Chapter 144 Supporting Luo Jiuqing
"What are you?"

Shen Mengqi heard that her feet were soft, and she almost fell over, "What do you mean Ah Jiu can't hold on anymore?"

The people from the Mu family also gathered around in an instant, and Mu Qiancheng even pulled up Bai Langzhong's clothes and said, "Please tell me clearly, why can't she hold on to Jiuqing?"

Bai Langzhong gasped and said: "The bone setting process is really painful, the anesthetic is no longer effective, Miss Luo was woken up by the pain, she couldn't bear the pain, and said she wanted to see you."

Everyone in the herdsmen breathed a sigh of relief, and Fafa even collapsed to the side, "Bai Langzhong, can you stop panting when you speak, it's really fatal."

Mu Qiancheng rushed to ask: "Then is Jiuqing going well now? Is it life-threatening?"

Bai Langzhong couldn't help admiring: "Emperor Wang is a master of medicine, and the bone-bonding thief is going well. As long as Miss Luo can handle it by herself and don't bite her tongue, I think it will be fine."

Hearing this, Shen Mengqi raised her hand and greeted Fafa, "Fafa, give the black cat to this princess."

Fafa immediately understood Shen Mengqi's intentions, she scrambled to Shen Mengqi's side, and handed the black cat over, "Your Highness, my young lady is supported by you!"

Shen Mengqi took the black cat and followed Bai Langzhong into the house.

At this moment, the smell of blood in the room was terrifying. Although no blood was seen, the room smelled like rust of blood everywhere. Shen Mengqi's eyes turned red involuntarily.

She forced herself to walk to the bed, only to see that in order to stretch her hand in to explore the bone, the back that was originally just a small wound had been cut into a big gash by the doctor Wang, who fixed Luo Jiuqing's lower body with one hand , pressing one hand on the sunken spine, slowly lifting it up.

At this moment, Luo Jiuqing's mouth was stuffed with a ball of cloth, and blood slowly overflowed from her mouth. It was the blood oozing out from her biting too hard and her teeth couldn't bear it.

Seeing Shen Mengqi walking in, Luo Jiuqing raised the corners of her mouth and forced a smile, as if she was comforting Shen Mengqi.

Shen Mengqi came to the bedside and raised her hand to hold the back of Luo Jiuqing's hand, "Don't be afraid, Ah Jiu, I will support you with Xuanmao."


"Your Highness, the cat has a lot of floating hair, you'd better let it out, otherwise the floating hair will float on Miss Luo, and she will get sick."

As soon as she heard that it would make Luo Jiuqing sick, Shen Mengqi immediately carried Xuanmao out. When she came back, she took off her robe and washed her hands for a long time before touching it again.

Physician Wang looked up at the worried Shen Mengqi, and reminded her as if he was afraid of scaring Shen Mengqi.

+ "Your Highness, I am going to start lifting Miss Luo's bones now. It may be very painful and bleed a little. Miss Luo will be even more stressed. Don't get excited when you see it. Your body can't stand it now." Overjoyed and furious."

Shen Mengqi's eyes were full of Luo Jiuqing who was dying, and she said: "This princess knows, Doctor Wang, come directly."

"The old minister will start."

Shen Mengqi held Luo Jiuqing's hand firmly and said, "Don't be afraid of Ah Jiu, I'm here."

As soon as the words fell, following Taiyi Wang's movements, a bruise gushed out from Luo Jiuqing's back, splashing Shen Mengqi's eyes, and Luo Jiuqing also twitched violently twice, and then passed out.

Looking at Luo Jiuqing who passed out, she was prepared, but Shen Mengqi couldn't help shouting.


Seeing Luo Jiuqing who was breathing rapidly, Doctor Wang sewed up Luo Jiuqing's wound, and said anxiously: "Your Highness, don't get excited, she's fine, she's fine!"

After hearing that Doctor Wang said that Luo Jiuqing was fine, the string that was stretching Shen Mengqi loosened instantly.

Looking at Shen Mengqi who passed out to the side, Doctor Wang was startled, "His Royal Highness!"

Bai Langzhong, who has been acting as Wang Taiyi's assistant, has seen this situation before, he was anxious like an ant in a hot pot, "Wang Taiyi, Your Royal Highness has fainted, what should we do!"

Right now is the critical moment of suturing, Doctor Wang can't let go of Shen Mengqi, and he dare not let others know about Shen Mengqi's current state.

After thinking for a moment, he said, "Go and ask the regent to come in."

Bai Lang shrank his neck in fear, "I dare not."

Imperial Physician Wang growled at Bai Langzhong: "If you keep telling Her Royal Highness to lie there and not tell the Regent to come in, then you won't even want the heads of the Nine Clans later!"

Bai Langzhong suddenly felt a chill on the back of his neck, "I'm going!"

Doctor Wang continued to sew up Luo Jiuqing's wound steadily. He knew Luo Jiuqing's weight very well. Only when she was fine, could the Mu's House, Luo's House, and Prince Regent's House be fine.

Lin Jihan, who was called in, saw Shen Mengqi collapsed to the side at a glance, he ran over quickly and hugged Shen Mengqi in his arms.

Before he could ask, Imperial Physician Wang preemptively said: "When the bone was lifted just now, Her Highness was so stimulated that she fainted. As I said earlier, Her Highness's body should not be overjoyed or sad!"

After hearing that Shen Mengqi had just passed out, Lin Jihan's heart was mostly relieved, "How is Miss Luo?"

It's rare that Lin Jihan didn't care about Shen Mengqi first, but about Miss Luo's family.After thinking about it, if Miss Luo's family doesn't get better, seeing Her Royal Highness's appearance, I'm afraid she will go crazy directly, Wang Taiyi is relieved.

"Miss Luo's bones are all connected, as long as she takes care of her for a hundred days or so, she will be back to normal."

Lin Jihan nodded, "Thank you."

This sentence was said for Shen Mengqi.

Before Luo Jiuqing woke up, Lin Jihan brought the unconscious Shen Mengqi back to the Prince Regent's Mansion, and he left Imperial Physician Wang in the Mu Mansion to guard Luo Jiuqing.

When Shen Mengqi woke up, they were already in the carriage going back to the mansion. This time Shen Mengqi didn't make a fuss about going back to the shepherd's mansion.

She leaned lazily on Lin Jihan's arms, and said in a weak voice: "I didn't see Yuanbao today, Ah Jiu is weak now, and the man from Xihuang lives in the Mu's house. Qi go and protect Ah Jiu."

Lin Jihan had no objection to this. If Shen Mengqi could only feel at ease by protecting Luo Jiuqing, he would be willing to find someone to give her this peace of mind.

"Tell Ye Wei to go,"

Ye Wei who was sitting outside the carriage: "!"

Shen Mengqi was also taken aback, "Isn't it the most convenient for you to use him? Ask her to protect Ah Jiu, what should you do?"

"I still have hidden guards. Although Luo Jiuqing's injury was not directly caused by Ye Wei, it is also related to him. Those who have done something wrong should be punished, and he is no exception."

Shen Mengqi knew that Lin Jihan was taking care of her emotions, and she was also telling her that no matter who provoked her, he would make him pay the price.

(End of this chapter)

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