Chapter 169 Return to the court
When Shen Mengqi was still sleepy and dazed, the imperial decree came down, saying that Shen Mengqi was to finish her rest and go to court on time.

Putting on the court clothes again, Shen Mengqi felt that the official hat on her head and the court clothes on her body were getting heavier, and she didn't know if it was the words of Shangshu Xingbu that night that had played a role.

After many days, Shen Mengqi finally stood side by side with Lin Jihan in front of the Xuanzheng Hall again. Seeing the vigorous and powerful Xuanzheng Hall with three big characters, Shen Mengqi felt a lot.

At this moment, there was a clear voice calling from behind, "Lord Minister of the Ministry of Officials."

Shen Mengqi turned her head, only to see a young man with a youthful face but a sharp look, although he looked immature, but his brows were full of righteousness walking towards her.

It was none other than Yi Bai who was chosen by her as the new minister of the Ministry of Rites. He rose to the top and became the minister when he first entered the official career. This is the envy of many people.

Yi Bai didn't care about other people's eyes at all, he strode towards Shen Mengqi and said, "I heard that this minister is the Minister of Rites personally appointed by the Minister of the Ministry of Officials?"

Shen Mengqi raised her eyebrows, "So?"

"So, Nian Zaichen was promoted by the Minister of the Ministry of Officials himself, and the minister wants to give a piece of advice to the Minister of the Ministry of Officials."

Yi Baijiong looked at Shen Mengqi with enthusiasm, and his words carried the vigor of a young man and the arrogance of a literati, "My minister is a person who can't tolerate sand in his eyes. Please don't think that you have promoted me. I will be grateful to you and obey my orders."

"If you really bring disaster to the country and the people as rumored by the outside world, I will definitely not let it go. No matter how powerful you and the regent are, I will fight you to the end!"

Looking at the young man with a strong blood in front of her, Shen Mengqi's expression softened involuntarily. Through him, she seemed to see Cheng Yili back then. Digital dignitaries.

In the long river of time, some people come and some people go, but there is a kind of will and devotion to the country that have been passed down from generation to generation. Another name for this kind of will is inheritance.

Looking at Shen Mengqi whose mouth was slightly raised, Yi Bai's face darkened, "What are you laughing at? Do you not believe my words, or do you think I am overconfident?"

"It's nothing, I just think that my Tianyuan Kingdom has a promising future."

Yi Bai's eyes lit up when he heard Shen Mengqi's words, but he still raised his chin proudly and said, "That's natural, our Tianyuan Kingdom will be immortal!"

After finishing speaking, Yi Bai ignored Shen Mengqi, but ran to Mu Qiancheng who had just rushed over to court.

After Yi Bai left, Lin Jihan leaned over, "What do you think of the Minister of Rites you chose?"

Seeing that no one was paying attention to her side, the corners of Shen Mengqi's mouth curled up slightly, and she looked at Yi Bai who was chattering around Mu Qiancheng with a look of admiration, and said, "You have the reckless impulsiveness of a teenager, and you also have a fistful heart. Faith, full of lofty ambitions, the future can be expected."

"Just now, he knew that meeting you would be like a mayfly shaking a tree, but threatening you like that is a promising future?"

"After all, he is still young, he has not long been an official, and he still has some practice."

"He's young? Ma'am, I'm afraid you've forgotten how many years younger you are than him."


After all, he doesn't understand the court situation, and when he understands it in the future, it will be a great help.

Lin Jihan also looked at Mu Qiancheng who was chatting with Yi Bai meaningfully, and said, "It's different, just train and train."

After a while, Director Wang came out to announce that he was going to court, and Shen Mengqi spontaneously stood behind Mu Qiancheng and followed a group of courtiers into the Xuanzheng Hall.

"Long live, long live, my emperor."

Just when all the courtiers were about to kneel down, the emperor suddenly said to Shen Mengqi: "Little Mengqi, don't kneel, this knee is not healed yet, you need to protect it well."

Hearing this sentence, all the courtiers immediately looked at Shen Mengqi. Shen Mengqi didn't want to do anything special, and she was going to be expensive, but she was firmly supported by someone in the next second.

As soon as Shen Mengqi looked up, she saw Manager Wang and Manager Wang's apprentice, Xiao Mazi, supporting her from left to right.

Looking at Shen Mengqi who has not yet reacted, the emperor smiled smugly: "I said I don't want you to kneel, then I won't let you kneel down, Xiao Mengqi is obedient, your body is important."

When the courtiers heard the words, they immediately lowered their bodies. They looked at each other and looked at you. Although they were puzzled, no one dared to speak out.

How could the person who had chased Shen Mengqi to death a few days ago suddenly treat her so well?Is the emperor and Princess Anshun reconciled?
The courtiers who didn't understand the doorway were a little confused for a while, and didn't know how to stand in line.

Shen Mengqi herself didn't explain much, but stood obediently as she said, and the emperor nodded in satisfaction, and said to the courtiers kneeling on the ground: "Everyone loves you."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

After all the courtiers were flattened, Shen Mengqi suddenly felt a chill down her spine, but when she looked back, everything was as usual, as if nothing had happened.

Shen Mengqi frowned slightly, always feeling uneasy, as if something bad was about to happen.

But the following court was extremely peaceful.

The emperor smiled and praised Shen Mengqi's newly elected courtiers, and specially ordered Yibai, saying that the future can be expected.

After seeing that it was almost done, Director Wang stepped forward and announced: "Play if there is something to do, and leave the court if there is nothing to do!"

Seeing that today's court ceremony is coming to an end, Shen Mengqi was about to take a bite, but the next second she heard the voice of Hubu Shangshu behind her.

"Your Majesty, I have a book to play."

Shen Mengqi's heart tightened.

The emperor still had a smile on his face, "Oh? Is there anything Shangshu Hubu wants to start?"

"I want to participate in the Minister of the Ministry of Punishments to secretly form party members, put spies in the courtier's room, and at the same time slander the imperial concubine!"

"Oh?" The emperor looked at Hubu Shangshu with an ugly face and said, "My lord, is what Hubu Shangshu said true?"

The Secretary of the Ministry of Justice seemed to have expected this day long ago, he looked at the emperor on the throne indifferently and said: "Going back to the emperor, it is true, but I just want to wash away the grievances of the former empress."

Hubu Shangshu sneered, "What grievances did the former empress want you to take care of? Xingbu Shangshu, you can be regarded as a veteran minister in the court, can you blame the late former empress if you have nothing to do?"

"How many years has passed since the first queen passed away, how dare you drag her out to take the blame? Do you want the first queen to be disturbed?"


The emperor's furious and presumptuous sound scared all the courtiers to their knees. The emperor gritted his teeth and said: "If anyone dares to say one more word that is not good for Aya, whose head will I want!"

Hubu Shangshu heard the words and said unwillingly: "Your Majesty, what about the Xingbu Shangshu?"

The emperor didn't even ask, but directly said: "The Secretary of the Ministry of Punishment framed the current noble concubine, slandered the former queen's reputation, disturbed the former queen's heroic spirit, and put her in a prison to wait for her punishment!"

Shen Mengqi couldn't help but stood up and said, "Your Majesty, I think so."

"Let's do this first, I'm tired, let's retreat."

Speaking of which, the emperor threw the Buddhist bead bracelet in his hand directly to the ground, and he must be very angry.

Shen Mengqi still wanted to go up to see her, but she heard Lin Jihan cough a few times, Shen Mengqi turned around and saw Lin Jihan shaking her head at her.

Although she was unwilling, she still stepped aside and said nothing.

The emperor's face looked better now.

Director Wang was afraid of another accident, so he hurriedly announced: "Retire!"

After retiring from the imperial court, Shen Mengqi was about to enter the palace to ask for an audience, but Director Wang went to her first, "His Royal Highness, the emperor invites you to enter the palace for an audience."

When Shen Mengqi followed Manager Wang to the imperial study, the emperor was holding a box in a daze, Shen Mengqi saw it at a glance, it was the favorite object of the former empress during her lifetime.

After introducing Shen Mengqi into the palace, Director Wang withdrew, leaving only the emperor and Shen Mengqi in the room.

After the two of them looked at each other silently for a long time, just as Shen Mengqi was about to speak, the emperor took the lead and said, "Xiao Mengqi, I know what you are going to say, the Secretary of the Ministry of Punishment is not guilty, but he is the biggest hero. He let us know. Ya's cause of death."

"Uncle Huang, if this is the case, why are you?"

"I thought that Meng Qi should know why I wanted to deal with Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment."

Looking at Shen Mengqi who bowed her head silently, the emperor smiled and said: "It seems that my guess is right."

Shen Mengqi's eyes were a bit gloomy, "Even if she avenged the empress, the imperial concubine has been operating in the harem for many years, and her forces are intertwined. For the sake of the current court situation, it is best not to make trouble out of the festival."

"It is to conceal the cause of the imperial concubine's death. As usual, the imperial concubine has gone to practice with her hair. As long as the third prince and courtiers don't know the truth, the court will not be in chaos."

The emperor nodded in satisfaction and said: "As expected of a child raised by my mother and I, after all, I have not been disappointed."

"But Uncle Huang, Minister of the Ministry of Punishment, he is innocent."

"Innocent?" The emperor leaned forward and said to Shen Mengqi with a smile: "I tell you, no one who stands above this court is innocent, including you, Shen Mengqi!"

The emperor hooked his hands at Shen Mengqi, and Shen Mengqi walked over obediently, only to see a chessboard in front of the emperor, and now the white chess pieces were completely surrounded by the black chess pieces.

"You should have felt it. Uncle Huang has been pretending to be crazy and acting stupid all these years. He has endured humiliation for so many years. Even being called the Bird Emperor Zhen has never explained it. The purpose is to break through and let Tianyuan Kingdom return to our control."

The emperor said: "As an emperor, what you have to learn is to choose and choose. For the sake of the overall situation now, and for the future, we must abandon the Secretary of the Ministry of Justice, so that they have no chance to fight back against you."

Shen Mengqi understands the truth, but...
"Even if he doesn't deserve to die, and he has done so many things for Tianyuan Kingdom, should he be like this?"

The emperor said firmly: "Yes, this is his fate. When he did this for the queen, he was destined to come to this point."

The emperor looked at Shen Mengqi and said: "And what you and I should do is to make a choice, use his life alone to exchange Tianyuan Kingdom for a hundred years of peace!"

Shen Mengqi said bitterly: "But he really shouldn't end up like this."

The emperor said lightly: "Aya back then, Nanchen now, you and Qing Ning shouldn't be like this, but shouldn't it be like this?"

The emperor's words made Shen Mengqi's face turn pale. She looked at the emperor who was full of indifference and looked like a nine-day immortal, and said, "Uncle emperor"

"Mengqi, when you were born in the royal family, you have to be appointed, and you have to bear the responsibilities that the royal family should bear. I am very glad to have you marry Lin Jihan, and I also feel very unfortunate that I married you to Lin Jihan."

The emperor's tone and tone were as gentle as ever, but what he said was like the cold wind whistling outside the window, making Shen Mengqi's bones ache.

"Because he taught you how to be a human being, but what I have to do is continue to teach you how not to be a human being."

The emperor looked at Shen Qingning's somewhat empty eyes and said: "Feelings are the most troublesome thing in this world that can hold you back. I wanted to grind you with the iron-blooded and ruthless regent, but you turned him into a finger-wrapping man." Rou, it looks like I have to teach you personally."

As he said that, the emperor raised Shen Mengqi's hand through his sleeve, and then told her to pinch a silver needle, and then ruthlessly threw it towards the pillar behind him.

By the time Shen Mengqi realized it, the silver needle had already been inserted into the portrait of Shangshu of the Ministry of Justice on the pillar.

"Since he started looking for you, let you finish it." The emperor grabbed Shen Mengqi's hand and said, "Don't shake your hands, show the momentum you used to assassinate the minister of officials!"

Shen Mengqi raised her head in horror, she looked at the emperor and said, "At that time. The person who came to Your Excellency Xiaomeng to assassinate the former official minister Wang Chongming was."

"It's me."

The emperor graciously admitted it. He looked at Shen Mengqi and said, "The matter of the Ministry of Justice is not in a hurry. What they want is not this, and the result I want is not this. Mengqi is so smart, she should know how to do it." Let's do it."

After finishing speaking, the emperor returned to his amiable appearance before, as if everything just now was Shen Mengqi's illusion.

"Okay, my little Mengqi, I've told you everything you want to know, go back and think about it."

Shen Mengqi was in a dissociative state, she didn't even know how she got out of the imperial study, and how she got into Lin Jihan's arms, everything was like sleepwalking.

Looking at Shen Mengqi who was walking outside with her eyes empty, the emperor's eyes showed a distressed look.

In the end, he was too anxious, Meng Qi probably couldn't bear this.

"Wang Peng, how much can she listen to what I told her?"

"Princess Anshun has been extremely intelligent since she was a child. If the emperor said ten points, I would guess that His Royal Highness can give twenty points."


The emperor couldn't help but smiled proudly, with a proud look, "That's right, this was taught by me, can you not be smart?"

Looking at the emperor who seemed to be in a good mood, Wang Peng couldn't help reminding: "It's the emperor, after you do this, I'm afraid it will be difficult for the queen mother to explain. After all, the queen mother said that you are not asked to tell her these things."

When mentioning the queen mother, the emperor's eyes darkened, and he couldn't help raising his hand to fiddle with the small box, and said in a daze.

"There is still a long way to go in the future. I hope she can have a companion, and don't end up alone like me."

Just as he was talking, Xiao Mazi from outside ran in and said, "Your Majesty, Mother Wang is here, and she said that the Empress Dowager invited you to come over."

(End of this chapter)

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