After the powerful divorced their wives, they welcome the crematorium

Chapter 128 A hot feeling, only the difference between the pain of gouging out the heart once and th

Chapter 128 Hot feelings, only the difference between the pain of gouging out the heart once and the pain of pinpricks every time

Before Tai Tu could react, he was involved in the investigation by the emperor.

He knelt down on the spot, "Please ask the emperor to take back the order. I have never investigated the case. I'm afraid it will be difficult for me to take on the big responsibility."

"There is a first time for everything." The emperor pointed to a circle of courtiers and said: "Look at them, either their bones are too soft, or they are somewhat related to this time. No one is suitable for me to use, only you, the veteran of the three dynasties Only then can we hold them down."

The Tai Tu was still a little embarrassed, "But Your Majesty, I still have to watch Her Royal Highness copy the law, I really can't get away from it."

"It doesn't matter, you investigate the case during the day, and go to check and watch her copy the law at night. Don't you stay in the Regent's Mansion now?" The emperor said lightly: "It's hard work for those who are capable. At this age, I still have to work so hard for Tianyuan Kingdom."

Having said all this, the Tai Tuo couldn't say anything more, he looked at the emperor with a wry smile and said: "Old minister, take the order."

The emperor looked at the kneeling courtiers and said, "Are you satisfied with how I dealt with it?"

All the courtiers shouted in unison: "Long live my emperor, the emperor is holy."

The emperor snorted inexplicably.

He looked at Lin Jihan and said, "Speaking of which, there is one more thing I want to ask the Regent. Last night, your barracks stationed on the outskirts of the capital fired several cannonballs, setting off half the sky in Kyoto. Anything to say?"

Lin Jihan looked at the emperor calmly and said: "If you go back to the emperor, I am afraid that these soldiers will stay too comfortably in the comfort zone of the capital, and they will forget how to go to battle to kill the enemy, so they started a drill at night. "

Hearing this, the emperor raised his eyebrows slightly, he rubbed his fingers and looked at Lin Jihan with a smile and said: "Then the regent really has a heart."

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your compliment. This is what a minister should do."

"However, in the future, this kind of drill should be held during the day. It is easy to frighten the people of Kyoto at night, and the loss outweighs the gain if it causes panic."

Lin Jihan smiled on the surface when he heard the words, and said: "Yes, I obey the order."

After a court meeting, the air pressure in Lin Jihan's body was already so low that it couldn't be lowered.

After the court, all the courtiers walked around him except Mu Qiancheng.

"My lord, I said that if the matter of the former Minister of the Ministry of Officials is not settled, sooner or later those people will find out and make a fuss about it. You just don't believe it."


Lin Jihan smacked his tongue in displeasure and said, "Didn't this king go back to the house and be claustrophobic?"

"Are you angry because of this? You did it on purpose. You already knew they would take advantage of it!"

Lin Jihan was silent, which was a tacit consent.

Mu Qiancheng couldn't help but said in his heart, Dirty, this person is really too dirty, he just wanted to excuse Lin Jihan in fear in court!

Lin Jihan ignored Mu Qiancheng's madness, but said to Mu Qiancheng, "Go back to the mansion with me to lead the people."


Mu Qiancheng was a little confused, "Who will lead?"

Lin Jihan gritted his teeth and said, "Your young lady of the Luo family, get her away quickly."

A gleam of light flashed in Mu Qiancheng's eyes, and his whole body seemed to be much more energetic, and there was excitement hidden in his words, "So, Luo Jiuqing is in your palace?"

Lin Jihan glared at Mu Qiancheng, then turned around and got into the carriage.

Mu Qiancheng was not angry at all, but happily followed.

Inside the Regent's Palace

After three poles in the sun, Luo Jiuqing woke up slowly, looking at Shen Mengqi who was lying on the inner side of the bed and looking at the laws of Tianyuan Kingdom, her thoughts gradually returned to the furnace.


Hearing Luo Jiuqing's nonsense, Shen Mengqi put down the book and helped her, "Are you awake? Does your headache hurt?"

Luo Jiuqing leaned gently on Shen Mengqi's side, her words were full of dependence on Shen Mengqi, "It's okay."

Shen Mengqi greeted outside the door: "Seventeen, bring in the hangover soup, and bring some hot water to bathe Ah Jiu."

Hearing this, Shi Qi hurriedly brought in the sober soup that had been warming, and Shen Mengqi brought the soup over, and fed Luo Jiuqing without any airs.

"Ma'am, the hot water has been burning according to your order. Do you think it should be brought in now or later?"

Shen Mengqi didn't reply but looked sideways at Luo Jiuqing.

Luo Jiuqing drank the hangover soup before saying: "Wait a minute, I only brought Yuanbao out today, Fafa and Caicai are left in the Mufu Mansion, I'm not used to being served by others."

Seventeen smiled and said: "Miss Luo, our wife ordered your two maidservants to be invited to the Prince Regent's Mansion while you were asleep. If you need them, you can call them in now."

Luo Jiuqing embraced Shen Mengqi's arm with an expression of emotion, "Your Highness, why are you so nice?"

"Do we still need to talk about this?"

Shen Mengqi handed the empty bowl to Shiqidao: "Go and get hot water in, Ah Jiu loves to be clean, and can't bear this filth."


When everyone in the room retreated, Luo Jiuqing also stood up and prepared to get up, "I'm sorry, I forgot, Your Highness, you can't smell the smell of alcohol. I drank too much last night and lost my composure."

Shen Mengqi raised her hand and pulled Luo Jiuqing back, "I've been smelling it for so long, and it's not too late. You must still be dizzy when you wake up. Wait for them to come in and take care of you."

Luo Jiuqing was not pretentious when he heard the words, and lay back directly.

Beside Shen Mengqi, Luo Jiuqing's tears fell again uncontrollably.

Feeling the damp heat from her fingertips, Shen Mengqi paused slightly.

"His Royal Highness, it is said that being drunk relieves a thousand worries, but why am I feeling even more uncomfortable?"

Shen Mengqi stroked Luo Jiuqing's loose hair and said, "No matter how drunk you are, you have to face it."

"Mengqi, I feel that regardless of the use, Mu Qiancheng actually likes peonies. I am not as good as her in terms of delicacy and generosity. Moreover, I am only interested in money. I can only say that I understand the piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, but I don't know what peonies are. I'm not proficient, but to be more specific, I really don't know him the same way, do you think I want the beauty of an adult?"

This was the first time Shen Mengqi heard Luo Jiuqing's unconfident words, she said: "Then do you want to back down?"

Luo Jiuqing was silent.

She buried her head in Shen Mengqi's shoulder, and it took her a long time to say a word, "Actually, after taking the initiative for a long time, I'm tired and tired, but I'm still not reconciled to giving up like this."

"I want to give up, but I'm not willing."

Shen Mengqi opened the mouth and said: "If you don't stop, you will be disturbed by it. With hot feelings, there is only the difference between the pain of cutting out the heart once and the pain of needle pricking every time."


Luo Jiuqing smiled bitterly, "I don't know when I started to become not myself, maybe it's really time to make a break."

Outside the door, Mu Qiancheng, who came with Lin Jihan, heard the conversation in the room, his originally relaxed and cheerful expression sank visibly with the naked eye.

(End of this chapter)

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