Chapter 162 The Shocked Shen Mengqi
After walking a certain distance from the Punishment Department, Shen Mengqi lost her timidity, and her hands hidden in her cuffs couldn't help shaking.

Seeing this, Wang Momo who was on the side stepped forward to support her, "Your Highness, are you okay? Did you get frightened in the Punishment Department?"

The fear in Shen Mengqi's eyes has not faded away, under this fear, what can't be hidden is fear and trembling.She was frightened, but not by the Department of Punishment.

"My Princess Today"

Wang Momo answered knowingly: "Except for the queen mother, if anyone else asks about this old slave, the old slave will only know that Her Highness the Princess has only arrived at the gate of the Punishment Department today, and has not entered the Punishment Department."

After all, she is an old man in the palace for many years. She is very clear about what to say and what not to say.

"This old servant will help you back to the Compassionate Ning Palace first, the Empress Dowager is still waiting for you."

At this time, Wang Peng trotted over with his fly whisk and said, "Oh, my little ancestor, why are you here? It's easy for this old servant to find. The emperor is anxious to see you!"

Wang Peng looked at Wang Momo who was following Shen Mengqi and said, "Wang Momo, it's possible that the Queen Mother is also anxious to see Her Royal Highness?"

After Wang Momo glanced at Shen Mengqi, she shook her head and said, "The Queen Mother just asked His Royal Highness the Princess to accompany her for breakfast. Since it is the emperor's urgent request, we can just wait."

"Oh, Wang Momo, it's not that you don't know that the Queen Mother is the most honorable person in our Tianyuan Kingdom. If the Emperor knows that because the old slave asked the Queen Mother to delay her meal, the old slave may have to move."

"The emperor is looking for Princess Anshun's urgent matter this time, and he will not be able to finish it in a short while. Can you ask the queen mother to have her meal first, and then go to accompany the princess when she finishes her work here."

Nanny Wang didn't speak, but looked directly at Shen Mengqi, and said after seeing Shen Mengqi nodding.

"Since the matter is urgent, we will follow what Manager Wang said, but Her Royal Highness hasn't had breakfast yet."

"It's all ready. Your Royal Highness is very delicate. Of course, we dare not neglect the matter of breakfast. The emperor has made all the arrangements. Don't worry, Wang Momo~"

After Wang Peng finished speaking in this way, Mother Wang stepped aside and said nothing.

Wang Peng bent down and stretched out his hand to guide Shen Mengqi: "Then, let's go, Your Royal Highness?"

Shen Mengqi followed Wang Peng's guidance and walked towards the imperial study, but Wang Momo did not leave, but after explaining a few words to the maid at the side, she continued to follow behind Shen Mengqi.

"Mother Wang, here you are."

"The queen mother and her old man ordered the old servant to stay with the princess all the time. Don't worry, Mr. Wang, I will not affect you."

Wang Peng looked at Mother Wang with a half-smile, "Okay."

It doesn't matter, but doesn't she represent the queen mother?She stood next to Shen Mengqi, who spoke, what to say, how to say, all had to be weighed first before speaking.

Fortunately, Nanny Wang only followed Shen Mengqi and the others to the imperial study and waited at the door.

Inside the house, the emperor and Shen Qingning had been waiting for a long time, and there was still breakfast on the side.

"Mengqi sees the emperor, the emperor is blessed and safe."

Seeing Shen Mengqi coming, the emperor forced a smile and said: "Little Mengqi, you are here, come over and have breakfast together."

Shen Mengqi walked over in a regular manner. Before she could sit still, she heard the emperor sighed and said: "You two must already know about the noble concubine."

The eyes of Shen Qingning and Shen Mengqi trembled slightly, and they inadvertently met each other's eyes when looking around.In each other's eyes, one of them understood the feeling of success, and the other read the meaning of fear and solemnity.

Thinking that Shen Mengqi might be jealous of herself, Shen Qingning couldn't help but feel proud. She raised her chin and looked at Shen Mengqi proudly, with an expression like a cricket that had won a fight, beaming with joy.


Shen Qingning stared fixedly at Shen Mengqi, she said to the emperor: "When I came here just now, I heard from Manager Wang."

The emperor showed bitterness, "Do you want to inform Nan Heng of this matter?"

"No need, I just told the third brother that the imperial concubine went to practice on her behalf, but after one night, she said that the imperial concubine committed suicide. The third brother will definitely be thinking about it. If someone takes advantage of it by then, it will be a waste of money." It's not good."

The emperor nodded, "Well, what do you think, Xiao Mengqi?"

Looking at Shen Mengqi, who hadn't recovered yet, and whose eyes were still a bit misty, the emperor knocked on the table, "Xiao Mengqi, what's wrong with you?"

Shen Mengqi seemed to be waking up from a big dream, she slowly turned her head to the emperor.

The emperor was a little worried, "What's wrong with you, what are you thinking?"

Shen Mengqi shook her head and said: "Uncle Huang, I think Princess Qingning is right, not only can't replace with the third prince, but also can't let the courtiers and other people in the palace know for the time being, so as to avoid turmoil in the court."

The emperor nodded, "I think so too, then ask the people from the Punishment Department to throw the concubine wrapped in straw mats to the mass grave. The Punishment Department pulls out a few dead people every day, no one will Noticed."

The noble concubine probably never imagined until she died that she climbed from a lowly maidservant to a high position as a noble concubine all her life, but in the end she ended up with a straw mat exposed to corpses in the wilderness, not even a commoner.

"Fortunately, Nan Heng only loves to play with birds. He neither wins over courtiers nor participates in government affairs. Except for the Taifu, he has nothing to do with people from the previous court. Otherwise, we can't hide it."

The emperor picked up two pieces of glutinous rice lotus root, handed them to Shen Mengqi and Shen Qingning, and said, "I will deal with the Taifu, so this matter is over, let's eat."

Looking at the glutinous rice and lotus root in her jade plate, Shen Mengqi remembered the tragic death of the imperial concubine, and her stomach instantly turned upside down.

She resisted the desire to vomit, and ate the glutinous rice lotus root.

After breakfast, Shen Mengqi excused herself on the grounds that she was unwell. After a few instructions with Mother Wang, she walked towards the outside of the harem without even going to the Palace of Compassion.

When he walked to the door, he happened to meet Lin Jihan getting off his horse, apparently to pick her up.

Seeing Shen Mengqi walking slowly, Lin Jihan smiled, "Do we have a good understanding?"

In the next second, Shen Mengqi hugged him tightly in his arms, and Shen Mengqi's voice was a little crying, "Yes."

Only then did Lin Jihan notice that something was wrong with Shen Mengqi, and he reported Shen Mengqi to his arms, "What's wrong? Who bullied you?"

Shen Mengqi shook her head, buried her head in Lin Jihan's shoulder, asked about the familiar and reassuring mint fragrance, and then said, "Lin Yizhou, I want to go home."

As soon as Shen Mengqi called her Xiaozi, Lin Jihan held Shen Mengqi's head with one hand and Shen Mengqi's buttocks with the other, and said, "Okay, let's go home."

(End of this chapter)

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