Chapter 156

"Let's come here today. Qing Ning, Meng Qi and I will go to the Imperial Study Room, and the others will leave."

How could the courtiers dare to stay after this change, they hurriedly saluted after hearing the emperor said that they were gone, and then they scrambled to leave here.

Only Shangshu Hubu was still fixed in place like a piece of wood, as if he hadn't recovered from what happened just now, but after being reminded by the Minister of Hubu, he walked out in a daze.

When Hubu Shangshu was about to pass by Shen Mengqi, Shen Mengqi whispered in his ear: "Hubu Shangshu, when you're free, guess why this princess hasn't moved you yet."

Hubu Shangshu suddenly raised his head, only to see that Shen Mengqi had already walked to Shen Qingning's side.

If it weren't for the lingering warmth in his ears, he would have thought he was hallucinating.

Seeing that the Hubu Shangshu was still not moving, the Hubu Minister asked with concern: "My lord, are you all right?"

Hubu Shangshu had a gloomy face, "Let's go back first!"

Shen Mengqi and Shen Qingning walked side by side on the way to the imperial study.

Shen Mengqi asked lightly: "Why did you help the princess just now?"

Shen Qingning asked irrelevantly, "You two lowly maidservants want to condemn the imperial concubine, are you too naive, or are you too rival in love? You have learned ten percent of the viciousness of this princess, why didn't you learn a little about this brain?" What about two points?"

"Because this princess thinks, the empress loved you the most during her lifetime, and you will definitely want to do something for the empress."

Shen Qingning reacted instantly, "Are you plotting against the princess?"

Shen Mengqi looked frank, "When the princess went to Qingning Princess Mansion, I said that you have to contribute a part to avenge the empress, so that you can let go of your old regrets and move on."

She looked at Shen Qingning and said seriously: "Sister, thank you."

Shen Qingning's heart tightened, she knew that what Shen Mengqi thanked was the innocent Shen Qingning who protected her when she was a child, and that she really did something for the Empress.

After all, they can never go back to the past.This matter is over, and their relationship is over.

"Heh, you have worked so hard for this princess, this princess has an illusion that we are reconciled."

Shen Mengqi sneered, she turned against the light, looked at Shen Qingning unabashedly with hatred in her eyes.

"Do you think we can reconcile? It's just because the empress is involved. When the dust settles on this matter, this princess will not let you go."

"That's the best." Shen Qingning smiled ferociously, "In this way, I won't feel guilty about this move, Sister Mengqi, don't be too sure about everything, it's not certain who will live and die."

"The princess' move is already on the way, sister Mengqi, you must be able to catch it."

Looking at Shen Qingning, who was eccentric, Shen Mengqi said coldly: "This sentence is also for yourself."

"Hehe, you are really much more interesting than when you were a child."

"Oh, you don't pretend anymore?"

The air pressure between Shen Qingning and Shen Mengqi was getting lower and lower. Seeing that the two were about to fight, they also walked to the door of the imperial study.

Wang Peng, who had been waiting outside the door for a long time, immediately greeted him and stood between the two of them, "Oh, you two little ancestors, you are here, the emperor has kept himself in the imperial study for a long time. , and don’t ask our group of slaves to go in and serve, you go and have a look!”

Listening to a muffled groan coming from the imperial study room, a strange emotion flashed in the eyes of Shen Mengqi and Shen Qingning.

The two of them took a light breath at the same time, then bypassed Wang Peng and walked directly towards the imperial study.

Entering the imperial study room, I saw the emperor was holding the sky-high birdcage in the imperial study room and crying loudly, crying and cursing at the same time, what kind of heartless words.

Even though they had been prepared for a long time, Shen Mengqi and Shen Qingning couldn't help showing a headache.

Shen Mengqi poked Shen Qingning and motioned for her to come on top.And Shen Qingning glared at Shen Mengqi fiercely, and pushed her forward.In other words, why don't you go?

After the two pushed and shoved twice, the emperor turned around as if he had sensed something.

Looking at the red-eyed emperor, Shen Mengqi and Shen Qingning felt chills in their backs.

Before the two of them escaped, the next second the emperor came over and hugged them both.

"Wuuu, little Qingning, Xiao Mengqi, I actually killed Aya, woouu, I actually eat delicious food, I am grateful for raising the culprit who killed Aya for decades, I am ashamed to live! "

Shen Mengqi stretched out her hand and patted the emperor lightly, saying, "Uncle Huang, it's not too late to find out now."

"That's right, Uncle Huang. After all, I didn't make the imperial concubine a queen."

Thinking that the concubine was still wearing the jewelry and clothes of the former empress Aya at the promotion ceremony, the emperor cried even louder, "Wuuuu, I am a sinner!"

Today, Shen Mengqi has seen what trans-consolation is.

But her own hardcore consolation was no better than Shen Qingning's.

"Uncle Huang, at least you still have a chance to make amends, don't be sad, think about how to deal with the imperial concubine is the right way."

"How else can I deal with it? Tell her to be hacked into pieces and buried with my Aya!"

Shen Mengqi said: "No."


As he said that, the emperor's tears were about to fall again, he looked at Shen Mengqi and said: "Is it because I have treated you too much these days, so you want to take revenge on me?"


The emperor didn't listen to Shen Mengqi's explanation, he wailed and said: "There is no overnight feud in the family, Xiao Mengqi, the emperor's uncle has been hurting you for decades. What's wrong with punishing you a little?"

"You still hold grudges, you actually hold grudges! Sure enough, since ancient times, the Tian family has been ungrateful, Xiao Mengqi, Uncle Huang is really sad."

Since ancient times, strong girls are afraid of clinging to their husbands, and Shen Mengqi is also afraid of the emperor who is acting like a baby and rolling around and crying.

She explained: "Your Majesty, the imperial concubine has been in business for decades. Both the former dynasty and the harem have certain influence, and the third brother is currently the best candidate for the crown prince. At this time, the imperial concubine is directly killed. I am afraid that the court and the harem will be in turmoil."

"The government is in turmoil, and the country is restless. If the country is not peaceful, it will definitely lead to war. The people of our Tianyuan Kingdom have only had a good life for a few years, so we can't just become chaotic like this."

"Whoever said that the third child is the best candidate for the crown prince, I think Xiao Mengqi is the best. She has always cared about the Tianyuan Kingdom and cared about the common people."

"Uncle Huang, don't talk nonsense!"

Shen Mengqi interrupted him anxiously, "Mengqi has never had such an idea, and will never have such an idea!"

The emperor was very serious, "What if I want you to think like this?"

(End of this chapter)

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