Chapter 160

"You will never be a queen, even if the previous queen didn't die because of you, you are not worthy of the queen's position."

Shen Qingning looked at the concubine full of hatred and said: "The future prince? Is he worthy of your third prince who can only play with birds? Believe it or not, he still doesn't know that you have fallen into such a situation now? "

"In his life, he can only deal with birds." Shen Qingning pointedly said: "It is enough for Tianyuan Kingdom to have one emperor who plays with birds, and there will be no second one."

"He just doesn't know now, he will know sooner or later!" The imperial concubine shouted guiltyly: "Regardless of the emperor's son in this palace, the emperor has no choice, and the emperor's son in this palace will definitely inherit the throne! "

"Why do you think the Third Prince didn't attend your promotion ceremony?"

Shen Qingning directly interrupted the noble concubine's fantasies, "The night before your promotion ceremony, the phoenix bird that entered the palace from Xihuang arrived in the palace. The third prince heard the words and begged the emperor's uncle all night before he got the phoenix bird. He's preoccupied with the bird now."

"Although he is the most similar to Uncle Huang, and has the same hobbies. But being like-minded does not mean that he can inherit the great line."

"He'll know sooner or later, sooner or later!"

"Uncle Huang has personally sent someone to inform."

Hearing Shen Qingning's words, the imperial concubine's eyes instantly lit up with hope.

"It is said that the imperial concubine was enlightened by Mojie Buddha at the promotion ceremony, and went to Saibei to practice on her behalf."

The imperial concubine was in a hurry, "You guys are talking nonsense!"

"That's right." Looking at the anxious imperial concubine, Shen Qingning smiled even more sinisterly, "But the third prince just believed it."

"Oh, that's right~ The third prince also said that his mother finally let go of her obsession. As a son, he is very proud of you."

Looking at the concubine whose wound was getting more and more painful, or the concubine who was trembling because of despair, Shen Qingning asked: "Ms. concubine, don't you regret teaching your son to do nothing but play with birds? Don't understand anything?"

After hearing the words "playing with birds", the imperial concubine regained her senses a little, looked at Shen Qingning and sneered.

"Heh, do you think you guys won? Even if the emperor of my palace is fooled by you, I am powerful in both the former dynasty and the harem. Even in Xihuang, I can still speak of!"

Speaking of Xihuang, Shen Qingning frowned, "Don't tell me that the princess has forgotten it. It is often said that Taoists leave tea to cool down. Guess, after Xihuang and the forces of the previous dynasty lost your help, if they want to be in the harem again If they had to pick someone to work with, who would they choose?"

"You! You were aiming at the power of this palace from the beginning, right!"

"Not too stupid."

Looking at the noble concubine who wished to die with her, Shen Qingning said: "Don't worry, the princess also hates Shen Mengqi very much, with the help of your forces, the princess will send her to accompany you underground in a short time. "

"Or, you die today. Once you die, the front and rear palaces will be in turmoil, and Shen Mengqi will definitely capsize in this storm."

"Shen Qingning, are you a devil?"

"Men are inherently mortal, or they are heavier than Mount Tai, or lighter than a feather."

Shen Qingning grabbed a handful of coarse salt and gently rubbed the wound on the imperial concubine, the concubine almost fainted from the pain instantly.But Shen Qingning grasped it very well. Whenever she was about to faint, she would stop, and change to another position to sprinkle salt later.

"If you attack the former empress, you will definitely not survive. You will die sooner or later. Why don't you grab Shen Mengqi before you die? Although your death is not fatal to her, it's also very satisfying to make her feel devastated." ?"

The imperial concubine sneered, "I'm about to die, why should I pave the way for you before I die?"

"It's because she reported on you that you fell from the cloud to the quagmire, didn't you?"

Looking at the imperial concubine with flickering eyes, Shen Qingning patted her hands, rubbed off the coarse salt, and said, "It's time for a stick of incense, and it's time for the princess to go, you should think about it."

When Shen Qingning came out, the nanny in charge still couldn't help but said anxiously: "His Royal Highness, did you say that this is a chat before? You... hey, how can you tell the emperor to be a slave!"

Shen Qingning took off the pair of pearl earrings she wore and the wishful hairpin on her head and threw them to the nanny in charge, saying, "Mammy will always find a way."

"This this."

Shen Qingning untied the jade wrench she was wearing on her index finger and gave it to the nanny in charge, "Tonight, the princess has not been here, understand?"

The nanny in charge hesitated for a moment, then finally nodded and said, "Understood!"

After Shen Qingning left completely, the nurse in charge changed her face instantly.

She wrapped the things that Shen Qingning gave her in a handkerchief, and then came to the door of the imperial study room alone.

When Wang Peng saw her coming, he hurriedly led her in.

The nanny in charge knelt on the ground as soon as she entered, "This old servant sees the emperor, long live my emperor."

"How about it?"

The nanny in charge knelt and handed the handkerchief wrapped with the things Shen Qingning gave to Wang Peng, saying: "Everything is as the emperor expected, and Princess Qingning did come tonight, and severely punished the imperial concubine. The old slave Listen, she seems to be still persuading the imperial concubine to commit suicide."

The emperor paused Shen Qingning's hand as he turned over the pile of things, and he chuckled lightly, "After all, she has experienced the blood baptism of the frontier battlefield, and her actions are much more ruthless and decisive than before. Xiao Mengqi must have had a lot of trouble."

"Your Majesty, what should this old slave do next?"

The emperor fiddled with the pile of jewelry back and forth, and said without emotion: "Look at the imperial concubine, if she doesn't commit suicide tonight, you will give her a ride."

The nurse in charge said, "Yes, this old slave understands."

The emperor winked at Wang Peng, "Take her to receive the reward."

Wang Peng immediately left the imperial study with the nanny in charge knowingly.

Looking at the jewelry on the table, the emperor smiled and said, "They are all those little things that Aya gave her back then, this little lime."

The emperor took out a glazed box from the hidden compartment of the imperial study, opened the box, and found the phoenix crown of the former empress lying in it.

The emperor touched the emerald blue phoenix on the phoenix crown, his expression was full of nostalgia, he murmured to himself: "Look, Aya, after so many years, these two children still remember your kindness." , Your kindness to them is not in vain. Fortunately, they are really willing to do this for you."

"Wait a little longer, wait a little longer, and I will personally forgive you."

A tear fell from the corner of the emperor's eye and hit the phoenix's head. At first glance, it looked like the phoenix on the phoenix crown was crying.

Before dawn, Shen Mengqi was sleeping soundly in the Compassion Ning Palace.

At this time, a scream came from outside the hall, "Queen Dowager, the noble concubine killed herself in the Punishment Department last night!"

(End of this chapter)

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