Chapter 179 You Killed Him
When the words of the Minister of the Ministry of Punishment fell, the words in the executioner's hands fell along with them.Blood splashed everywhere, jumping onto Shen Mengqi's face, and even soaking into Shen Mengqi's heart.

She only felt that there was blood in front of her eyes, and she couldn't see anything else except Shangshu Xingbu's headless body in the blood.

"It's you, kill him."

Shen Mengqi's eyes were empty, her eyes were like the cold wind in the twelfth lunar month of winter, it made people feel pain in their bones.

This time, Dali Temple Minister and Dali Temple Shaoqing were responsible for the execution. They deliberately pretended not to hear Shen Mengqi or hear her because of Liang Zi with Shen Mengqi before.

Seeing Shen Mengqi's appearance of wanting to eat people, and the imperial decree quietly held in Shen Mengqi's hands, Dali Temple Minister and Dali Temple Shaoqing knelt down together in fright.

"This busy city is so noisy, I begged Her Highness to forgive me if I didn't see Her Highness the Princess!"

"Didn't you see it, didn't you hear it?"

Hearing Shen Mengqi's unemotional inquiry, Dali Temple Minister trembled and said: "This busy city is noisy, my lord!"

Before they finished speaking, Dali Temple Minister and Dali Temple Shaoqing felt a pain in their ears, and they raised their hands, and the palms were full of blood.

I saw that Shen Mengqi had snatched the big knife from the executioner's hand at some point, and there was still blood on the knife. Their ears were under the big knife, and no one could see clearly how Shen Mengqi made the move.

"Since you can't hear, there's no need to keep your ears."

Dali Temple Minister anxiously said: "Your Highness, you are deceiving people too much!"

Shen Mengqi looked at him as if she was looking at a dead person and said, "This princess just bullied you, what's the matter?"

She threw the long knife in front of the Minister of Dali Temple and the Shaoqing of Dali Temple and said: "If you have the ability, you will return it."

Seeing the long knife thrown in front of him, Dali Siqing and Dali Si Shaoqing were startled, neither of them spoke first, and no one dared to go forward to take the big knife that was covered with blood.

Shen Mengqi slowly took out a silk cloth from her bosom and gently wiped her pale fingers, as if she was sending a dying person on the road.

Dali Temple Minister and Dali Temple Shaoqing trembled in fright, "Your Highness, what do you want to do?"

Shen Mengqi didn't even look at Dali Temple Minister and Dali Temple Shaoqing. After wiping her hands clean, she threw the imperial decree directly on them and said, "You are so dirty, you don't deserve to stay here."

"Go to the emperor with the imperial decree, and let the emperor decide your life and death."

After being scolded, Dali Temple Minister and Dali Temple Shaoqing did not dare to speak out to protest, they took the imperial decree and left in desperation.

Shi Qi, who had been guarding not far away, came over and said, "Madam, do you want to go back?"

Shen Mengqi shook her head, "Seventeen, go get a brush."


After a while, Shi Qi brought over Shen Mengqi's usual brush.

I saw Shen Mengqi knelt down beside the corpse of Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment holding a brush, Shi Qi and the surrounding people also knelt down one after another when they saw this.

Shiqi knelt and crawled forward, before she could move a few steps, she heard Shen Mengqi say: "Don't move."

Hearing this, Shi Qi immediately knelt down on the spot and did not dare to take another half step forward.

Shen Mengqi dipped a brush into the pool of blood in front of Shiqi, and then sketched along the corpse of Shangshu Xingbu as if copying it.

Shen Mengqi knelt down, crawled, and it took a full hour to completely outline the corpse of Shangshu Xingbu.

Seeing that the corpse has been painted, Shi Qi immediately stepped forward to help Shen Mengqi, "Ma'am, I will help you."

Shen Mengqi shook her head, she said coldly: "Seventeen, go and bring Wang Tongfang over to the Minister of the Ministry of Punishment to collect the body."

Looking at Shen Mengqi who was kneeling next to Lord Shangshu of the Ministry of Justice who didn't know what was written, Shi Qi hesitated a little.

This time Shen Mengqi came out in a hurry and did not bring an escort at all. If he left, Shen Mengqi's safety would not be guaranteed.

And now looking at it this way, Shen Mengqi's condition is really not good.

Just as he was dawdling, Shen Mengqi suddenly raised her head to look at Shiqi and said, "Go."

Looking at the pair of Shen Mengqi who looked like broken stars, whose eyes were overflowing with crystal clear tears but stubbornly refused to let them drip, Seventeen said: "Yes, I'll go now, little one."

Inside the Regent's Palace

Shen Qingning swaggered into the Prince Regent's Mansion alone, and within two steps, Mrs. Lin greeted her.

She took Shen Qingning's little hand and patted it for a while, her voice couldn't hide her love, "His Royal Highness, you are here, these days I want to die, I thought you would never step into this palace .”

Shen Qingning replied with a smile: "How come, Qingning said that she would always be with her mother-in-law."

Lin thought he was hallucinating.

"What did you call me?"

Shen Qingning drew the tone and called again, "Mother-in-law~"

Lin was so excited that she couldn't speak for a moment, she raised her hand to cover her mouth, pointed at Shen Qingning and said for a long time, "You you."

Lin took a deep breath, "Her Royal Highness and the prince nodded to ask you to marry in?"

Shen Qingning nodded and said with a smile: "His Royal Highness begged me to come, mother-in-law, I will be with you every day from now on."

"Good, good, good."

Lin said three good things in a row, and when she saw Shen Qingning, she couldn't help but smile from ear to ear, "My good boy, with you by my side, life in this palace will be much better."

Shen Qingning smiled and said, "Mother-in-law, we still have a long life ahead."


Just as she was talking, Shen Qingning saw an afterimage flashing in the garden beside her, and after a while a little black-gray carrier pigeon walked towards Shen Qingning and Lin's with her feet lifted.

Lin's expression became a little abnormal after seeing the pigeon.Although he was still chatting with Shen Qingning on his face, his eyes kept drifting to the pigeon, seeming a little absent-minded.

Shen Qingning could tell at a glance, and she said in a considerate way: "If mother-in-law has something to do, go and do it first. You don't need to accompany Qing Ning, because Qing Ning also has something to do."

"Actually, I'm fine." After Lin realized that Shen Qingning had noticed her, she immediately looked away, "The big thing is nothing compared to me accompanying my future daughter-in-law!"

Shen Qingning refused: "But I have something to do, mother-in-law, how about this, can I go to your yard to find you after I finish my own affairs?"

Seeing that Shen Qingning's anxious expression didn't look like she was lying, Lin let go of her hand and said: "Then you have to hurry up, don't make me, an old lady, wait too long."

"Good mother-in-law."

After Shen Qingning finished speaking, she turned and walked towards the direction of Wang Yanzhi's courtyard. When she reached the corner, Shen Qingning disappeared without a trace.

(End of this chapter)

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