After the powerful divorced their wives, they welcome the crematorium

Chapter 171 A crooked heart is the hardest to save

Chapter 171 A crooked heart is the hardest to save
At midnight, Luo Ping'an looked at Wang Mingyue above his head and said with a smile: "Heh, the candlelight at the third watch and the rooster at the fifth watch is when men are studying. The moon tonight is really suitable for reading sage books."

Luo Ping'an's personal servant cautiously followed aside, not daring to start a conversation, only listening to Luo Ping'an muttering to himself.

"After tonight, as long as this last batch of goods enters Xihuang, I don't need to pretend to be a nerd anymore. Since the eldest brother and the second brother don't like me, and the court doesn't appreciate me, then don't blame me for choosing another master." gone."

Big brother and second brother, just watch, sooner or later you will know that I, Luo Ping'an, are no worse than any of you!

At this moment, Luo San walked in. He looked at Luo Ping'an and said, "Third Master, the people and goods are all ready, and the water transportation has also been arranged. As long as you give an order, we can set off."

Luo Ping'an nodded, and he asked, "What's the fortune tonight, where is the wind blowing?"

"Don't worry, Third Master, I know your rules. I'll just go and find Hu Er blind man. He said that today, Third Master, your fortune is very good, and the wind direction is also along Xihuang's side!"

"Okay!" Luo Ping'an closed the Tao Te Ching in his hand, "Notice, we're leaving now!"


Luo Pingan took Luo San just out of his yard, and met Luo Bufan before leaving the Luo Mansion.

Looking at Luo Bufan standing in the middle of the courtyard, Luo Ping'an couldn't help feeling a little nervous, he stepped forward with a gentle smile on his face and said, "Brother, why haven't you rested so late?"

"It's hard to sleep tonight, come out to take a breath." Luo Bufan looked straight at Luo Ping'an and said, "You want to go out so late?"

Luo Ping'an's eyes flickered, "Ang, brother, don't you know that our bookstore received a big order before, and the customer thought our bookstore's books were good, so they made an order again."

"I made a calculation with Blind Hu Er. Sending the book at this time will be a good omen. My elder brother also knows that my bookstore and private school have always lost money. You and my second elder brother have saved a lot for me. This time I want to make my own money once."

"It's that simple?"

Looking at Luo Bufan's eyes like a pool of stagnant water, Luo Ping'an was startled, feeling like he knew something.

Luo Ping'an poked his neck and said, "Of course it's that simple. What else can I do if I open a bookstore? Or, brother, what do you think I can do?"

"Ping An, when you were born with a weak body, father and mother prayed to the Buddha, not asking you to make great achievements, but wishing you a healthy and safe life without disasters and difficulties."

"As long as you don't go astray, even if you can't pass the exam for a lifetime, my brother is willing to support you for the rest of your life."

"Brother, I just wanted to make a good omen, so I chose this time to deliver the goods. I really have no other thoughts. Don't you know me, brother?"

"If I don't want to make a little money to prove myself, I would rather burn the candlelight at the third watch and read until dawn!"

"Since you want to make this money, go for it."

Seeing that Luo Bufan got out of the way, Luo Ping'an was relieved, and he said in a low voice, "Thank you, brother, for your understanding."

Then he trotted towards the gate of Luo Mansion, as if there was some scourge behind him.

Looking at Luo Ping'an's gradually disappearing figure, Luo Bufan raised his voice and said: "Ping An! Brother Buping can help you walk along the road ahead, but if someone has a wrong mind, he will never be able to save him!"

Luo Ping'an trembled, but he did not stay here but walked away resolutely.

Luo Bufan was left standing alone in the courtyard of Luo Mansion sadly and unbearably.

The boy who had been in the dark ran out, looked at Luo Ping'an and whispered, "Master, are you alright?"

Luo Bufan shook his head lightly, and he told the boy: "Tell them to do it, remember, the goods must not fall into the hands of people from the Western Wilderness, people, if you can bring them back, bring them back, and if you can't bring them back, kill them." To bring the body back to me."


Tonight, everyone is doomed to sleepless.

After Luo Ping'an successfully brought the goods onto the boat of Luo's Water Transport, he relaxed.He lay lazily on the deck, looked at the brilliant stars in the sky and said to Luo San beside him.

"Luo San, do you see the difference between today's stars and yesterday's stars?"

Luo San raised his head, thought for a long time and said: "Today's Big Dipper is extraordinarily bright. Blind Hu Er's calculations are really accurate. God is helping you, Third Master."

Luo Pingan shook his head, "That's right or wrong."

"Small ignorance, I really can't think of anything else but this, please, third master, please mention something small."

Luo Ping'an pointed to the brightest Big Dipper in the sky and said: "The starry sky tonight guides the direction of freedom. As long as we reach Xihuang, the Luo family and Tianyuan Kingdom will be finished, and it's time for us to show our ambitions."

"This time, as long as I go to Xihuang, I will be able to accomplish a lot! Her Royal Highness will definitely regret kicking me out of the Zhongju students. When Xihuang breaks through the Tianyuan Kingdom, I will step on Shen Mengqi to humiliate her." !"

"The little one will congratulate the third master first, you will surely get your wish!"

Luo Ping'an was dreaming of getting promoted and getting rich, when the people below ran up and said, "Third Lord, the ship from Xihuang is here to pick us up."

Luo Ping'an stood up instantly, and asked with bright eyes: "Whose boat?"

"The ship of the West Wilderness King."

Luo San immediately looked at Luo Ping'an excitedly and said: "The barbarian king came to pick you up in person. Xihuang really values ​​the third master. I'll congratulate the third master first. Your prosperity is just around the corner!"

Just as he was getting excited, someone from below ran over again and said, "Third Master has another search boat approaching us!"

Luo Ping'an frowned, "Whose boat?"

"It should be a Jiang Hu people's boat, with a pirate flag hanging on it."

"A boat in the rivers and lakes?" Luo Ping'an snorted coldly and said, "It's that group of poor water bandits in the name of robbing the rich and helping the poor? Isn't my second brother always on good terms with them? Why are they still coming here? "

Luo San rolled his eyes, and he stepped forward and said, "Third Master, everything in this world is for profit. There are not a few people who eat black people on the road. Who doesn't know that the Luo family has money. They must have no money to spend recently." , came to ask for money."

"Heh, I thought that my second brother is so versatile and can play so well with people in the rivers and lakes. It turns out that it is all based on money. If I am in charge of water transportation, I must be better than my second brother."

Luo San followed suit and said, "Who says it's not."

The servant didn't have their thoughts, he asked anxiously: "Third Lord, their boat is getting closer and closer, what should we do?"

"It's just a group of poor bandits who came here for money." Luo Ping'an took out three large banknotes from his arms and handed them to him, "Give them money and tell them to go, don't affect me because of this." , after all, people from the Western Wilderness are still watching from a distance."

(End of this chapter)

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