Chapter 170 Killing Brothers
Wang Peng looked at the emperor worriedly.

"What should come will always come. Mengqi has her own responsibilities, and I also have mine. This is probably the only thing I can do to make up for her."


The emperor smiled relaxedly, "Let's go to see the queen mother."

When Shen Mengqi came back to her senses, she had been carried back to Juxing Pavilion by Lin Jihan.

She looked at Ye Wei and asked, "Has Wang Tongfang been here?"

Ye Wei shook his head and said, "No."

"Then does she know about the Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment?"

Ye Wei nodded, "I know."

It wasn't him monitoring Wang Yanzhi, but her personal maid, Nuomi, who knew about the Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment from whom, she shouted and ran to Wang Yanzhi's yard in despair, letting the whole palace know that the Wang family was in trouble up.

Depressed for many days, Lin, who had been suppressed by Wang Yanzhi, even went to Wang Yanzhi's yard to scold and ridicule him.

If it wasn't for Wang Yanzhi's right to be the housekeeper that Shen Mengqi hadn't taken back, I'm afraid she would have been expelled from the palace by now.

Shen Mengqi asked, "How is she doing now?"

Ye Wei's expression was a little weird, he looked at Shen Mengqi and said, "It's the same as usual, neither crying nor making trouble, it's quite strange."

Lin Jihan said: "It's really not right."

At this time Shi Qi came in and said, "Madam Wang, the old lady is here."

After Shen Mengqi and Lin Jihan looked at each other, Shen Mengqi said: "Please come in."


Lin heard her voice before entering the door.

"What's wrong with our prince's mansion? We took in a few passers-by. Why did something happen to the natal families of these passers-by? I really wronged my son and His Royal Highness the Princess."

As soon as she entered the door, Mrs. Lin came up. She looked at Shen Mengqi and said, "Oh, it's all my fault. At the beginning, I thought these were good boys with a good family background. I thought that I could help you serve the prince together. Who would want to have a family?" It’s all become like this.”

"Mengqi, the Minister of the Ministry of Punishment is also in prison, and the prince has never touched Wang Tongfang, so why not send Wang Tongfang back to the Minister of the Ministry of Criminal Justice's residence, and our family will not have to go through this muddy water."

"Grandma, are you going to drive the Wang family to extinction?"

Looking at Shen Mengqi's cold eyes that were like sharp blades, Lin couldn't help but feel a little timid. She staggered Shen Mengqi's eyes, looked around and said to her: "How can this be called extermination? Didn't the emperor order to raid the house? I am too For the sake of the palace."

"Or do you want to get rid of the Wang family?"

Shen Mengqi was silent when she heard the words, her eyes darkened involuntarily.

"No way," Lin's heart skipped a beat, "I guessed right? No, why do you want to get rid of the Wang family? Is it because their family blocked your way?"

"But the Wang family is also Wang Tongfang's natal family after all, how could you?"

Before Lin's words were finished, Shen Mengqi interrupted her, "It's not your mother-in-law's business to do what the princess does. It's getting late, and it's time for mother-in-law to go to rest. Help mother-in-law go back to her room on eleventh."

"What room should I go back to after such a big incident, I won't leave!"

Lin struggled violently, trying to break free, but failed.Eleven didn't care about Lin's yelling at all, and walked out directly carrying Lin.

"Recently, the government and the government are not at peace. The princess and the prince are busy with government affairs, so I am afraid that they will neglect the mother-in-law. It will be bad if the mother-in-law bumps into each other."

Lin's face turned pale when she heard the words, and she couldn't care less about struggling, and asked tremblingly, "What do you mean?"

"It's been hard for my mother-in-law to stay in her own yard for the past few days, so as not to get hurt. We juniors will feel distressed, and the eleven princesses will be assigned to my mother-in-law. With him, my mother-in-law will definitely not Injuried."

"You are imprisoned!" Lin yelled angrily, "Even if you are a princess, you can't imprison your mother-in-law. You violate morals and ethics, and you will be struck by lightning!"

Lin Jihan frowned involuntarily when he heard Lin's abuse, he looked up at Eleven, "Eleven!"

Eleven said something, "The old lady offended."

After that, he immediately covered Lin's mouth with his hands, half dragging, half forcefully pulling Lin out.

After Mrs. Lin was dragged out, Wang Yanzhi stood outside the door with a pale face and a blank expression.

She didn't know how much she had heard of those words just now.

Thinking of what the emperor said to her in the imperial study, Shen Mengqi didn't dare to look Wang Yanzhi directly.

She looked at Wang Yan hesitantly and knew: "You"

Unexpectedly, Wang Yanzhi smiled at her, "Your Highness, you don't need to be like this. Father thought about such a day when he was collecting evidence of the crimes of the imperial concubine and empress. That's why I want to enter the Prince Regent's Palace. My ah Brother is going to go to the border to follow the First Prince."

"As early as when he set foot on this road, he saw our destination. My father told us that he was not a good father and could not give us a good future. He could only hold our lives and let him go alone. die, but he has no regrets."

Looking at the tragic Wang Yanzhi who was smiling, Shen Mengqi felt a dull pain in her heart, and she was full of guilt towards the Wang family.

But Wang Yanzhi looked fearless, she looked at Shen Mengqi and said.

"Your Highness, after my father talked to you that night, he also met me in private. He told me to tell you, don't blame yourself, and don't save him. Please move forward boldly, Your Highness, and don't be tripped by villains because of him. Hold your legs."

"When His Royal Highness is full of wings, it will be the day of his revenge."

Shen Mengqi smiled miserably, "What does it mean to be full-fledged, and who is worthy of living in this world?"

She seemed to be asking herself a question, and also seemed to be asking Wang Yanzhi.

"When will it be considered full-winged? I am afraid that only you, Your Highness, can answer. As for the latter, my father said that those who can do something for Tianyuan Kingdom are worthy of living in this world."

"Yanzhi came today to tell His Highness the princess not to rescue her, and not to blame herself for my father. The words have already been brought, and Yanzhi left."

From the beginning to the end, Wang Yanzhi behaved very calmly, neither made trouble nor begged Shen Mengqi for anything, but Shen Mengqi felt that this would make her feel a thousand times more uncomfortable than killing her.

Walking to the door, Wang Yanzhi seemed to have remembered something, she turned her head and smiled at Shen Mengqi, her eyes were full of admiration.

"Perhaps Her Royal Highness has long since forgotten what happened when she was a child, but Yanzhi remembers that she was a little afraid of people when she was young, and she was unwilling to talk to others. She was once regarded as a dumb and fool. It was Her Royal Highness who helped Yan Zhi drive away. That group of people also gave Yan Zhi a piece of candy, which was the best candy Yan Zhi had ever tasted."

"The fullness of wings is actually inconclusive. In the eyes of the young Yanzhi, you were already full-fledged and able to protect others. In the eyes of Yanzhi now, knowing how to give up and protect the overall situation is also full-fledged."

After saying these words, Wang Yanzhi left.

Shen Mengqi hugged herself tightly, and buried her head in her knees, as if she had built a cage for herself and trapped herself in it.

Lin Jihan hugged Shen Mengqi in his arms distressedly.

After a long time, Shen Mengqi said angrily: "I know that loyal ministers shouldn't end up like this, but the current situation in Tianyuan Kingdom, himself, Uncle Huang are all forcing me to give up on him."

Lin Jihan analyzed rationally: "Giving up one person and stabilizing the court situation is actually a business that can make money without losing money."

"But for you, this choice is too cruel. The Hubu Shangshu and the gang probably expected this to do this. Their goal has never been the Xingbu Shangshu, but you."

Shen Mengqi stared at her red eyes that looked like rabbits and said, "Shangshu Hubu visited Qingning County Lord's Mansion on the front foot, and launched an attack on Shangshu Xingbu on the back foot in the hall."

"Shen Qingning must have come up with this idea, and she is the only one who understands me this way. I originally thought about pulling down the Minister of the Household Department, but was turned into an army. If I didn't have this thought at the time, would it be... "

"will not."

Lin Jihan said decisively: "Whether you want to move the Minister of the Ministry of Accounting or not, they will attack the Minister of the Ministry of Punishment. Their goal from the beginning to the end is to pull you down."

"Regardless of whether you act or not, the Minister of the Ministry of Justice will not be able to survive."

Looking at Shen Mengqi whose eyes were getting darker and darker, Lin Jihan said again: "But if you want to make a move, you can try it, maybe it will be reversed."

Shen Mengqi's eyes lit up involuntarily, she looked at Lin Jihan and said, "Can I make a move?"

"The Emperor and the Secretary of the Ministry of Justice are just suggesting you not to make a move, but you should have the final say on whether to make a move. As long as you want to make a move, your husband will support you at any time."

Shen Mengqi bit her lips, her voice was still a little hesitant, "But will this not disappoint Uncle Huang's wishes?"

"Have you failed less?"

Shen Mengqi smiled when she heard the words, "That's right, it's really not bad this time."

Seeing that Shen Mengqi finally smiled, Lin Jihan also heaved a sigh of relief. He hugged Shen Mengqi off the bed and said, "Okay, as long as you feel better. Come, my husband will take you to dinner."

Jiangnan Luofu
Luo Bufan was holding a few sticks of incense in the ancestral ancestral hall and was about to bow down, when his personal servant ran in and said, "Master, the third master has acted."

Luo Bufan took Xiang's hand and said, "Have you prepared all the things I told you to prepare?"

The boy said: "Don't worry, sir, I made it together with Fugui, the goods have already been dropped, and what Xihuang can receive is only a pile of stones."

"Where is the person who carried the darts this time?"

"They are all children of the elderly who have been in our family for several generations. They are very reliable. Fugui has also notified the second master, and his friends from the world will come to help with acting."

Luo Bufan nodded, "Well done, there will be a big reward when you come back."


After the servant went out respectfully, Luo Bufan lit the incense and neatly inserted it into the incense burner. He knelt in front of the crowd, with a layer of sadness and determination buried deep in his calm eyes.

"I'm sorry, father, mother, Bufan failed to fulfill your last wish and did not teach Xiaosan well. I hope you can forgive your child's unfilial piety. There will be no eggs in the whole nest. The son will kill his brother."

After finishing speaking, Luo Bufan kowtowed three times to the ranking. When he reached the third one, he couldn't get up for a long time. After a long time, a tear fell from Luo Bufan's cheek and hit the ground without a trace.

Looking up again, Luo Bufan still had a face of indifference, all emotions were buried behind the thick haze in his eyes.

At the same time, the Mu Mansion was also brightly lit.

Although the injury on Luo Jiuqing's back has not healed yet, she can still walk on the ground.She asked Fafa and Caicai to put a noble concubine chair in the yard, and she lay on it and looked at the bright moon in a trance.

After an unknown amount of time, she asked, "Fafa, what time is it?"

Before she could reply, Mu Qiancheng's clear voice sounded behind Luo Jiuqing, "It's three o'clock."

Hearing Mu Qiancheng's voice, Luo Jiuqing froze for a moment. She looked at Mu Qiancheng who had come to stand beside her and asked, "What's the matter with you here?"

"Master Luo is going to do something tonight."

Luo Jiuqing sat up straight instantly, she looked at Mu Qiancheng warily and said, "How do you know? What do you want to do?"

Seeing Luo Jiuqing who was so defensive against him now, a dull pain flashed in Mu Qiancheng's eyes.

He said: "Don't be nervous, the uncle of the Luo family sent three letters to the capital a few days ago, knowing that the Luo family is not only attacking you and me, but also the Regent's Palace, but they can't take care of this matter now. "

Hearing the words Regent's Palace, Luo Jiuqing was visibly shocked. She said expectantly and nervously, "Regent's Palace? Then... Her Royal Highness, she."

"Understood." Seeing Luo Jiuqing's focus on Shen Mengqi, Mu Qiancheng couldn't help feeling a little heartbroken, but he still insisted: "Your Highness, she has always trusted the Luo family, so you can rest assured."

Luo Jiuqing didn't say a word, just looked up at the moon in the sky in a silent trance.Mu Qiancheng asked as if he had the ability to read minds: "Worried about your third brother?"

"That's what he deserved."

"No matter how much you deserve, it's your third brother. In fact, you don't have to be so tense in front of me."

Looking at Luo Jiuqing's indifferent and alienated eyes, Mu Qiancheng felt a little uncomfortable. He suppressed his discomfort and smiled, "After all, we are not enemies."

Luo Jiuqing was surprisingly calm, "But our relationship is not that good."

Rather than being calm, it might be better to say that she has been like this since she returned from the Prince Regent's Mansion that day.Since you can't be a husband and wife, over there cut off your own thoughts, calm and self-restrained.

Mu Qiancheng was so blocked that he couldn't speak, and after a while he said: "It's cold in the night, you should be careful if you catch the cold, go back and rest earlier."

"After tonight, there are nothing more than two results. The third master of the Luo family fell into the hands of Xihuang, and his life and death are unpredictable, or the third master of the Luo family fell into the hands of the uncle of the Luo family. The uncle of the Luo family has the evidence of Xihuang. Use the strength of the Luo family to do business abroad to negotiate with the monarch of Xihuang, and restore some benefits for the Tianyuan Kingdom."

"Yeah, but you're still a bit wrong." Luo Jiuqing's eyes were as sharp as a knife, "Even if the third brother falls into the hands of the eldest brother, he will die."

Looking at Mu Qiancheng who was shocked and speechless, Luo Jiuqing smiled cruelly, "Even if Her Royal Highness doesn't pursue it, the Luo family can't tolerate traitors. My elder brother said that a country is bigger than a family."

(End of this chapter)

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