Chapter 145 Uncle Luo's Decision

Shen Mengqi leaned in Lin Jihan's arms with peace of mind and said, "Yes!"

After tossing and tossing for a long time, Shen Mengqi was physically and mentally exhausted, and she didn't really want to move after arriving at the palace. She reached out her hand in the direction of Lin Jihan.

to hug.

Looking at Shen Mengqi who was becoming more and more dependent on him, Lin Jihan smiled. He held Shen Mengqi's waist with both hands, lifted Shen Mengqi up slightly and asked her to hang on his waist.


Shen Mengqi buried her head in Lin Jihan's shoulder and said, "Mmm~"

When being held by Lin Jihan, this was her favorite position, and she felt that this position brought her a full sense of security.

After rubbing against Lin Jihan like a cat, Shen Mengqi's whole body lay in Lin Jihan's arms as if she had lost her bones. She looked up at the stars in the sky, and her mood couldn't help but fly away.

When she regained her senses, she saw a man and a woman standing in the back garden of the palace under the starry sky. The woman was wiping the corners of her eyes with a handkerchief, her mouth was opening and closing and she didn't know what to say.

Shen Mengqi couldn't help becoming curious, she patted Lin Ji and whispered, "Let's go to the garden to see."

"Aren't you tired again?"

"Tired, but I always feel that the two people in the garden look familiar, I want to go and see."

Lin Jihan slapped Shen Mengqi's ass in a gentle way.

"You just fainted and then forgot? You can't worry about it now, you have to rest!"

"I know, I'm not thinking about it, I'm just curious, I want to go and have a look."

Seeing Shen Mengqi's playful appearance, Lin Jihan knew that she was playing with fun.

Seeing that Shen Mengqi was in good condition, it was rare for her to be so interested, Lin Jihan couldn't bear to brush her off, so he simply hugged her against the edge of the flowers, and groped towards the two under the moon.

I don't know if I don't go, but I'm surprised when I go, the two under the moon are Taifu and Lin.

Perhaps the two of them had finished talking, when Lin Jihan and Shen Mengqi touched her, the Taifu was about to turn his head and leave when he bumped into them.

"My lord, Your Royal Highness?"

The Tai Tu was surprised at first, and then preemptively said: "Why are you here?"

"The entire palace belongs to this king. Where is it abnormal for us to go? It's you, what are you doing here with your mother if you don't sleep in the middle of the night?"

"Hey~ Am I worried about you? I couldn't sleep and I was thinking about going out for a walk, but I ran into Mrs. Lin here by chance, and then I said a few words. By the way, is Miss Luo okay now?"

"Thanks to the care of the Taifu, Ah Jiu is fine." Shen Mengqi's eyes flashed a mischievous look, "This princess is more curious, what did the Taifu say, so that the mother-in-law can keep wiping away her tears."


Tai Tu obviously didn't expect Shen Mengqi to even see this.

At this time Lin stepped forward and said: "I didn't say anything, it's just that I fell in love with the scene when I came here to relax."

Speaking of which, Mrs. Lin stroked the flower ball beside her and said: "I still remember that the prince planted this flower for me back then, it's a pity."

As Lin Shi was talking, tears fell down again. Anyone who saw it would want to say that Lin Shi is really affectionate, and even now he is still thinking of the good old prince.

It's a pity that everyone here is a genius, and no one believes Lin's words.

It's just that Shen Mengqi and Lin Jihan didn't want to delve into it today, so they comforted Mrs. Lin a few words perfunctorily and then returned to Juxing Pavilion.

The Tai Tuo also took the opportunity to slip away, obviously trying to avoid suspicion by drawing a line with her.

Mrs. Lin was left alone under the moon, feeling melancholy, but whether she really missed the old prince was unknown.

Since that night, Lin Jihan has never asked Shen Mengqi to get out of bed, and all the urgent things that should be done have been done, so Shen Mengqi can be regarded as obedient, obediently lying on the bed all day to recuperate.

At that time Luofu
Cai Cai rode the thousand-mile steed owned by the Luo Mansion Security Bureau all the way, and galloped all the way, and finally arrived at Luo Mansion before dawn.

Regardless of whether it would disturb the rest of the masters, Cai Cai frantically smashed the door and said: "Urgent report, open the door!"

First the lights at the entrance of Luo Mansion were lit, and then the lights of the whole house were lit up little by little. After a while, Luo Mansion, which was originally dark, was instantly as bright as day.

Caicai was brought to Jiuxiao Courtyard, Luo Bufan, the uncle of the Luo family, was wearing a coat, frowning and looking at Caicai standing in the hall, he said: "Tell me, what's going on?"

Cai Cai cried: "Master, our Luo family is going to end!"

"what happened?"

Cai Cai relayed Luo Jiuqing's words to Luo Bufan intact, and Luo Bufan became even more silent.

"Master, what shall we do now?"

Before Luo Bufan could speak, he heard the boy running over and shouting, "Master, Second Master is back!"

Before the boy finished speaking, he heard Luo Lingxiao say: "Brother, something serious has happened!"


When Luo Lingxiao ran in in a hurry, he saw Cai Cai standing beside him.

Luo Bufan said, "What about the third child?"

Luo Lingxiao nodded, "Does the capital also know?"

Luo Bufan said indifferently: "Ah Jiu already knows about it, and Her Royal Highness probably already knows about it too."

Luo Lingxiao was silent for a while and then said: "Brother, what shall we do with the third child? Will Her Highness suspect that our Luo family did it?"

When Shen Mengqi was mentioned, there was a slight fluctuation in Luo Bufan's eyes, but it soon returned to silence, "Find some friends from the rivers and lakes that you trust and keep an eye on the third child first, and you go back to Nine Nether Thirteen Commanderies."

"Tonight, it's as if you haven't come back."

"Brother, when is this, where can I go back with peace of mind?"

"The Thirteenth Nine Nether Commanderies are the gates of the Tianyuan Kingdom. If there is no guarantee of food and grass, the first iron wall guarding the Thirteenth Nine Nether Commanderies will collapse. State affairs are the most important thing. I will handle the third child's affairs."

"Brother, but"

Luo Lingxiao wanted to say something else, but was shocked by Luo Lingxiao's eyes, "Yes, I'll go back right away."

After seeing off Luo Lingxiao and Caicai, Luo Bufan stood on the porch, looking at the scattered light rain outside, feeling a little heavy in his heart.The wind is blowing, and the storm is coming.Jiangnan is about to change.

After more than half a month, when the doctor Wang gave Shen Mengqi the pulse again, the eyebrows that had been frowning finally eased a little, "Your Highness, you are finally better, and the old minister will give you a new prescription, and take it slowly for a few years." Enough."

Seeing that Imperial Physician Wang was in a much better mood, Shen Mengqi carefully asked what had been on her mind, "Principal Wang, how is Ah Jiu?"

"Did the Regent not mention it to you?"

Shen Mengqi shook her head, she didn't dare to ask, how could he mention it.

Although Lin Jihan didn't say anything, Shen Mengqi knew that she really scared Lin Jihan these two times, so even though she was worried about Luo Jiuqing, she didn't ask to make Lin Jihan feel at ease.

(End of this chapter)

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