Chapter 178

Lin Jihan said: "It's not jealous, Mr. Luo is special in her eyes."

Mu Qiancheng reminded rationally: "It's not the uncle of the Luo family, but the whole Luo family is special in the eyes of the princess."

Seeing that Lin Jihan's eyes were getting colder and colder, Mu Qiancheng hurriedly remedied it.

"Don't think about it too much. Uncle Luo just gave Her Royal Highness a few mines, spent all her money to buy Her Highness's favorite cakes and fruits for appetizers, relieved Her Royal Highness's worries, and accepted the knee pads made by Her Highness herself. That's all."

Following Mu Qiancheng's explanation, Lin Jihan's complexion became darker and darker.

Mu Qiancheng immediately said redeemingly: "But there has never been any transgression between them."

It was the first time for Ye Wei to see a person who was so precise about which pot to open and which pot to open. Seeing his grandfather's face getting darker and darker, Ye Wei couldn't help shrinking into the corner of the wall, afraid that Lin Jihan would notice I am average.

Mu Qiancheng also felt that something was wrong, he immediately closed his mouth, and looked at Lin Jihan silently.

Lin Ji looked at him coldly and asked, "Are you finished?"

Mu Qiancheng covered his mouth and nodded, not daring to take a breath.

Seeing that Lin Jihan stretched out his hand directly in the direction of Mu Qiancheng, Mu Qiancheng was so frightened that he immediately backed away.

Lin Jihan just reached out and took the flagon in front of Mu Qiancheng, poured himself a full glass of wine, and then drank it all in one gulp.


Lin Jihan threw the empty wine glass heavily on the table, and the crisp impact made the two people in the room tremble uncontrollably.

Looking at Lin Jihan who was slowly getting up, Mu Qiancheng couldn't help asking, "Where are you going?"

"Go home!"

Lin Jihan staggered to the door of the room, as if he had remembered something, he folded back on his own, and he leaned in front of Mu Qiancheng, startling Mu Qiancheng.

"My lord."

Lin Jihan looked at Mu Qiancheng firmly and said, "She only made a pair of knee pads for Luo Bufan, but she made seven or eight pairs for me. She still cares about me the most, you know?"

Mu Qiancheng nodded mechanically, "I know."

Only then did Lin Jihan take Ye Wei away with satisfaction, and before he left, he did not forget to threaten Mu Qiancheng, even if he was acting for Xihuang now, he was not allowed to deliberately trip Shen Mengqi under the guise.

He didn't leave until Mu Qiancheng nodded his head to confirm the ticket.

After Lin Jihan left, Mu Qiancheng gradually came back to his senses.

"No, you asked me to come out to drink flower wine, you go first? What do you mean!"

It's a pity that Lin Jihan had left long ago, and no one paid him any attention.

After Mu Qiancheng drank a cup on his own, he felt that there was nothing interesting, so he was about to go back to Mu's mansion, but when he was about to leave the brothel, he was stopped by the bustard.

"Master Mu, you haven't paid for the wine yet, 1 taels."


Mu Qiancheng was furious, didn't pay the bill for drinking, and even called him, is this using him as a money bag?Is Lin Jihan drinking gold or silver? It costs 1 taels!

The old bustard saw Mu Qiancheng's question, and she opened her mouth to answer: "Your lord, he only drank a few dozen taels of wine, but the two girls he ordered are the two big names in our green prostitutes, and they are also included in the night. So this silver is more expensive."

Mu Qiancheng choked, neither of them enjoyed such an expensive price, it was really a big loss!
The old bustard knew that Mu Qiancheng was a fun-loving person. After receiving the banknote, she looked at Mu Qiancheng with a smile and said, "If Mr. Mu likes it, these two girls can still accompany you all night, after all, you paid the money."

Mu Qiancheng couldn't help but see Luo Jiuqing's appearance in his mind, he shook his head and said, "Forget it."

He took out another silver ticket and handed it to the madam, "If anyone asks who is here tonight."

The old bustard took the silver ticket and said: "I understand, I understand! Tonight there is only the prince who got drunk, and the shepherd who didn't pay."


It is such a truth, but it is really heartbreaking to say it.

The end result after the hangover was that Lin Jihan managed to sleep until the afternoon of the second day. Even so, his head was still groggy, so he stayed in the mansion and did not go to court, nor did he ask why Shen Mengqi did not return all night.

After Shen Mengqi finished her meal at the Empress Dowager's place, she couldn't help but ran outside the imperial study.

The door of the imperial study room is still closed, and it is not known whether the people in the room have not slept all night.Seeing the rising sun, she couldn't help feeling a little anxious. It was almost time for the Minister of the Ministry of Punishment to execute his sentence, and she was afraid that she couldn't wait any longer.

Shen Mengqi was just about to force her way into the imperial study room, when the door of the imperial study room opened, and Shen Qingning came out, holding a shining imperial edict in her hand.

Shen Mengqi's heart was beating like a drum, she rushed to meet her, but she opened her mouth but didn't speak a complete sentence for a long time.

It was Shen Qingning who was the first to hand over the imperial decree to Shen Mengqi, "I promised you, this princess did not break my promise."

Shen Mengqi snatched the imperial decree fiercely, she held it in her arms, and said sincerely, "Thank you."

"Then what about your promise to the princess?"

"The doors of the Regent's House are open for you."

After finishing speaking, Shen Mengqi left with the imperial decree in her hands. She rode a thousand-mile horse tied outside the palace, and galloped quickly towards the execution ground.

Looking at Shen Mengqi's blurred back, Shen Qingning shook her head and said, "It's still too easy to guess your mind, and you're still tender. No wonder Uncle Huang wants to do this. You really need to grind."

Chunni looked at Shen Qingning who was muttering to herself and said, "Your Highness, what are you talking about?"

Shen Qingning shook her head, she said to Chunni: "My princess has gone to the Prince Regent's Mansion, you go back to the mansion and pack up all your things, then I will move them to the Prince Regent's Mansion."

"Yes." Chunni couldn't help but said happily: "Chunni is here to congratulate the Princess for getting her wish."

Shen Qingning smiled ferociously, taking advantage of Shen Mengqi's absence in the mansion, she was just able to dispose of the trash in the Prince Regent's mansion, this time she wanted to see who could come to save them.

Anyone who has insulted her will die!

When Shen Mengqi rushed to the outside of the execution ground with the imperial decree, the executioner had already sprayed wine on the knife.

Shen Mengqi screamed and shouted, "Keep people under the knife!"

But the executioner didn't seem to hear it. He raised the big knife with both hands and slashed directly at the neck of the minister of punishment.

Shen Mengqi was so anxious that she quickly took out the silver needle from her bosom and flicked it in the direction of the executioner's broadsword, but unfortunately she threw it sideways, and within a short distance, the broadsword flashed past Shen Mengqi's silver needle, and it was already slashing at the Minister of the Ministry of Justice. past.

Shangshu Xingbu didn't seem to feel the knife on his neck at all, he looked at Shen Mengqi who was galloping towards him and shouted with a smile.

"His Royal Highness! The broken family is still there, and the veteran will die without regret!"

(End of this chapter)

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