Chapter 159 The Bloody Storm in the Palace


"Aijia is just joking, you and the emperor should decide these things, it's getting late, let's rest."

Tonight was Christmas Eve, but it made Shen Mengqi's heart even more disturbed. She always felt that the emperor and the queen mother had something to say, and she seemed to be forever separated from the truth by a veil. This faint feeling made her a little uncomfortable.

On the other side, after Shen Qingning comforted the emperor, she detoured to the Punishment Department alone.

In the Department of Punishment, there were endless screams.The nanny in charge carefully followed Shen Qingning's side and said, "Your Highness, the Department of Punishment is very dark, how can you open such a place with your precious body?"

"What is precious about this princess." Shen Qingning looked at the dark, damp and impenetrable cubicles around her, and said with a self-deprecating smile: "Maybe in the future, this princess will also live in it."

"Princess, don't talk nonsense, you are now the emperor's favorite, how could you have reached this point?"

"Is it the meat of your heart?"

Shen Qingning murmured to herself: "Oh, it's not too bad if you hold a sharp knife in your hand."

"Ah? Your Royal Highness, what did you say? The old slave didn't hear it."

"It's nothing." Shen Qingning turned to look at the head of the Department of Punishment and Punishment, and said, "Where is the imperial concubine locked up?"

"The emperor has ordered that the punishment cannot be broken. She is still being punished."

"Take the princess over there, and the princess will meet her."


The nanny in charge looked embarrassed, "His Royal Highness, the emperor has specially ordered that no one is allowed to visit the imperial concubine."

Shen Qingning took out an ingot of gold from her bosom and said, "If you don't tell me about the princess, how will your majesty know?"

Seeing the ingot of gold, the nurse in charge's eyes lit up, and her tone was not so firm, "But after all, walls have ears. I'm afraid this servant is only desperate to earn this money, not to spend it."

Shen Qingning took off the jadeite bracelet on her wrist, and stuffed it with the gold into the hand of the nurse in charge, "As long as you have enough chips in your hand, are you afraid of spending this money?"

The nanny in charge looked at the excellent jade bracelet in her hand, she couldn't speak anymore if she refused, but she didn't intend to let Shen Qingning in for a long time.

Seeing this, Shen Qingning stretched out her hand, "The princess doesn't have to go to see the dilapidated imperial concubine, since we can't agree, let's forget it."

With that said, she was going to take those things back.

Seeing this, the nurse in charge subconsciously put the jade bracelet and gold into her bosom.

"It seems that you still have a life to earn this money, mammy."

Looking at Shen Qingning, who was smiling but not smiling, the nurse in charge gritted her teeth and said, "His Royal Highness, the most time for a stick of incense."

"Enough is enough, lead the way."

The nanny in charge led Shen Qingning to the deepest part of the Punishment Division. It was like a cave, surrounded by mud walls, and there were no exits, doors or windows. There was only one way in, like a tile. Cans are average.

The imperial concubine was put on the torture rack. She was dressed in white and showed no signs of injury, but her lips had faded, her eyes were unsteady, and she looked extremely weak.

Seeing Wang Momo bringing Shen Qingning in, the two mothers who were about to stab the imperial concubine with needles stopped immediately.

The nanny in charge said to the two of them, "You two go down first."


After they left, the nurse in charge emphasized that there was only one stick of incense before going out.

After going out, she took out two ingots of silver from her sleeve and handed them to them, "Mother Zhang, Mother Li, you are all old men in the Punishment Department, you should know what to say and what not to say."

Nanny Zhang and Nanny Li held the silver in their hands, looking like they couldn't put it down.

"Don't worry, mom, we all understand that we don't get involved in matters between noble people, and we don't know anything about it when others ask. We are just lowly moms who listen to the emperor and execute according to the requirements."

The nanny in charge nodded, "After today, the Punishment Department will be busy for a while. I know what you two like, so go back and drink some money with you. I'll watch here. But you two have to be careful." Come on, don't let anyone see it."

Nanny Zhang and Nanny Li immediately beamed with joy when they heard the words. They looked at each other and smiled and said, "Hey~! Thank you, Nanny, you are the best for us!"

After seeing Nanny Li and Nanny Zhang walking away arm in arm, the nanny in charge stood in the distance and closed her eyes.Tonight, I'm afraid I'm going to see blood.

Deepest part of the Prudential Division
Shen Qingning's hand wandered across rows of prisons, and finally stopped on an iron basin filled with hot water.She stretched out her hand to feel it, maybe it didn't feel hot enough, so she put it on the stove to heat it up again.

It wasn't until the water started to bubble that she scooped up a ladle and poured it directly on the imperial concubine.

The imperial concubine screamed instantly from being burned, and a large area of ​​skin was burned off her steaming body.

The nanny in charge ran in frightened when she heard the sharp screams coming from inside, and looked at the concubine who was burnt to pieces, she was frightened and said to Shen Qingning: "His Royal Highness, what are you doing? Your Majesty is Having said that, you can't let her die, and you can't have obvious injuries! How can this old slave explain to the emperor if you do this!"

Shen Qingning turned her head and looked at the nanny in charge fiercely, "Get out!"

"His Royal Highness!"

Shen Qingning immediately scooped up a ladle of water and pointed it at the nanny in charge, looking at the smoking hot water, the nanny in charge finally turned around and walked not far away to guard.

At this time, the heart-pounding pain made the noble concubine wake up for a moment, she looked at Shen Qingning who was playing with the water ladle in front of her and said, "Shen Qingning! This Palace will kill you!"

"Kill the princess?" Shen Qingning sneered and said, "Oh, just because of you now?"

Looking at Shen Qingning with a look of disdain, the imperial concubine gritted her teeth and said, "Do you think you can get what you want by plotting against me? You are dreaming!"

"Without the help of this palace, you will never even think about marrying Lin Jihan in this life, and you will never be able to compare with the lofty Shen Mengqi!"


Shen Qingning weighed the hot water in the ladle and said: "This princess is sending you on your way. I tell you that Shen Mengqi has the evidence that you murdered the queen, and she wants you to hedge against Shen Mengqi, so that this princess can see clearly the cards in your hand." , after all, this princess has never wanted to form an alliance with you."


Looking at the angry concubine with scarlet eyes, Shen Qingning's expression changed, she directly pinched the concubine's scalded wound, and said fiercely: "You are an outsider, why should you trample on the empress, the dignity of the royal family, how can you let it go The lowly servant girl is here to trample!"

The imperial concubine whose face was thrown aside by Shen Qingning suddenly laughed loudly, and she cried while laughing.

"Outsiders. Haha, I am a dignified concubine, the biological mother of the future prince, but in the end she is just an outsider with the royal family, hahaha, just because I am not a queen, it is only a little short!"

(End of this chapter)

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