Chapter 161 Shen Mengqi's Routine
Shen Mengqi woke up suddenly, "Who committed suicide?"

Wang Momo said: "It was the noble concubine who killed herself. This old slave went to see her. The skin on the noble concubine's body was scalded off. She must have been unable to bear the punishment of the Punishment Department, so she committed suicide."

The imperial concubine is born to love beauty and cares about her appearance very much. Although the emperor hates her very much, he will also order the Department of Punishment to use some punishments that do not hurt the skin in order to give the third prince an explanation. There is only one person left.

Looking at Shen Mengqi, who was still sleepy just now, but is now dressed, the Queen Mother couldn't help but said: "Mengqi, what's the matter?"

"Imperial Grandmother Meng Qi has to go to the Punishment Department now."

"In such a hurry? You are still very weak, let's go after breakfast together."

Shen Mengqi shook her head and said: "Grandmother, the situation is urgent, Mengqi may not be able to have dinner with you."

The Empress Dowager said to Shen Mengqi who was in a hurry: "The Punishment Department is very dark, you can go there by yourself, ask Mother Wang to go with you."

Shen Mengqi didn't even turn her head, the Queen Mother shook her head and said, "This child."

"Nurse Wang, hurry up and follow. Mengqi is not favored by outsiders right now. There are always a few snobbish eyes in the Punishment Department's cannibalistic place. If they hurt Ai's family My darling will not be well."

"Yes, the old slave will go right away, please rest assured the Queen Mother."

When Shen Mengqi arrived, the body of the imperial concubine was still parked in the Punishment Department, and the nurse in charge rushed to the door to greet Shen Mengqi after hearing that she had arrived.

"The slave sees Her Royal Highness the Princess."

"Exemption." Shen Mengqi looked at the nanny in charge and said, "Did anyone see the imperial concubine last night?"

The nurse in charge turned her eyes slightly, "When you go back to Your Highness, the emperor specifically ordered no one to visit the noble concubine. Naturally, no one came last night. Even if they did, they just stayed at the gate of the Punishment Department."

"You're lying, Shen Qingning came here last night."

Looking at the suddenly widened pupils of the nanny in charge, Shen Mengqi said with certainty: "My princess guessed it right."

Only then did the nanny in charge realize that she had been cheated, she looked at Shen Mengqi with some annoyance, "Your Highness, Your Highness."

Shen Mengqi didn't talk nonsense to her, and said straight to the point: "The imperial concubine's body is still inside, my princess wants to take a look."


The nurse in charge said worriedly: "Your Highness, the imperial concubine's death is tragic, and the Department of Punishment is also extremely unlucky. This old servant is worried that your golden branch and jade leaf will be hit."

"Since the princess has brought it up, she can bear it."

"But the emperor specifically ordered it"

"That's right, the emperor specifically ordered you to let Shen Qingning go in. Besides, the emperor said that he can't visit the living concubine, but he doesn't care about the dead."

"Or, do you think this princess is not favored by the emperor and queen mother now, so you can be contemptuous?"

The nanny in charge looked at Yaoyao who came to serve the Queen Mother personally, and she retracted what she originally wanted to say.

She changed her words and said: "Where is the princess, you have been a golden branch and jade leaf in this palace since you were a child, who dares to despise you? If the princess insists on going to see it, the old servant will take you there. However, if the emperor asks you to come down if"

"Since the nanny in charge has a way to keep the emperor from holding Shen Qingning accountable, then there must be a way to make the emperor not hold the princess accountable."

"Princess Lime Princess is different from you, Your Highness the Princess."

She bought this protection with real gold and silver, and Shen Mengqi is a head ahead of Shen Qingning anyway, so she can't treat her like a slave with empty hands.

"The money Shen Qingning used is not enough to buy two roads?"

The nanny in charge choked for a moment, "Enough is enough, but you"

"This princess and Princess Qingning are sisters. Since she has paid, this princess doesn't need to pay anymore."

".no need."

The nurse in charge raised her hand resignedly and invited: "His Royal Highness, come with this old servant."

Before Shen Mengqi went in, she said to Nanny Wang who was behind her: "Mommy Wang, just wait for the princess at the door."

"But the Queen Mother."

"This princess knows it well. If the queen mother asks, she will say that all of this is my princess' idea."


The imperial concubine's body had already been released from the torture apparatus. There was only a layer of white cloth under her body, and there was not even a straw mat covering her body.

The scalded wound on the noble concubine's body was stained with blood, and there were some scalded skin on the ground. The miserable appearance was worse than what Wang Momo described.

Shen Mengqi raised her hand and touched the imperial concubine's wrist, she must have died not long ago.

Although the statement given by the Department of Punishment was that the imperial concubine killed herself by biting her tongue, and the tongue in her mouth was also bloody, but Shen Mengqi could vaguely tell that it was not bitten, it must have been sawn with an extremely blunt one, for It makes people think that he bit his tongue and committed suicide.

Shen Mengqi looked through the body of the noble concubine carefully again, and found that there were some black and blue bruises on the imperial concubine's chest, forehead and other places of life. Broken.

It seemed that the shattering of all internal organs was the real cause of her death. After Shen Mengqi finished investigating, she restored the imperial concubine's body to its original appearance.

Afterwards, she walked out of the Punishment Department as if nothing had happened, she looked at the nanny in charge and said, "The rest is up to the nanny in charge."

After Shen Mengqi finished speaking, she took Wang Momo and left without looking back.

Looking at Shen Mengqi's steady back, the nanny in charge couldn't help but secretly startled, this Her Royal Highness and Princess Qingning really have two temperaments.

The former is wise and powerful, candid and well-founded, and knows the world but not the world; the latter is like a crazy beauty, with a smile on her face, she looks smooth and knows the world, but she is vicious and ruthless in her actions.

If these two people come together one day, then...
The nanny in charge couldn't help shivering, the two of them might be invincible in the sky and the earth.
Relatives came at home today, so I sent it away. I will post a chapter first. I will add an update today or tomorrow to make up the chapters that have not been published. I love you baby
(End of this chapter)

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