Chapter 127
Sure enough, as Mu Qiancheng expected, as soon as he came to court, the minister of Dali Temple began to attack Lin Jihan.

"Prince Regent, I would like to ask when will the case of the former Minister of Officials come to fruition?"

"This king gave you face, didn't you?"

Lin Jihan looked at him without giving any face and said coldly: "If you are old and confused, then resign and return to your hometown, and don't sleepwalk in the court."

The minister of Dali Temple was red-faced and thick-necked by Lin Jihan. Although the courtiers also felt that Lin Jihan spoke arrogantly and did not take them and the emperor seriously, no one dared to stand up and accuse Lin Jihan. After all, it could be The Regent, the God of War of their Tianyuan Kingdom.

The scene fell into embarrassment for a while. At this moment, the emperor sitting on the dragon chair looked at Shen Nanchen who was standing silently behind Hubu Shangshu and said, "Prince Ping An, what do you think about this matter?"

It was because of this incident that he became the king of peace in the court, and now the emperor is asking him questions, which is undoubtedly causing a war.

Shen Nanchen glanced at Lin Jihan and said: "Returning to father, I think that although the regent's words are a bit reckless, the truth is right."

The emperor obviously didn't expect Shen Nanchen to answer him like this, "What did you say?"

"Hasn't the case of the former Minister of the Ministry of Officials been declared a death case by the emperor?"

Mu Qiancheng, who stayed up all night to take care of Mudan, also stood up with a tired face and said, "Now Dali Siqing digs it up and brings it up again, what exactly do you want to do? Besides, this case should be handed over to the Ministry of Criminal Justice. How is the progress? What's the matter with you again?"

Maybe it was because he stayed up all night, or maybe it was because he found out that Luo Jiuqing hadn't returned to Mu's mansion all night, and his attitude when he returned to Dali Siqing couldn't be said to be very good.

On weekdays, Mu Qiancheng always smiled at everyone, this was the first time since Mu Qiancheng became prime minister that he disrespected the courtiers and satirized them.

All the courtiers were silent for a while again, the minister of Dali Temple immediately offended the two dignitaries of the court, they couldn't help lighting a candle silently for him in their hearts.

But this time Dali Temple Minister seemed determined to eat a weight, and he continued: "Everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world. Even if the case has been handed over to the Ministry of Criminal Justice, our Dali Temple still has the right to intervene in the progress of the case. Bar."

The Minister of Dali Temple looked at Lin Jihan who stood at the head of the military minister and said: "We are all like mirrors in our hearts. The person who killed the former Minister of the Ministry of Officials is not the regent at all. He is taking the blame for the real murderer."

"Anyway, the former Minister of the Ministry of Officials is also an important weapon of the country. How can the story of his assassination be turned over?"

The minister of Dali Temple became more and more excited as he spoke, he knelt down to the emperor and said sonorously: "I implore the emperor to thoroughly investigate the assassination case of the former Minister of the Ministry of Officials, and find out the real culprit, so as not to chill the hearts of our courtiers." !"

The emperor glanced at the ghostly Lin Jihan who was standing in front of the general smiling, but he didn't speak for a long time.

The Minister of Dali Temple said again: "Please ask the emperor to thoroughly investigate the case of the former Minister of the Ministry of Officials, and give our courtiers some justice!"

Looking at the ministers in the court who began to whisper to each other, Hubu Shangshu felt that the time had almost come, and he took the Hubu Minister to kneel down first and said.

"Your Majesty, I feel that what Dali Temple Minister said makes sense. The majestic Minister of the Household Department was killed, and he closed the case hastily without even investigating the case. The conclusion was made based on the regent's words. Then the other ministers, didn't they talk about killing?" Just kill, without even saying a word?"


Although the emperor said that the Hubu Shangshu was presumptuous, there was no intention of blaming him in his tone.

The servant of the household department immediately followed up and said: "Please give the former Minister of the Ministry of Officials an explanation."

Those Western Wilderness spies who had not been dealt with and placed in the court hall also knelt down, and they all shouted, "Please, the emperor thoroughly investigate the case of the former Minister of the Ministry of Officials, so as to give my minister peace of mind."

Seeing the courtiers who knelt down in an instant, other courtiers who were still standing began to hesitate, and some of them also knelt down hesitantly, "Please ask the emperor to investigate thoroughly."

Lin Ji looked at them with a cold smile and said, "Do you know what the former Minister of the Ministry of Officials did? I am in a hurry to investigate thoroughly. Can the king regard you as the party members of the Minister of the Ministry of Officials?"

What he said made some people feel uneasy, and several people clearly saw the intention to stand up again.

The Hubu Shangshu also felt their fluctuations keenly, and only heard him say: "No matter what the former official minister committed, it is still a human life. He was also an important minister of the court, so there must be an explanation."

"Confession?" Lin Ji said with a cold smile: "Based on what he did, the king didn't confiscate his home, and after keeping it for him, it is already the best confession."

"Your Majesty, are you right?"

Faced with Lin Jihan's questioning, the emperor's expression became sour, but he didn't open his mouth to refute.

Seeing that this matter was about to turn over, the Minister of Hubu immediately turned around and gave Dali Siqing a wink.

The Minister of Dali Temple immediately said understandingly: "This yard is one yard. If the Secretary of the Household Department commits a crime, he must be punished, but he must be dealt with according to the law. This private assassination is wrong, so he should be punished."

"Your Majesty, please thoroughly investigate the real culprit!"

As he said that, Dali Siqing prostrated himself on the ground of the Xuanzheng Hall, as if he wanted to be tough to the end.

The emperor pinched the bridge of his nose with a headache, he squinted at the Taifu and asked, "Teacher, what do you think about this matter?"


The Taifu, who was still shrunk aside and wanted to get away with it, was suddenly called by the emperor, and he squeezed out a smile that was uglier than crying, "Your Majesty, can the old minister stand and watch?"

"It's about this time, Tai Tu shouldn't try to fool around, right?"

The emperor asked clearly: "How do you think the case of the former Minister of Officials should be handled?"

The Tai Tu said in embarrassment: "Your Majesty, this half of my body is buried in the loess, so don't embarrass me."

"It's time to die and die. Taifu, you have been a veteran of three dynasties. You must show your attitude in front of big right and wrong."

Seeing that the emperor has said so, it is not easy for the Taifu to be neutral.

After thinking for a long time, he stood up and said: "Your Majesty, I feel that Dali Siqing's words are justified. No matter how much crime the former Minister of the Ministry of Officials committed, he will be punished by the laws of Tianyuan Kingdom. Shang Shu can be regarded as an important minister of the imperial court, if he is killed and not thoroughly investigated, it will somewhat chill the hearts of the courtiers."

"Furthermore, Her Highness the Princess once said that the dignity of the laws of the Tianyuan Kingdom is sacred and inviolable."

"The laws of the Tianyuan Kingdom are sacred and inviolable. That's a good point." The emperor looked at the Taifu and said with a smile, "Then, according to what the Taifu said, let's thoroughly investigate the case of the assassination of the former minister of officials."

"Ah?" Taifu hurriedly argued: "Your Majesty, this is what Her Royal Highness the Princess said."

The emperor seemed not to hear, he continued: "Since it was proposed by the Taifu, then this case should be handed over to the Taifu now, and the Ministry of Punishment and Dali Temple will assist in handling the case together!"


(End of this chapter)

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