Chapter 163 Look at Your Promise
Seeing that Lin Jihan took Shen Mengqi away, Mother Wang returned to the Palace of Compassion and Ning to return to her life.

When Wang Momo came back, breakfast was served on the table, but the queen mother didn't move a sip. When it was clear that Wang Momo came back by herself, a little disappointment appeared on the face that was still full of smiles.

"Where's that girl Mengqi?"

"Going back to the Queen Mother, after the princess and the emperor had breakfast together, she asked the regent to pick her up."

The queen mother couldn't help frowning when she heard this, "Why are the two of them still so sticky?"

Wang Momo immediately said: "After all, Princess Qingning hasn't made any big moves yet. Judging by today's posture, it will be soon. Don't worry, the Queen Mother, it will only take two days for Her Royal Highness the Princess and the Regent to separate."

"Well, ask someone to tap Lime on the side again, so that she can make a move earlier. If it's later, I'm afraid Meng Qi will be deeply trapped and unable to pull it out."

"Old slave understands."

"Call a few Ji Ling points to the past, that girl Qing Ning is also a ghost, and she can't be fooled by ordinary people."

The queen mother picked up the silver chopsticks that were placed aside and poked the delicious food in front of her. She asked, "Has Meng Qi entered the Punishment Department?"

"I went in." Wang Momo paused and said, "I went in with the road money given by Princess Qingning last night."

The queen mother understood how she went back when she heard it, she laughed and shook her head and said: "This ghost is clever, she is used to reading people's hearts, by the way, how is she doing after she came out of the Punishment Department?"

Wang Momo shook her head and said: "Not too good, Her Royal Highness seemed to be frightened, and she was able to hold on when she came out. After she walked out of the Punishment Department's boundary, her hands kept shaking and her eyes were wrong. Come out of the imperial study room. After that, the whole person looked even more decadent."

"She guessed it. It's not in vain for the Ai family and the emperor to cultivate them so hard. She really didn't disappoint the Ai family."

The Empress Dowager put down her chopsticks and said to Wang Momo: "Go and talk to the Emperor, and say that Her Royal Highness already knows the cause of the imperial concubine's death, and there is no need to 'fake' some things in front of her in the future."


On the other hand, after Lin Jihan brought Shen Mengqi back to the palace, Shen Mengqi fell ill and had a persistent high fever, which frightened Lin Jihan, so he hurriedly invited the doctor Wang back from the Mufu.

Looking at Shen Mengqi, whose face was flushed with fever, the doctor Wang said: "Your Highness is frightened and has a fever. You can't take this ordinary medicine. You can only use a towel dipped in cold water and wipe her with cold water to reduce the fever. "

Ye Wei, who came back with Doctor Wang, couldn't help interjecting: "In the cold winter months, if you wipe your body with cold water, no matter how hot the ground dragon burns, it's easy for Madam to catch a cold."

"That's better than burning it all the time. If it keeps burning like this, people will be stupid."

Lin Jihan on the side thought for a moment and then told Ye Wei, "Go fetch water, I'm fetching some charcoal braziers, and some silver charcoal."


As soon as these charcoal braziers were fired, the room instantly turned into a steamer. Shen Mengqi would no longer suffer from the cold. I'm afraid that everyone in the room would be cooked.

After the charcoal fire and cold water were ready, Lin Jihan drove everyone out, and wiped Shen Mengqi's body himself.

Looking at the doctor Wang who was moved and praised Lin Jihan for his consideration, he snorted coldly in his heart.

Secretly, how naive, their lords are not thinking of them, they clearly don't want others to see Shen Mengqi's body, so they did it by themselves.

After Lin Jihan wiped it two or three times, the temperature on Shen Mengqi's body finally dropped, and after sweating, she was woken up by the charcoal fire in the room.

Shen Mengqi struggled to open her eyes, she looked at Lin Jihan and said softly, "Hot~"

"The hot spot is good. When you sweat, the disease will be cured."

Lin Jihan patted Shen Mengqi's head, and seeing that it was no longer so hot, he joked: "Look at your talent, how can you be scared sick?"

Hearing this, Shen Mengqi's eyes darkened, she looked at Lin Jihan and said, "The noble concubine died in the Punishment Department, on the surface it seemed that she committed suicide in fear of crime and was persuaded by Shen Qingning, but I went to the Punishment Department today and saw the noble concubine's body. "

"She should have been beaten to death with a heavy object many times, and finally cut off her tongue with a blunt instrument to pretend to commit suicide."

Seeing Shen Mengqi's frightened expression, Lin Jihan answered, "This person must have been killed by the Department of Punishment, and the only ones who can instruct them to kill are those two in the palace."

Shen Mengqi couldn't help trembling and said: "Are they trying to create chaos in the court, or"

"I'm afraid that the matter of the noble concubine is a trap set up by the emperor and the queen mother to cause chaos in the world. Only when the chaos arises can we see it clearly, and only after we see it can we clear it up. They are paving the way for the new king."

Shen Mengqi trembled and said: "Uncle Huang is now in his prime. Although Tianyuan Kingdom is in danger, but it is not at the critical moment of survival, he did this."

Lin Jihan hugged the frightened Shen Mengqi in his arms, and he said in relief: "Don't be afraid, the matter hasn't reached that point yet, the intention of the emperor and the empress dowager may not be what you think."

Shen Mengqi remained silent, she didn't want to think about the worst, but all the things right now made her have to think about the worst.

"Aside from talking about the emperor and the queen mother, what you should be most worried about now is what to do with Shen Qingning. Now that the imperial concubine is dead, the forces in Xihuang will definitely seek Shen Qingning to cooperate directly. Without the imperial concubine getting involved, what can they do?" There will be more."

"Shen Qingning is not as brainless as the imperial concubine. She looks reckless and domineering, but she is actually shrewd and patient. If she is not careful, she may fall into her ways."

"The key is that she is a person who will never give up until she achieves her goal. With Xihuang's help, the fight between you may be difficult to stop."

Shen Mengqi said with serious eyes: "Yes, we will lose both in the fight, and Hubu Shangshu and Xihuang will be able to reap the benefits."

"At present, Xihuang may attack at any time. Although Saibei has a big brother guarding it for the past few years, he has not been very peaceful. The most important thing right now is how to ask the Minister of the Ministry of Households to return the money he swallowed from the treasury."

Shen Mengqi wrote and drew by hand on the quilt, she murmured: "You need to be strong to strike iron, money and food are the foundation, and ensuring that the soldiers have enough to eat is the last word."

"Ma'am, you dare to think more than I do. This treasury has been moved to Xihuang by the Secretary of the Ministry of Household Affairs. It's like a meat bun beating a dog. There is no return. You still want him to spit it out? How do you spit it out? "

Just as he was talking, Ye Wei knocked on the door, and Ye Wei said: "Your Majesty, Madam, King Ping An is asking to see you."

Shen Mengqi was overjoyed when she heard the words, "Bring my second brother here."

"Isn't this a coincidence?" Shen Mengqi looked at Lin Jihan and said with a smile, "I, Dongfeng, are here."

(End of this chapter)

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