqi knelt until dawn. When she got up, her legs were no longer in control, and there was an itching pain behind her. If you didn't touch her, you would know that her wound was open again.

Wang Peng looked at Shen Mengqi, who was a problem even with Zhan Li, and said distressedly: "Your Highness, do you need this old slave to arrange a sedan chair for you?"

Shen Mengqi shook her head lightly, "Grandpa Wang, it's time for Uncle Huang to go to court, you go and serve her, the princess is fine here."


"It's only a few steps from here to the gate of the palace, and this princess can bear it."

Seeing Shen Mengqi's insistence, Wang Peng had no choice but to say: "Then the old slave will leave first, Your Highness, please be careful yourself."

Shen Mengqi nodded slightly.

Seeing Shen Mengqi moving out little by little while leaning on the wall, Wang Peng was still a little worried, so he specially ordered two eunuchs to follow Shen Mengqi from a distance.

Looking at Shen Mengqi who was staggering against the wall, the two little eunuchs behind her were all very nervous, for fear that Her Highness the Princess would fall down if she softened her hands.

Seeing that the entrance of the palace was ahead, Shen Mengqi stopped.The two young eunuchs hurriedly followed up in fright and asked, "Your Highness, are you alright?"

Shen Mengqi shook her head, she bent down and patted the dust on her clothes lightly, then straightened her messy hair that had been blown all night, and finally bit her pale lips to bleed, so that people could not see her There is the slightest discomfort.

After that, she straightened her back and walked slowly towards the palace gate.

Seeing that she was walking steadily ahead, she couldn't tell at all that it was Shen Mengqi who knelt all night last night. The two little eunuchs couldn't help but click their tongues. This must be the sentence. If you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight .

Sure enough, not everyone can be a princess.

When Shen Mengqi walked to the gate of the palace, Lin Jihan had already been waiting there, to be precise, he hadn't returned all night.

He just nestled in the carriage and waited for Shen Mengqi all night.

Seeing that Shen Mengqi came out intact, Lin Jihan was relieved.

Shen Mengqi was a little moved, she asked: "Why doesn't the prince go back to rest?"

"I'm not worried about you, you little heartless one. Wait here, if you are being bullied, just call out, and I can rush in immediately."

Shen Mengqi's heart gradually warmed up after being blown by the cold wind all night, she looked at Lin Jihan and said with a smile: "No matter what, we are all a family, the emperor's uncle and emperor's grandmother will not beat me."

"It's not like beating me, I'm going to kneel down again."

"How did you know?"

Lin Jihan bent down and lifted Shen Mengqi up. After hesitating for a while, Shen Mengqi still put her arms around Lin Jihan's neck.

"Didn't you discover it yourself? You have a bad problem when you kneel, that is, you like to shift to the left, so the basic weight is on the left. Every time you kneel up, you will walk to the right to reduce the burden on your left leg."

Lin Jihan patted Shen Mengqi's butt, as if punishing her.

"Kneeling all night, your knees must be swollen, but the injury on your back can't be split a second time, bear with it, my husband will carry you home."

In the late autumn morning, the frost was heavy, and the air that came out of people's breath was filled with white mist, but Shen Mengqi felt that she was warm.

After hesitating for a moment, she said to Lin Jihan: "My lord, it's not that the emperor's uncle and the emperor's grandmother don't love me, they're just angry with me, so don't worry about it."

Lin Jihan stopped after hearing the words.

Shen Mengqi who was on his back couldn't help but thumped in her heart. She looked at Lin Jihan's profile with some trepidation, but she didn't know what to say.

Lin Jihan asked, "Do you still want to go to court today?"

After thinking for a moment, Shen Mengqi said honestly: "I think so."

"Last night, I asked someone to invite Imperial Physician Wang to the prince's residence. We rush back now, before we have time to treat your wound."


"You can do whatever you want, even if the bucket collapses, your husband will support you. But remember, no matter what happens in the future, don't try to hide it from me again."

After holding back the tears all night, she still couldn't hold back, she buried her head in Lin Jihan's shoulder, and after a long time, she said sullenly: "Yes."

Listening to the small nasal voice with a crying voice, Lin Jihan smiled and said two words, "Heh~ Promise."

Back at the palace, Doctor Wang first treated the open wound on Shen Mengqi's back, and then the wound on Shen Mengqi's knee.

Looking at Shen Mengqi's knees that were as black as black charcoal, Imperial Physician Wang couldn't help but shed tears, "Oh my God, what happened these years? The back injury hasn't healed yet, and the knees have changed again. That's it, it's fine for Her Royal Highness to suffer a little bit, and I haven't had a good few years, why is it like this again."

Doctor Wang really became more and more sad as he talked, "This old minister's medical skills can't keep up with your injured footsteps."

On the contrary, Shen Mengqi looked indifferent, "This princess is not pampered, so there is no need for Imperial Physician Wang to be sad."

As soon as her words came out, Imperial Physician Wang's heart became even more sour. The first princess of Tianyuan Kingdom said that she was not spoiled, how wronged she was.

After bandaging, Lin Jihan walked in with Shen Mengqi's court gown. There was no blood on the gown, but the bright red color still hurt the eyes of Imperial Doctor Wang.

"Your Highness, do you still want to go to court after you are all like this?"

(End of this chapter)

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