Chapter 113 Shen Nanchen Enters the Court Hall

Doctor Wang said to Lin Jihan, "Your Highness, Your Royal Highness is going to court, and you don't care?"

"If this king can manage it, you won't appear here."

"Then you can't indulge her like this, look at the knees of Her Highness the Princess!"

Shen Mengqi was afraid that Lin Jihan would regret it before looking at her knees, so she immediately put down the lifted clothes.

As a result, Imperial Physician Wang exclaimed again, "Your Highness, your medicine is not dry yet, so don't cover it, be careful your knees are rotten!"

A flash of distress flashed in Lin Jihan's eyes, he put the court clothes beside Shen Mengqi, then turned around and went out, "Listen to the imperial physician, be careful with your knees, I'll wait for you outside."

He obviously didn't say a word of blame, but Shen Mengqi felt a little guilty.

Seeing Lin Jihan leave, Imperial Physician Wang asked Shen Mengqi to lift up her clothes, and he muttered, "Your Highness, you can't treat yourself like this, it might leave scars!"

Shen Mengqi grabbed the raised corner of her clothes and said, "Doctor Wang, this princess won't be able to make it to court later."

"If your medicine is not dry, cover it up. When your knee is rotten, you won't be able to go to court for half a year."

Looking at the sincere doctor Wang, Shen Mengqi said.

"So as long as the medicine is dry, it's fine."


Seeing Shen Mengqi with a calm face, Doctor Wang frowned, "Your Highness, what do you want to do?"

Shen Mengqi picked up the fan on the side and fanned it against her knees.

"Your Highness, you"

"Didn't it mean that the medicine will be fine once it's dry?"

Physician Wang was speechless, it would be fine if he did it, but are you sure it won't hurt if you do it?
Seeing Shen Mengqi whose brows were almost twisted into a hemp rope but still silent, Doctor Wang sighed with pity. This princess can really do something to her.

above the hall
Although the emperor's expression was extremely unhappy and unwilling, he still announced the dismissal of all the palace people in the imperial concubine's palace.

Just when Shen Mengqi was about to breathe a sigh of relief, the emperor immediately announced another news.

"All my lovers know what happened a while ago. I sealed the second prince Shen Nanchen as King Pingan, and gave him the Prince Ping's Mansion to heal his injuries. Now that he has recovered from his injuries, it's time for me to share the burden."

Hearing this, Shen Mengqi's heart sank.

I only heard the emperor say: "Wang Peng, please see King Xuan Pingan."


Wang Peng stood up straight, raised his body and shouted emphatically, "Xuan Ping Wang Shen Nanchen has an audience."

I saw Shen Nanchen wearing a python robe, led into the hall by Wang Peng's apprentice Xiaochun, the emperor gave Shen Nanchen enough face this time.

The more this happened, the more uneasy Shen Mengqi became.According to the emperor's attitude towards Shen Nanchen, no matter how you look at it, he doesn't think it's a good thing to pay so much attention.

Sure enough, after Shen Nanchen finished saluting to the emperor, "I see my father, long live my father, long live my father."

The emperor smiled and said to Nanchen: "Get up, you are new to the court, and you don't understand many things yet, so let the Minister of the Household Department guide you."

Shen Nanchen was taken aback when he heard the words, he habitually looked in Shen Mengqi's direction.

Seeing this, the face of the emperor, who was still full of smiles, instantly sank, "What? What do I want my son to do now I have to look at other people's faces?"

Shen Nanchen was panicked when he heard the words, he quickly said: "No, I will obey the imperial father's will."

Chen Nian'en, Minister of the Household Department, also stood up at the right time and said: "Please rest assured, the emperor, I will definitely assist His Royal Highness King Pingan. I believe that His Royal Highness King Ping'an has been smart since he was a child, and he will definitely live up to the expectations of the emperor."

The emperor nodded in satisfaction, and he signaled to Shen Nanchen: "Originally you should stand at the top of civil servants, but now you are not very familiar with the government affairs, how about standing next to the Minister of the Household Department?"

"My son would like to follow the arrangement of my father."

"Well, Hubu Shangshu is very knowledgeable. You should be more open-minded to ask him for advice."


The emperor's arrangement caused the court to explode. Although it is said to be a study, it is completely unreasonable to ask a prince to stand behind a minister. It is simply ridiculous, but no one dares to say a word.

After all, they have seen clearly how the emperor has treated Shen Mengqi recently, and no one wants to be cannon fodder at this time.

After seeing Nanchen standing still next to the Minister of the Household, the Emperor looked at Shen Mengqi who was standing in the front row and said, "Since you like to meddle in other people's affairs so much, dare to ask the Minister of the Household, have you finished copying the law I asked you to copy?"

Shen Mengqi knelt down straight and said: "The minister has copied it fifty times now."

"I remember that I asked you to copy it more than 8 times. How long has it been since you copied it? Haven't you finished copying it yet? You can't even do this well, and you still want to meddle in other people's business, huh? "

"The minister is guilty, and the minister accepts the punishment."

The emperor threw the folder in his hand aside with an ugly face, his eyes were full of impatience, "It's the same sentence every day, why can't you say something new? You're not annoying, I'm even annoyed."

Looking at Shen Mengqi who was kneeling on the ground without speaking, the emperor asked again: "How did you investigate the assassins during the scientific examination?"

"Still investigating, there should be some progress soon."

"Should be fast?"

The emperor sneered, and he threw the folder he was holding in his hand just now to Shen Mengqi's feet, "Look for yourself."

"Look at what you are now!" The emperor said with a look of deep hatred: "If you are asked to copy a law, you will be procrastinated and unable to finish it, and you will not be able to close the case entrusted to you. What happened to you, but you didn't do your job well."

Shen Mengqi lowered her head to pick up the memorial on the ground, and looked at the censored memorial. There was no superfluous expression on her face, as if everything was under her control.

"Nowadays there is a vacancy in the imperial court, and according to you, I specially opened the scientific examination in advance. After this scientific examination is over, this student has also been selected."

"As the Minister of the Household Department, you didn't assign them positions and let them hang out for half a month. What are you trying to do? Rebellion?"

Hearing this, Lin Jihan immediately turned to look at Mu Qiancheng, and Mu Qiancheng showed him a smile that was uglier than crying.

Shen Mengqi said: "It's my negligence, I accept the punishment."

The emperor raised his hand to cover his forehead, as if he was completely disappointed with Shen Mengqi, "You go down first, I don't want to see you in the hall again before these matters are dealt with."


When Shen Mengqi stood up, she was still a little staggering, if Mu Qiancheng hadn't helped her quickly, she might have lost her dignity in front of the palace.

Looking at the back of Shen Mengqi leaving, the emperor said: "If there is no one in the court now, heh"

Although the voice of this speech was not loud, everyone in the court heard it clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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