Chapter 119 Peony Was Beaten
Looking at the Lin family who was dumbfounded and didn't know what to say, Lin Jihan said to Wang Peng: "I don't need to say more about the rest, and please ask Eunuch Gao to pick up the Qing Ning County Master and send it back to where she came from." go."

After finishing speaking, Lin Jihan hugged Shen Mengqi in his arms and walked towards Juxing Pavilion. They could vaguely hear Shen Mengqi asking in a low voice, "Do you really want to accompany your mother-in-law to embroider every day?"

Lin Jihan didn't hide it at all, and his voice was even a little too loud, "It's just perfunctory words, it's up to you how and when to accompany you."

To make it clear is to not take Lin Shi, Wang Peng and others seriously.

On the other side, Chen Nianen, Minister of the Household Department, took Shen Nanchen to the treasury and sent Shen Nanchen back to Ping'an Palace on the grounds that it was getting late.

As soon as he returned to the House of Ministers of the Household Department, Chen Nianen couldn't hold back his smiling face anymore, and sat in the study with a gloomy expression.

His confidant, the servant of the household department, said: "What does the emperor mean? Knowing that Shen Nanchen and Princess Anshun are close, he even arranged Shen Nanchen to the household department. What does he think about Princess Anshun!"

Chen Nianen said to Mudan behind him, "Peony, what do you think?"

Peony, who came in with the refreshments, put the refreshments aside, and she raised her hand while pinching the shoulders of Shangshu Hubu, and said tentatively.

"Master, could it be that the emperor is afraid of the current power of the regent and wants to disperse the power of the regent, so Shen Nanchen was put in the household department?"

"After all, Shen Nanchen is no longer a bodyguard, but the King of Ping'an. Even if he had a good relationship with Princess Anshun before, once he stepped into the vortex of power, how could he maintain his original aspirations? The position of the Son of Heaven, Who is not greedy."

Chen Nianen's confidant, the servant of the household department, couldn't help but said: "But King Ping'an is not close to the emperor, isn't the emperor afraid of creating a second regent by doing this?"

Mudan said, "No matter what, his surname is Shen."

"Then what if he is still close to Princess Anshun?"

"Then it's easier to handle, the emperor will clean him up without us taking action."

"Tsk~" the servant of the household department smacked his tongue and shook his head, "Our emperor is indeed a young sword, this move is really high."

Chen Nian'en twirled his fingers and said with a sneer: "In recent years, the emperor has long been abolished by the master's 'bird taming' plan. This kind of plan must have been thought up by that old immortal from the Compassionate Ning Palace."

"Now the lord is deeply trapped in the enemy's camp and cannot be contacted. The imperial concubine in the palace has been imprisoned by Princess Anshun again. The idiots who were arrested in Xihuang have been locked up in the school yard by the regent. We can't reach in at all, and we don't know. How much did they say."

Chen Nianen slammed the table next to him hard.

Hubu Shilang also sighed: "Yes, the current situation is really unfavorable for us."

"Back then, the 'Bird Taming' plan only included the emperor and the princes who might inherit the throne into the taming list. I really didn't expect that this mere girl from Anshun Princess could mess up our deployment for many years. Really. Underestimated her."

The household servant looked at Chen Nian'en and said, "My lord, what should we do now?"

"The current regent, Princess Anshun and Mu Qiancheng are already hugged together. They are like an iron bucket. We have to pry it open."

"My lord, I heard that the emperor intends to betroth Princess Qingning to the regent's wife. The imperial concubine has already formed an alliance with Princess Qingning before. How about we use this as a breakthrough?"

Chen Nianen shook his head and said: "You have been played with by Princess Anshun since you were a child, and you think you can beat her when you grow up?"

The Minister of Tobe fell silent for a moment. Judging from the confrontations in the court these few times, it was probably impossible to play.

"Besides, Shen Qingning is a member of the royal family and has a weird temper. We can only be allies but we cannot control her. If we cooperate too much, I'm afraid it will lead to a counterattack."

"What do you mean, my lord?"

I saw Chen Nianen grabbing Mudan's hand and pulling Mudan into his arms, he raised his hand to caress Mudan's cheek and said: "I heard that after you disappeared, Mu Qiancheng looked for you everywhere like crazy, even if it was They are still entrusting someone to inquire about your news."

Seeing Chen Nianen's eyes full of calculations, Mudan slightly turned her head away from him and said, "Peony belongs to the master and has no other thoughts."

Chen Nianen forced Peony's head to look at him, he smiled and said, "I know, but you have to let others think so."

"Didn't Mu Qiancheng look for you again, then I will follow the trend and send you to him."

"Master, Peony."


Chen Nianen put his finger on Mudan's lips and said, "Don't rush to show your loyalty, let the master see your loyalty directly."

Hearing this, Mudan couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, she looked at Hubu Shangshu and said, "Master, what do you mean?"

"Then Mu Qiancheng doesn't like you? Then you can live in the Mu Mansion for the master, and help the master pry open this weak corner?"

"But Mu's mansion has been a noble family for generations, and Mr. Mu is famous for not rubbing sand in his eyes. I'm afraid Peony won't be able to get in."

Chen Nianen raised Mudan's chin with his hands, looked at Mudan's alluring and beautiful face and said, "Use your weapon well, no man can be so cruel as to reject a man who has escaped from death."

"Old master"

Looking at Chen Nianen with a fierce look on his face, Mudan shrank back in fear.It's a pity that before he started hiding, he was pushed to the ground by Chen Nian'en in the next second.

Chen Nianen lifted the object on the table and threw it at Mudan's body.


A piercing scream resounded throughout the Hubu Shangshu Mansion.

The servants in the mansion only paused for two seconds after hearing the voice, and then continued to do their own things, as if they had become accustomed to it.

It took a long time for the sound of smashing inside the house to stop.

At this time, there was no good place on Mudan's body, and blood was even oozing from some places.Looking at Peony curled up on the ground, Minister Tobe couldn't bear to turn his head to the other side.

Chen Nianen picked up Peony from the ground, ignored her fear and dodged, and gently wiped the blood on the corner of her lips like caring for a treasure.

"My baby, it's hard for you, do you hate the master?"

Two lines of tears poured out of Mudan's eyes, she tremblingly said: "I don't hate."


Chen Nianen caressed the tears on her cheeks fondly, and said in a gentle and urgent voice, "Don't worry, the master will get it back from Mu Qiancheng and the others for you in the future after you have suffered all this."

"Didn't the Miss Luo family love Mu Qiancheng to death? You go and seduce Mu Qiancheng to death. At that time, Miss Luo's family will definitely quarrel with Princess Anshun. At that time, it will be our last chance to break through them." Good time."

(End of this chapter)

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