After the powerful divorced their wives, they welcome the crematorium

Chapter 157 Mu Xiu in the forest, the wind will destroy it

Chapter 157 Mu Xiu in the forest, the wind will destroy it


Looking at the two people who froze in place for an instant, the emperor laughed loudly, "I was just joking, look at you two."

"Uncle Huang, such a joke is not funny at all!"

The emperor changed the subject and said: "Okay, Meng Qi knows why I know you are right, but still keep punishing you?"

"Mengqi knows," Shen Mengqi said calmly, "Mengqi has lost the face of the royal family over and over again, and should be punished both emotionally and rationally."

The emperor shook his head, "Because the rigidity is easy to break, the wood will be destroyed by the forest wind. The court is like an invisible battlefield. If someone sings bad face, someone must sing red face. If you break two ministers in a row, everyone in the court will be free." People are panicking."

"If I stand on your side, the courtiers will feel that you have given my will. The courtiers who don't know are afraid that you are a generation of traitors who framed Zhongliang, and the moths are afraid that you will be caught and brought to justice, so this is the case. Dormant."

"Only if I stand on the opposite side of you, the courtiers will feel at ease, and the treacherous Xiaoxiao will not be suspicious."

The emperor taught Shen Mengqi: "On this battlefield without gunpowder smoke, Mengqi, what you have to do is not only justice, but also learn to play with people's hearts. If you control it properly and carry a courtier who is against you out to sing, then this You can tell who is helping the courtiers."

"Meng Qi has been taught."

The emperor nodded, he grabbed Shen Qingning's hand and Shen Mengqi's hand and folded it together, "You two grew up together since childhood, although there are differences and estrangements, what can't be broken is the family relationship."

"Putting the two of you together, one singing a good face and the other singing a bad face, that is definitely a remarkable existence."

The emperor's words made Shen Mengqi's heart skip a beat, she wanted to withdraw her hand without a trace, but the emperor firmly held her down.

"Mengqi, didn't you also collect a bunch of houses for the Prince Regent's Mansion? Why can't Qing Ning also enter the Prince Regent's Mansion and serve the Prince Regent with you? Moreover, Qing Ning is also under the King Regent's command. She can also accompany Wang Chuzheng often, which can help you win favor, what a great thing."

Sure enough, as Shen Mengqi expected, the emperor still wanted to stuff Shen Qingning into the Regent's Palace.

"Uncle Huang, it's not that Mengqi is unwilling, but that the prince is unwilling. He said that there are too many people in the mansion, and his mind will be disturbed. If his mind is disturbed, troubles will arise, so he is not going to take any more concubines."

Shen Mengqi easily returned the question to the emperor.

"Aren't you in charge of the backyard of the Prince Regent's Mansion? It's just a lady. Do you still need to ask the Prince Regent to nod?"

Looking at Shen Qingning who looked at her like watching a show, Shen Mengqi replied calmly: "It's worth it, if the prince comes back and sees someone he doesn't like, he will lose his temper."

"Sister Mengqi." Shen Qingning's eyes looked as if she wanted to tear Shen Mengqi apart, she slightly raised the corners of her mouth and said, "During the years at the border, the prince and the princess got along day and night, how could he not like the princess? ?”

"Maybe I'm tired of watching it. After all, if a person is told to eat bran swallowed vegetables all the time, he will have to vomit sooner or later."

Shen Mengqi blinked her big eyes, looking confused, "And, Princess Qing Ning, are you sure the lord likes you? Did you forget when he told you to get out?"

Shen Mengqi, who had always been tolerant and reserved in front of the emperor, suddenly confronted Shen Qingning head-on today.

This made the emperor and Shen Qingning unable to react for a while.

They didn't come back to their senses until they saw the latent rebellious look in Shen Mengqi's eyes.

Have they ever seen such a flamboyant Shen Mengqi? Could it be Lin Jihan's credit?

The emperor directly squeezed out the thoughts in his mind, and he said: "Time can make love, you and the regent were not 'respected as guests' when you first got married, but now you are not 'like glue'."

Just as he was talking, Wang Peng came in from the outside and said: "Your Majesty, the Regent is asking to see you."

"Look, how nervous he is about you now. I just dragged you here to chat for a few minutes. The regent will kill me in the next moment. I'm afraid I will do the same to you."

The emperor looked straight at Shen Mengqi and said: "At the beginning you were the one who asked Ying to marry the regent, but now it seems that you are looking for an umbrella. Since you married the regent, you have lived better and better. gone back."

Facing the emperor's questioning, Shen Mengqi replied: "Uncle Huang, Mengqi is not there, Mengqi is for the royal family."

The emperor chuckled, "I was just teasing you, but you have to remember that you are for the people of Tianyuan Kingdom first, and then for the royal family and others. The people are the cornerstone of the country, and no one or anything can override the people. superior."

Shen Mengqi felt as if the emperor was explaining the funeral, she was about to say something just now.

Seeing the familiar smile on the emperor's face again, he looked at Shen Mengqi and said: "Okay, I've finished what I have to say, you go out, if you don't let you go, I'm afraid the regent will rebel. "

"Uncle Emperor"

"Okay, okay, uncle Huang is not joking. Go, go back with the regent."

After Shen Mengqi walked to the door, the emperor looked at her back and couldn't help but said: "Mengqi, you should think about what I say, it won't do you any harm to let Qing Ning serve the regent with you!"

Shen Mengqi's body paused, but she still held back and didn't look back.

Looking at Shen Mengqi who was striding forward, the emperor looked relieved, but after thinking about what the queen mother said, a tangled look appeared on his face.

Alas, what a pity.

When Shen Mengqi came out, she was bumped into her arms by Lin Jihan who was about to force her way in, "My lord, what are you?"

Lin Jihan rubbed Shen Mengqi's head and said, "It's just teaching these guards a few practical combat skills."

He was relieved to see that Shen Mengqi was unharmed.

"What did the emperor tell you?"

Thinking of the emperor's words, Shen Mengqi couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable, and she gave Lin Jihan a hard look, no wonder she was able to fascinate Shen Qingning, and even made the daughters of the courtiers and families willing to marry as Tongfang, This small appearance is indeed attractive.

"Attract bees and butterflies!"

For the first time, Shen Mengqi had a strong desire to hide him and not let anyone see him.

Lin Jihan was completely confused, he looked at Shen Mengqi and said, "How come you are attracting bees and butterflies just by entering the palace?"

Shen Mengqi ignored him and walked forward sullenly.

Seeing this, Lin Jihan hurriedly chased after him. Just as he was about to say something nice to coax Shen Mengqi, he was stopped by Wang Momo who appeared from nowhere, and she saluted Shen Mengqi and Lin Jihan.

"Meet the Regent, Your Royal Highness."

After getting up, she looked at Shen Mengqi and said, "Your Highness, the Queen Mother wants to see you, but I don't know if it's convenient for you."

(End of this chapter)

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