Chapter 181

Shen Qingning had a bad premonition, if Wang Yanzhi died, she wouldn't want to be alone.

At this time, Shi Qi appeared at the gate of Wang Yanzhi's courtyard.

When Shen Qingning was about to go forward to help Wang Yanzhi, Shi Qi rushed to Wang Yanzhi's side first.

He lifted Wang Yanzhi up, reached out his hand to Wang Yanzhi's neck, and felt for her pulse.

Looking at Shi Qi with a pale face, Shen Qingning stretched out her hand to Wang Yanzhi's breath anxiously.

Man, I'm out of breath.

Shen Qingning couldn't help but took a few steps back, looking at Shiqi who was staring straight at her, she couldn't help but said: "It wasn't the princess, she bumped into it herself."

At this time, Wang Yanzhi's clothes were half-faded, and not far away were a group of anxious maidservants and mother-in-law. Even if Shen Qingning hadn't done it, Wang Yanzhi's death must have been related to her.

Right now, Her Highness the Princess has already become a little bit wrong because of the death of Shangshu of the Ministry of Justice. If she knows that Wang Yanzhi is also dead, what will the consequences be?
Seventeen didn't dare to think about it.

Seeing Shen Qingning who was about to leave, Shiqi put down Wang Yanzhi and stopped her.

Shen Qingning frowned, "Seventeen, what do you want to do?"

"Wang Tongfang died tragically in the yard, and everyone in the yard can't leave."

Shen Qingning calmed down and said: "It's just that a housemate died. The prince wants to take me into the house as his wife. What's the fuss? Anyway, the Wang family has also collapsed, so just roll her up and throw her out."

Seventeen did not give in at all, "His Royal Highness, you are not considered a concubine before you enter the Regent's Palace. Whether you are a housekeeper or a maid, you are guilty of killing someone."

Shen Qingning seemed to have heard a big joke, "Oh, crime? This princess has never heard that anyone who disposes of a housemate and maid with dirty hands and feet is considered a crime."

With lowered eyes, he said word by word: "But what they deal with is their own housekeeper and maid."

"Seventeen, today you are determined to have trouble with this monarch, right?"

"I also act in accordance with the rules. After all, the emperor violated the law and the common people are guilty of the same crime. Please forgive me, Your Royal Highness."

Seventeen is not Ye Wei, who neither knows how to be flexible nor can learn to be tactful, and Shen Qingning is so angry that he talks about the facts in everything.

At this time, Ye Wei just heard the movement in Wang Tong's courtyard.

Seeing Ye Wei coming, Shen Qingning didn't break up with Seventeen anymore, she waved to Ye Wei directly: "Ye Wei, come here."

Hearing Shen Qingning's contemptuous tone, Ye Wei couldn't help but frowned, but he didn't say much, but walked a few steps quickly.

When he arrived in the courtyard, Ye Weijing stared at Nuomi and Wang Yanzhi lying in a pool of blood, "What's going on here?"

Shi Qi looked at Ye Wei and said, "Princess Qing Ning disposed of Nuomi and Wang Tongfang."

Hearing this, Ye Wei almost fainted on the spot.

"How to deal with it?" Ye Wei tentatively asked cautiously, "Isn't it the way I thought about it?"

Shi Qi said directly: "They are all dead."

Ye Wei was so frightened that he hurriedly grabbed the pillar beside him, so as not to make himself fall, "Does Madam know about this?"

Seventeen shook his head.

Ye Wei heaved a sigh of relief, before he knew it, he still had time to think of a solution.

In the next second, Seventeen spoke.

"But Madam is waiting for me to take Wang Tongfang to collect the body of the Ministry of Punishment Shangshu at the execution ground."

Shi Qi's words were like a thunderbolt from the blue sky, which directly paralyzed Ye Weipi to the ground.Shen Qingning was also completely panicked, she rushed forward, grabbed Shi Qi's collar and said.

"What did you say? Whose body will you collect?"

"Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment." Seventeen looked at Shen Qingning and said decisively: "Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment was beheaded."

Looking at Wang Yanzhi, who was lying in a pool of blood, already dead, Shen Qingning instantly understood what Wang Yanzhi's smile was for at that time.

They will probably never go back.Shen Qingning turned around abruptly, with her back to the crowd.

The moment she turned around, they didn't know if it was an illusion or what, they seemed to see a crystal teardrop slipping from the corner of Shen Qingning's eye.

Shi Qi was the first to react. Wang Yanzhi raised his hand and was kicked.

Ye Wei couldn't help but said loudly: "What are you doing?"

"Madam said that she wants to see Wang Tongfang." Shi Qi looked at Ye Wei and said, "If you still want to survive, then watch this yard and don't let anyone out."

After speaking, Seventeen left.

Ye Wei looked at Shen Qingning who was leaning on the pillar with his back to him, and he couldn't help stomping his feet, what's the matter!

On the execution ground, Shen Mengqi dipped a brush in the blood of the Minister of the Ministry of Justice and wrote a sentence, "The family is broken and the country is still alive, even if you die, you will have no regrets."

She stared at the body of Shangshu Xingbu, no one knew what she was thinking.

Seventeen called softly, "Ma'am."

Shen Mengqi subconsciously raised her head and looked behind Shiqi, but she didn't see the person she wanted to wait for.

"What about her?"



Shi Qi turned his body sideways and saw Wang Yanzhi lying on the stretcher behind him.Although the clothes on her body were put on indiscriminately, they were still a little messy. The blood on her forehead had already solidified but remained all over her cheeks, which made her seep in a hurry.

Shen Mengqi smiled and shook her head, she looked at Shi Qi and asked, "What do you mean?"

"I'm sorry, ma'am, but I'm late."

"What do you mean you go back late?"

The calmer Shen Mengqi was, the more scared Shi Qi felt.

"Princess Qingning said it was because Wang Tongfang and Nuomi's hands and feet were not clean, so they disposed of it."

"Heh, deal with it, hehe."

Shen Mengqi threw away the pen in her hand, she looked up at the dazzling sun above her head, like a madman, "Hahahaha, Zhongliang is dead, traitor is prosperous, hahaha."

Smiling and laughing, tears overflowed from Shen Mengqi's eyes. Shen Mengqi raised her head, trying not to let the tears fall.

The sun shone directly on Shen Mengqi's eyes, and the teardrops glistened, as if two plates of jade were inlaid on Shen Mengqi's face, it was extremely beautiful.

After half an hour, seeing that Shen Mengqi didn't look like she was about to move, Shi Qi couldn't help but stepped forward and reminded, "Ma'am, are you alright?"

Shen Mengqi looked at the scorching sun in the sky, her voice was cold and distant, "Where is Shen Qingning now?"

"It's still in the courtyard of Wang Tong's room. I asked Ye Wei to watch them."

"it is good."

Shen Mengqi lowered her head, her grape eyes were scorched by the sun, shining like rubies with a bloodthirsty light, making people look a little scared.

"Ask a few people to bury Shangshu of the Ministry of Justice and Wang Tongfang respectfully, according to Shangshu's etiquette."


Shi Qi carefully observed Shen Mengqi, she seemed to have changed, but she seemed to have not changed.

"Ma'am, I heard that the Minister of the Ministry of Punishment has a son who is following the First Prince in Saibei, do you want him to come back to observe the funeral?"

(End of this chapter)

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