Chapter 117 Ten Miles of Red Makeup
Lin Jihan kept walking, and said directly: "Really."

"Because of the invitation list she added to my birthday party?"

Lin Jihan nodded, "When my stepmother entered the mansion, she was restless. When my father was around, she could still suppress her for a while. After my father passed away, she began to fight her up and down."

"Because I went to the Prince Regent's Mansion of Nine Nether Thirteen Counties and let her make the decision, she used the name of the mansion to win over the courtiers. I thought she was standing for a certain faction in the court according to her natal family's wishes, but she was better than me. It’s even more daring to imagine.”

"Since we already knew that Mrs. Lin was a restless person, why did my father marry her?"

"Back then, Lin's natal family was just like the household secretary. Only by marrying her can the power be divided and their power disintegrated."

Lin Jihan straightened Shen Mengqi's temples that were blown by the wind, and he looked at Shen Mengqi with nostalgia and said.

"Born into a wealthy family, one is doomed to sacrifice one's emotions. It is such a blessing to be able to grow old hand in hand with the person one likes."

Seeing the affectionate Lin Jihan, Shen Mengqi's heart skipped a beat, as if someone had put a cauldron on her heart and was boiling water, which made her neck and face turn red.

Yes, what a blessing.

Seeing Lin Jihan smiling, she couldn't help laughing too, this is the quiet time.

Wang Yanzhi looked at each other from afar and smiled, standing not far from the palace, but the two of them were motionless. They stomped their feet anxiously, but they didn't dare to go up to disturb them rashly, for fear of spoiling their good deeds.

Just when she was about to bear it no longer, Lin Jihan finally walked towards her with Lin Jihan in his arms.

Seeing this, Wang Yanzhi immediately trotted up to meet him, "Your Highness, my lord, you have come back, something serious has happened in our mansion!"

Shen Mengqi and Lin Jihan looked unusually calm, "What's wrong?"

"Director Wang from the palace is here!"

Presumably, he came to read the emperor's punishment for himself.

Shen Mengqi said: "Okay, I got it."

Shen Mengqi patted Lin Jihan and motioned for him to put her down.

Although Lin Jihan put her down according to Shen Mengqi's wishes, he still stretched out his hand to support Shen Mengqi carefully, for fear that she would fall if she lost her footing.

As soon as Shen Mengqi entered the yard, she was shocked by the scene in front of her. The yard that used to be full of pigeons and crows was now covered in red.

There are red boxes everywhere, and each box is covered with red silk and satin. Wang Peng, who has always been dressed in plain clothes, also rarely wears a bright red dress, as if he is here to see off his relatives. .

Seeing Shen Mengqi and Lin Jihan coming back, Wang Peng immediately greeted him with a smile, "Old slave, see Your Royal Highness, the Regent."

"Director Wang, please stand up."

Lin Jihan pointed to the outfit on him, then pointed to the red boxes all over the yard and asked, "Boss Wang, what are you doing?"

Director Wang glanced at Shen Mengqi, who had pressed her lips tightly after seeing her, and then continued to smile and said to Lin Jihan, "My lord is overjoyed."

At this time, Eleven, who had been hiding in the dark all this time, came forward and whispered in Lin Jihan's ear, "My lord, Princess Qingning ran to the old lady's yard wearing a wedding dress."

Lin Jihan frowned, and he instantly understood what was going on.

He stretched out his hand and pulled Shen Mengqi into his arms, looked at Wang Peng and said, "Could it be that the emperor and the queen mother knew that the king and his wife were preparing to have an heir, so they prepared a birthday gift for the king's child in advance?"

"Haha, the emperor and the queen mother said that there will be a big gift when the little prince is born. These are the dowry of Princess Qingning."

Lin Jihan obviously didn't buy into his account, "Although Princess Qingning is the elder sister of Mrs. Wang, she can't leave the Prince Regent's Mansion when she gets married. After all, it's against the rules for her to marry from her sister's husband's house, and it's shameful."

Wang Peng said with a dry smile: "My lord, you are joking, the emperor and the queen mother are going to marry Princess Qingning to you as their side wife."

Lin Jihan corrected: "Princess should be married."

Wang Peng immediately slapped himself twice, "Look at this old servant, he said something wrong again. He is marrying you. Please don't be surprised by the prince and princess."

When Shen Mengqi heard that Shen Qingning was going to marry Lin Jihan, her hot heart was instantly poured with cold water, and the alternating feeling of cold and hot made her heart ache.

She took a step to the left uncontrollably, putting a little distance between Lin Jihan and Lin Jihan.

But in the next moment, Lin Jihan leaned forward again, and he stood behind Shen Mengqi like an indestructible barrier.

"Director Wang, thank the emperor and the queen mother for their kindness on my behalf, but it is enough for me to have a wife, and I have no intention of accepting my wife."

Director Wang said with some embarrassment: "But Princess Lime has already arrived at the Prince Regent's Mansion, and the old lady Lin also drank her daughter-in-law's tea. The tea is already in her stomach, so there is no reason to come back."

"Furthermore, according to the emperor and the queen mother's wishes, we carried the dowry and the sedan chair to the main gate to bring Princess Qingning in. Basically, everyone in the capital has seen it. If you don't accept it, then Princess Qingning will How will you behave in the future?"

Seeing that Lin Jihan was unmoved, Director Wang looked at Shen Mengqi again and said, "Where is the dignity of your royal family? Is the daughter of the Tian Family going to retire as soon as she says so?"

Shen Mengqi didn't talk to her this time, she looked at the red boxes all over the yard, feeling a little sour.Uncle Huang and Grandmother Huang's actions are worthy of ten miles of red makeup.

I think when she married into the Prince Regent's Mansion, she was just a red sedan chair.At that time, although many people came to the palace, and the bridal chamber was very late, but the excitement had nothing to do with her.

Ten miles of red makeup, the main entrance is carried in.Judging from this posture, Shen Qingning's side wife is far more imposing than her regular wife.

The emperor and the queen mother are showing her face and warning her.

Looking at Shen Mengqi staring at the dowry all over the floor, Lin Jihan knew what she was thinking.Thinking of the stupid things he did when he first got married, he regretted it even more.

Lin Jihan hugged Shen Mengqi directly in his arms. He looked at Wang Peng and said, "My wife is also a concubine, so concubines are not worthy to walk through the front door. You have broken the rules."

Wang Peng subconsciously went to look at Shen Mengqi, only to see that Shen Mengqi was nestled in Lin Jihan's arms, and she had no intention of opening her mouth at all.

Wang Peng had no choice but to bite the bullet and said: "This is also what the emperor meant. After all, Princess Qingning has a delicate status, so I can't wrong her."

"The country has national laws, and the family has family rules. If you want to enter the Prince Regent's Mansion, you must abide by the rules of the Prince Regent's Mansion. She enters the mansion through the main entrance first, and a concubine does not respect the wife's tea, so she asks the old woman to eat the daughter-in-law's tea."

(End of this chapter)

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