Chapter 146
Today, seeing that his condition has improved a bit, he dared to speak.

Doctor Wang said: "Miss Luo's body is better than yours, and she can get out of bed after a month of recuperation."

Shen Mengqi nodded, "It's fine as long as she's fine, this time there's the doctor of the king of labor."

Physician Wang shook his head and said with a smile: "As long as Her Royal Highness can recuperate with peace of mind, the old minister will be willing to do anything."

Shen Mengqi's eyes lit up, "Are you really willing to do anything?"

Doctor Wang's heart was pounding, he looked at Shen Mengqi and said, "Your Highness, what do you want to do?"

Looking at the wary Wang imperial physician, Shen Mengqi said: "Wang imperial physician, don't be nervous, this princess just wants Wang imperial physician to help me see, if this princess is suspended with soup medicine, can I see some people and endure some ups and downs?" things."

Seeing that Imperial Physician Wang didn't speak, Shen Mengqi continued: "It doesn't matter how many times, how hard it is, the imperial physician might help the princess?"

Doctor Wang looked at Shen Mengqi and asked, "Your Highness, do you have to do this?"

Shen Mengqi nodded, "This is my last obsession with the past."

Imperial Physician Wang glanced at the stubborn Shen Mengqi, and said, "Is it possible that Her Royal Highness can rest well after letting go of this obsession?"

Shen Mengqi was silent, but Imperial Physician Wang understood her meaning, "Without obsession, Her Royal Highness still has a country and a country in her heart, as well as an ideal journey. But Your Highness, your current body cannot withstand such a toss. "

"Doctor Wang, there are some things I have to do."

Looking at the determined Shen Mengqi, Imperial Physician Wang sighed helplessly, and he said: "I know now, may I ask Your Highness the Princess, when is the latest you can wait to see that person?"

"Thirty this month."

No matter how late it was, it would be too late for the imperial concubine's promotion ceremony.

Physician Wang took a deep breath, "Isn't that only half a month left?"

"Princess Wang has a reputation as a master of medicine. This princess believes that you will have a solution, right?"

He has a fart way!

Imperial Physician Wang really wanted to go berserk, he was just an imperial physician, and Hua Tuo was not alive, so how could he get rid of Shen Mengqi's stubborn illness all at once?
If it wasn't for the deal with the emperor, he really wanted to quit.

"His Royal Highness, the old minister really"

"This matter is troublesome to the imperial physician. This princess will fully cooperate with the imperial physician's treatment this time."

Isn't this purely to catch ducks on the shelves?

Physician Wang wanted to cry but had no tears, "The old minister really can't do it."

Lin Jihan happened to hear such a sentence when he came back from the outside. He frowned and said, "His Royal Highness is fully cooperating with the treatment. Is there anything that Imperial Physician Wang can't do?"


Looking at Lin Jihan who questioned himself, Wang Taiyi said: "The old minister can only say that the old minister has lived for such a long time, and he has never been so speechless. It is really a strange injustice in the world!"

Looking at Shen Mengqi who was obediently leaning against Lin Jihan and looking at her quietly.Doctor Wang realized that all of this had been planned by Her Royal Highness, and she was just waiting for him to get involved.

At this moment, Shen Mengqi said again: "Is the doctor Wang unwilling to treat this princess? Is it because this princess' illness is not curable?"

Hearing Shen Mengqi's aggrieved voice, Lin Jihan became even more upset, "Doctor Wang, are you in trouble?"


Yes, he is too difficult!
"If you have any difficulties, overcome them. Mrs. Wang's body can be taken care of by Doctor Wang."

Doctor Wang choked, and had no choice but to respond with tears in his eyes, "The old minister understands, please rest assured, Your Highness the Princess and the prince, the old minister will definitely do his best!"

Woohoo, which god did he offend, so that he would be tortured in this way in his later years? It was really difficult for him.

Doctor Wang studied for a whole night after returning home. Under the double pressure of Shen Mengqi and Lin Jihan, his medical skills made a breakthrough, and the amount of hair loss also made a breakthrough.

Not to mention, after reading ancient books all night, he really found a way to make Shen Mengqi feel better faster.

At dawn on the second day, Imperial Physician Wang ran to the yard of Juxing Pavilion with his precious ancestral medical book.

He banged on the door of the main house and said, "Your Highness, the old minister has thought of a way to heal you. Let's start today? Come out!"

Shen Mengqi, who was tormented by Lin Jihan in the middle of the night and didn't sleep for a long time, was awakened immediately, "Dr. Wang came so early?"

Shen Mengqi's voice was so hoarse that it made Lin Jihan's heart itch.

He hugged Shen Mengqi into his arms, and coaxed: "Could it be that he took revenge on you, ask Eleven to drive him away."

After thinking for a while, Shen Mengqi gritted her teeth and slipped out of Lin Jihan's embrace. She dressed and said, "Since I said that I would fully cooperate with Doctor Wang's treatment, I can't break my promise."

Seeing Shen Mengqi, who was clearly sleepy and dazed, but still groping to change clothes, Lin Jihan couldn't help feeling a little distressed.

With the beautiful woman not in his arms, he could not sleep alone, so he simply got up and went out with Shen Mengqi.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw Imperial Physician Wang leaning against the door frame with a vicissitudes of life and tiredness, knocking his head once and for all, his disheveled appearance seemed to have aged several decades.

It can be seen that she is really interested in Shen Mengqi's matter.

The original harsh words were all held back in his mouth, and he couldn't say it no matter what.

Lin Jihan only said hard work, and went to the study alone to deal with official duties.

Imperial Physician Wang dragged Luo Jiuqing into the courtyard, looked at Shen Mengqi with sparkling eyes and said, "Your Highness, the old minister saw an exercise manual in this ancestral booklet, which can protect the heart and liver. It is just right for you, ancient book It's recorded in it that it's best to practice in the morning."

"With this exercise formula and supplemented with decoction, it is not impossible to recover in half a month. Even if you cannot recover, you will continue to practice every morning in the future. Even if you work hard, you will definitely get better in time."

Shen Mengqi was overjoyed, "Really?"

"The old minister dares to guarantee that the things of the ancestors can still be fake?"

Physician Wang led Shen Mengqi into the courtyard and said, "Your Highness, follow the old minister's movements to practice and take care of you."

Shen Mengqi, who had a teasing tone like coaxing a child, smiled lightly, "Okay."

The morning light was twilight, and the soft light reflected on the backs of the old and the young, making people see two words - inheritance.

After practicing with Doctor Wang for ten days, Shen Mengqi really felt that her heart and lungs were much smoother, and her walking became more and more light.

After receiving the benefits of this exercise spectrum, Shen Mengqi also pulled Lin Jihan over, and practiced with her under Imperial Physician Wang, calling her an agreement to prevent problems before they happen.

Although Lin Jihan was not interested in this connection, he enjoyed Shen Mengqi's concern for him to the extreme, so even though Imperial Physician Wang came early every day, Lin Jihan gritted his teeth and insisted on doing exercises with Shen Mengqi.

It was thirty days in a blink of an eye, and after Shen Mengqi finished the exercise sheet that day, she ordered Eleven in front of Lin Jihan: "Go and invite Miss Xiu'er here."

Lin Jihan knew that she was about to start cleaning.He rubbed Shen Mengqi's head, but didn't stop her.

Instead, he said: "If you can't figure it out, remember to find your husband."

After speaking, he left the mansion to go to court.

When Xiu'er came in, Shen Mengqi was already sitting in the main seat waiting for her, "Call your master to come to the palace tonight at Haishi, the princess is waiting for him in Douyan Hall."

"His Royal Highness is cured of her illness?"

"It's not your turn to intervene in this princess' affairs. Do your own thing well."

Xiu'er nodded, "Okay, Your Highness, we'll see you tonight. By the way, our master doesn't want others to know his identity, so he will only see you tonight."

"Okay, the princess knows."

At three o'clock in Haishi, the back door of the Prince Regent's Mansion was first knocked lightly three times, and then twice hard.

Xiu'er, who had been guarding the door all the time, immediately opened the door from the inside, and looked at the person whose whole body was hidden under the black cloak, with a hood on his head so that no one could tell the difference between male and female, she said respectfully.

"Lord, you are here."

The voice of the visitor was a little low, "Yeah."

"His Royal Highness is already waiting in Douyan Hall, I will take you there right away."


After Xiu'er brought the man in black to the door of Douyan Hall, she backed out with good eyesight, and told the man in black to go in by himself.

The man in black opened the door and entered, only to see a table of delicacies in front of Shen Mengqi, and two jugs of sake at the corner of the table, as if welcoming friends.

"You are Xiu'er's master?"

"It's down."

Speaking of which, the man in black raised his hand to take off his cloak and veil. After seeing the man's appearance, Shen Mengqi couldn't help but widen her eyes, "Why is it you?"

The person who came was Wang Yanzhi's father, Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment.

Shen Mengqi asked: "Why did you do this? What is your purpose?"

The Secretary of the Ministry of Justice looked at Shen Mengqi and said, "Because the Empress Dowager has treated me with kindness, my purpose is to avenge the Empress Empress!"

"Then why did you wait until now?"

Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment smiled wryly, "I also want to do something, but how can I do it? Before you entered the court, the regent was in Jiuyou thirteen counties. Prime Minister Mu had just entered the court, and he was restrained everywhere. There are people from the Minister of the Household Department everywhere."

"The imperial concubine colluded with the Minister of the Household Department before entering the palace. The imperial concubine and the harem are all their world. Even if I am in charge of the Ministry of Punishment, I have no way to hand over the paper of pleadings to the emperor!"

Shen Mengqi was silent when she heard the words, "The situation in the court is not good now, why did the Lord Minister of the Ministry of Justice bring up this matter at this time?"

"Why? My minister, why doesn't Her Royal Highness know?"

The Secretary of the Ministry of Justice looked at Shen Mengqi and said: "The emperor now has only three sons. The eldest prince has been staying in Saibei for many years and has not returned. Only the third prince is left."

"A while ago, the emperor secretly revealed to his ministers that he wanted to be promoted to be a noble concubine. Isn't this just to help the third prince? If I were waiting, then the empress would really die!"

Seeing such an excited Xingbu Shangshu, Shen Mengqi became a lot calmer. She poured a glass of sake for Xingbu Shangshu, "I have been holding back for several years, and Xingbu Shangshu is very patient."

The Minister of the Ministry of Justice took the wine poured by Shen Mengqi and drank it in one gulp. His eyes were red, "It's not that I'm patient, but I have to bear it. I'm willing to cooperate with Her Royal Highness, and it's also because Her Highness is sincerely good for Tianyuan Kingdom and the Empress. people."

Speaking of the empress, Shen Mengqi still felt a little heavy, she said: "Leave all the evidence to this princess, and I will do the rest."

The Secretary of the Ministry of Justice looked at Shen Mengqi and said, "I dare to ask Your Highness the Princess, do you only want to bring down the noble concubine?"

"Otherwise? Do you want to use this case that has passed for decades and those spies from the Western Wilderness to bring down the Minister of the Household Department?"

Shangshu of the Ministry of Justice shook his head, he looked at Shen Mengqi as if saying that she was too small.

"Wild fires can't be blown out, and spring winds can give birth again. Don't tell me, Your Highness, do you want to hand over the future of Tianyuan Kingdom to the Third Prince?"

Shen Mengqi narrowed her eyes, "What do you mean?"

"The imperial concubine is the biological mother of the third prince. As long as the third prince is still around, she will have a chance to stand up sooner or later. Her Royal Highness has also copied the laws of Tianyuan Kingdom so many times. She should know that the laws of Tianyuan Kingdom do not stipulate A woman cannot be an emperor."

Shen Mengqi was shocked by the words of Minister of the Ministry of Justice. Although she knew the laws of Tianyuan Kingdom, she never thought about it.

"Your Highness, you should also think about it. Tianyuan Kingdom is currently facing internal and external troubles. What it needs is not an emperor and prince who can only play with birds, but a leader like you!"

"Presumptuous!" Shen Mengqi looked at the Secretary of the Ministry of Justice whose face was flushed with excitement, and said, "No nonsense!"

"The minister is not talking nonsense!"

The Secretary of the Ministry of Justice said bluntly: "I know that Her Royal Highness's heart is not the world, but the royal family of Tianyuan Kingdom. Everything you do now is for the royal family of Tianyuan Kingdom."

"For the royal family of Tianyuan Kingdom, you took the initiative to marry the regent to strengthen the relationship between the royal family and the regent; Test."

"But you should wake up, people have to live for themselves, don't they?" Minister of the Ministry of Justice said: "Besides, if the country is gone, can the royal family still exist?"

"Wang Yu! What you said today is enough to make this princess take your head! What? Are you going to rebel?"

Hearing Shen Mengqi's loud scolding, Minister of the Ministry of Justice did not have the slightest fear. He looked at Shen Mengqi and said, "Your Highness, you know the current situation of Tianyuan Kingdom better than anyone else. Blindly defending the royal family will only lead to our destruction. "

"You are so angry, isn't it because the minister is right?" The minister of the Ministry of punishment punished every word, "You are the only one who can carry the Tianyuan Kingdom. Do you really have to wait for the day when the country is broken before you can figure out the truth?"

Shen Mengqi insisted: "Isn't this princess also saving the Tianyuan Kingdom now? What's the difference? It's the noble concubine who is wrong, not my third brother. Even if the third brother succeeds to the throne, there will be nothing wrong with the help of this princess." .”

(End of this chapter)

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