After the powerful divorced their wives, they welcome the crematorium

Chapter 118 Lin Jihan Says She Will Repay Her Grace

Chapter 118 Lin Jihan Says She Will Repay Her Grace

"The palace can't accept such an unruly person. Manager Wang should take him back with him."

After finishing speaking, Lin Jihan hugged Shen Mengqi and was about to walk into Juxing Pavilion's room.

At this moment, Shen Qingning walked over with Lin's support in a bright red wedding dress.

"Wait a minute, my lord."

Lin smiled and said to Lin Jihan: "Girl Qing Ning has been with you when you went to the battlefield. After all these years, everyone is watching how she treats you."

Seeing that Shen Qingning moved Lin Shi out, Lin Jihan smiled instead of anger. He looked at Lin Shi and said, "So?"

"It's just a few rules. She didn't keep it this time. Next time, tell her to tell her to keep it, okay? The princess is very busy, so why don't you let Qing Ning stay with you for the princess? "

Hearing Lin's saying this, Shen Mengqi couldn't hang on anymore. She rolled over and wanted to jump out of Lin Jihan's arms, but Lin Jihan took the opportunity to flip her over.

The body that was originally lying on its side was stood up and hugged, and the whole body was still facing Lin Jihan. She could clearly feel Lin Jihan's breath.

Lin Jihan hugged her buttocks with one hand, freed one hand to pat her back comfortingly, and said like coaxing a child: "If you don't want to see these annoying people, you can just watch your husband."

"Wait a little longer and tell me to deal with them, huh?"

It was obviously such a tender sentence, but it made Lin and the others realize that he was going to send them on the road.

Sensing the clenching from below as if being warned, Shen Mengqi, who wanted to resist at first, didn't dare to move for a moment, for fear that this lunatic would do something terrible in front of so many people.

Seeing Shen Mengqi obediently, Lin Jihan turned his attention to Lin and the others again.

"Do you know what Princess Qingning thinks of this king?"

Hearing Lin Jihan's cold questioning voice, the smile on Lin's face froze, she chuckled and said, "Of course I have admiration in my heart, and I did my best. People in this capital say that you two are a natural match." Right."

Shen Qingning blushed, she looked at Lin and said, "Mother~ what nonsense are you talking about!"

This sound of "Mother" is even more fluent than those of Shen Mengqi and Lin Jihan.

Mrs. Lin's vanity exploded in an instant before being treated so favorably. She puffed her chest out and looked at Lin Jihan and said, "What mother said is the truth, what do you have to be shy about?"


Hearing Lin Jihan's confession, everyone present couldn't help being stunned, even Shen Mengqi looked up at him.

Shen Qingning was even more excited with tears in her eyes, she said with a look of guarding the clouds to see the moonlight: "My lord."

"The people in Kyoto have a good biography, but I'm afraid you missed a word. We are not a match made in heaven, we are a match made in heaven."

Shen Qingning's face instantly became embarrassed, "My lord."

"Actually, this king still doesn't understand why the royal family asked a weak burden to join the army in the Thirteenth Nine Nether County. During these years in the Thirteenth Nine Nether County, as long as I don't bring Princess Qing Ning with me, I will surely win the battle." .”

"As long as you bring her, it's God's blessing that this king can come back alive. I don't know how to form troops, and I am timid when I go to the battle. If she is not the princess, she should have died thousands of times on the battlefield. I'm back."

"If it wasn't for the battle with the white tiger, you were lucky enough to save the life of the military division. How could you be promoted to General Rose? Why did you go back to Beijing? This king won't settle the old score with you, it's for your sister's sake, you still want to Go to this king."

"Why? I won't be able to avoid your scourge in my life, will I?"

Lin Jihan's words made everyone present except Shen Mengqi's face darken and dull.

"This king is the regent, the god of war, and shoulders the responsibility of assisting the government, but it does not mean that she is Shen Qingning's old mother. The regent mansion of this king is not a nursery. Rescuing her on the battlefield is not to ask her to avenge her."

"Boss Wang, if Princess Qingning really can't get married, then don't force her. After all, 'she's just a child'."

The words "she's just a child" made Wang Peng's old face blush, and what he said in defense of Shen Qingning at the beginning became Lin Jihan's sharp edge to tease them now, scraping their cheeks with pain.

Even Shen Mengqi in Lin Jihan's arms couldn't help coughing twice.

Judging from Shen Mengqi's trembling shoulders, she was holding back her laughter.

It's rare to see Shen Mengqi smiling so happily, Lin Jihan couldn't help but lose some of his evil spirit, he smiled and scratched his nose, and helped her out and said: "How old can you choke on your own saliva, you are also a child ?”

Shen Mengqi gave Lin Jihan a hard look, and then buried her head in the hollow of his shoulder, making Lin Jihan's shoulders itchy and warm.

Looking at the speechless crowd, Lin Jihan said: "The backyard of the Prince Regent's Mansion is the territory of Mrs. Wang, and she decides her territory. She decides whether to accept people or not. Mr. Wang, please go back."

"But my lord, the emperor, told me that Princess Qingning married you as his side wife. If the old slave carries her back intact like this, the emperor must unload the old slave!"

"So it's not Princess Qingning who will revenge her kindness, but the emperor wants to hide everything."

As soon as Lin Jihan said these words, he felt a heart-wrenching pain in his waist.Shen Mengqi stretched out her thumb and index finger, grabbed a small piece of soft flesh around his waist and twisted it around.

"Careful in words and deeds."

You don't need to look at it to know that it must be blue.

And Wang Peng was even more frightened and shook his hands, "My lord, what are you talking about? You can't talk nonsense. Be careful that walls have ears, how could the emperor treat you like this!"

Lin Jihan gently removed Shen Mengqi's hand from her waist, and hung it on the back of her neck.

"If the emperor didn't want to treat this king like this, then he should take Princess Qingning back. The regent's mansion is small and can only accommodate a small ancestor like my wife, but he can't afford other big Buddhas."

Seeing that Lin Jihan was talking about everything, Wang Peng could only sigh and said, "Okay."

Before he finished speaking, Lin who was on the side opened his mouth. "My lord, you and the princess have been busy with court affairs, and no one is with my wife. Can you just stay with Qing Ning and stay with me?"

"Mother, do you feel that no one is serving you?"

Seeing Lin Jihan's malicious smile, Lin pursed her lips and agreed.

"It's just right, Ma'am, she's taking a bath at home recently. Since my mother feels lonely, I will ask Madam to stay with you from now on. Don't worry, she will be there every morning and evening."

"I remember that my mother loves embroidery very much recently. It just so happens that Madam's embroidery is outstanding. You can take this opportunity to discuss the skills."

Both Shen Mengqi and Lin Shi stared at Lin Jihan together.

Are you crazy or am I crazy, what kind of shitty idea is this?
(End of this chapter)

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