After the powerful divorced their wives, they welcome the crematorium

Chapter 155 Get out, I don't want to see you again

Chapter 155 Get out, I don't want to see you again

I saw Shen Qingning wandering in with the testimony, she looked at Shen Mengqi and said: "Sister Mengqi wants to bring down the imperial concubine so much, even if the confession of a lowly maid is true, what can it prove? "

Hubu Shangshu's eyes lit up when he saw Shen Qingning coming, and he said, "Your Majesty, I think Princess Qingning is right. Princess Anshun's prejudice against the imperial concubine is really too great."

Mu Qiancheng also said: "Your Majesty, Princess Anshun's actions are indeed unreasonable and should be severely punished."

The emperor's face was extremely ugly, he pointed at the crowd and said to Shen Mengqi: "Look, look for yourself, how many people want me to punish you severely now!"

"Slandering the imperial concubine, discrediting the royal family, any single incident can kill you!" The emperor looked at Shen Mengqi and said, "If it wasn't for the sake of the regent, I would have taken your title away, Make you a commoner!"

"Go back, don't let me see you again!"

This was the first time the emperor had swear words in the hall, and the imperial concubine peeked at Shen Mengqi who was kneeling on the ground, feeling secretly refreshed.

All these years, Shen Mengqi has been at odds with her, with contempt for her between the lines, and now it's Shen Mengqi's turn to be so downcast, how can this make her unhappy?
But on the surface, the imperial concubine still tried her best to speak for Shen Mengqi, thinking of the emperor, she pulled the emperor's arm to remind: "Your majesty, regardless of her status as Princess Anshun, she is still the regent princess. In the face of the regent, please scold me more."

"I've already lenient the net, she's really going back as she lives, making my noble concubine feel wronged."

The imperial concubine smiled at the emperor, "As long as I can be with the emperor, I don't care about being wronged or not."

The emperor's face was moved, and he said to Wang Peng: "Go and bring the phoenix seal to the imperial concubine."

"When you take over the phoenix seal, you will be my queen."


Seeing the two crooked on the dragon chair, Shen Mengqi stood up on her own, and before Wang Peng passed her with the phoenix seal, she reached out and stopped Wang Peng.

"Your Majesty, I still say the same thing, a noble concubine is not worthy of the position, and murdering the queen is not worthy of being the mother of the world."

"Shen Mengqi, you really think that the regent is protecting you, so I won't do anything to you, right? How long are you going to wrong the noble concubine? How long are you going to make trouble?"

"Your Majesty, give me some time, and I will definitely find it."

Before Shen Mengqi could finish her sentence, the emperor interrupted: "What are you going to do with some time? Do you give false testimony? It's like you killed the former Minister of the Ministry of Officials, isn't it?"

Suddenly mentioning the former Minister of the Ministry of Officials, Shen Mengqi couldn't help being stunned.All the courtiers were in an uproar, and they began to point and point at Shen Mengqi.

And Shen Qingning mixed in with the crowd, looking at Shen Mengqi as if watching a play.

Seeing that Shen Mengqi was about to lose, at this moment, Minister of the Ministry of Justice stood up, and he said to the emperor: "Your Majesty, this subject is also the physical evidence of His Royal Highness the Princess."

The emperor squinted his eyebrows and asked, "What did you say?"

"My majesty, in fact, both Wang Wenpo and Huanhuan were rescued and hidden by my ministers. I originally wanted to find a suitable opportunity to release them to avenge the empress. I didn't expect you to be promoted to the status of noble concubine at this time."

"I can't bear the Queen's position being tarnished by such a person, so I used the informant I buried in the Regent's Palace to report this matter to Her Royal Highness, and wanted her to help avenge the Queen."

"Shangshu of the Ministry of Justice, do you know what you are talking about?"

Looking at the emperor with a cold face and eyes full of murderous intent, the Secretary of the Ministry of Punishment said firmly: "I understand very well, I didn't expect that Wang Wenpo would be instigated by others, but I still have a backup, please."

Before the Minister of the Ministry of Justice finished speaking, Shen Qingning interrupted: "Master Minister of the Ministry of Justice, your successor is Wang Wenpo's precious son."

Looking at the disheveled Minister of the Ministry of Justice, Shen Qingning smiled: "Don't be nervous, the princess just went to ask for something in advance."

After finishing speaking, Shen Qingning turned around and knelt down in front of the emperor. She took out a small iron box from her arms and said, "Uncle Emperor, Qingning wants to report on the noble concubine for murdering the former queen. This is the physical evidence. Please let the emperor learn from you!"

The face of the bright concubine, who was still smiling at first, became a little uneasy for a moment, and the emperor also said with a cold face: "Qing Ning, why even you?"

"Uncle Emperor," Shen Qingning looked at the emperor and said, "Sister Mengqi said that we owe the Empress two lives, and we are all executioners who killed the Empress. I went to check the testimony given by sister Qi."

"It turns out that the imperial concubine has done a lot of things over the years, and all of them are shocking. If such a person sits in the position of the mother of the world, the common people will be afraid to sleep at night. Lights are on during the day too.”

After seeing what Shen Qingning said, the emperor couldn't help paying attention, he waved to the little eunuch beside him, and the little eunuch immediately went to Shen Qingning knowingly and took the small iron box.

Seeing the small iron box getting closer and closer to her step by step, the noble concubine's heart also became anxious, always feeling that this iron box was not simple.

But even so, she couldn't stop it, and she didn't dare to go forward to stop the emperor from checking.

After the emperor opened the small iron box, all the contents of the box were taken out. Inside was a jade pendant of good color and appearance, and many letters that had aged.

After the emperor picked up the two letters and looked at them, his face became more and more gloomy. He flipped through the letters faster and faster, and finally slapped all the letters on the table angrily.

Without even having a chance to explain to the noble concubine, the emperor directly ordered, "Come here! Put the noble concubine into the Punishment Department and execute her sentence!"

The noble concubine's face froze, "Your Majesty, if the concubine does not go to the Punishment Department, the concubine will be wronged!"

"Wronged? I didn't mention anything, so you started shouting?" The emperor's face was silent, he shook off the noble concubine and said: "I went to the Punishment Department, and I have time to cry for you."

"Wang Peng!"

When the emperor called out, Wang Peng immediately came over, he waved to two people to support the imperial concubine and said: "Drag, execute."

"Your majesty, my concubine has been with you for decades, no matter what it is, don't you give me a chance to explain it?"

The imperial concubine cried heart-rendingly before being dragged away, "Your Majesty! You are so ruthless! Your Majesty!"

After the imperial concubine was dragged down, the emperor became very depressed instantly, as if he had been drained of all his strength.

He looked at Wang Wenpo, who was still kneeling on the ground, already pissed in fear, and said, "Wang Peng, put Wang Wenpo also in the Punishment Division, and ask their 'relatives' to catch up on the old days."

(End of this chapter)

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