Chapter 182

"No need."

Shen Mengqi said lightly: "Their spirits, this princess will personally guard them."

Shi Qi was shocked in his heart, but he didn't dare to say anything more, "Yes."

Shen Mengqi took out a handkerchief, and wiped the blood on Wang Yanzhi's face with the handkerchief, "You said, Shen Qingning dealt with her, right?"

Seventeen said: "It's just a guess. When I arrived, Wang Tongfang had committed suicide by hitting a pillar."

Shen Mengqi didn't say another word. After wiping Wang Yanzhi's face, Shen Mengqi began to arrange her clothes.

After knowing that she had been taken care of, Shen Mengqi put the jade pendant she had always carried with her in Wang Yanzhi's hand and let her hold it.

"Cast a good pregnancy, if you meet again in the next life, remember to stay away from this princess."

After saying that, Shen Mengqi didn't hesitate at all, she stood up and said coldly to Shiqi, "Go home."


After returning to the Prince Regent's Mansion, Shen Mengqi went straight to Wang Yanzhi's courtyard.

Ye Wei looked at Shen Mengqi who was walking over with a cold face, he couldn't help standing up straight, and greeted her with a smile, "Ma'am, you are back."

Shen Mengqi didn't even look at Ye Wei, she just skipped Ye Wei and walked towards Shen Qingning in the courtyard.

Without saying a word, she raised her hand and slapped Shen Qingning's back.Sensing the danger, Shen Qingning immediately dodged away, but Shen Mengqi didn't stop, but directly slammed into the pillar behind her.

With just one punch, Shen Mengqi broke the pillar.Shen Qingning's expression froze, she had murderous intentions.

The splintered sawdust embedded in Shen Mengqi's hand, Shen Mengqi didn't seem to feel the pain, she didn't stop at all, and raised the hand full of sawdust to attack Shen Qingning.

Shen Qingning dodged from left to right but couldn't dodge Shen Mengqi's raindrop-like fists. As soon as she dodged the fist on the left, the fist on the right was already in front of her eyes, and she couldn't avoid it.

Shen Mengqi's fist turned into a palm just before it hit Shen Qingning, and slapped Shen Qingning's face directly with the side with the sawdust.

There was a heavy slap in the face, and Shen Qingning's face immediately became dripping with blood.

"Shen Mengqi!"

"You owe Wang Yanzhi this."

Only then did everyone realize that the pillar that Shen Mengqi shattered was the one that Wang Yanzhi bumped into and committed suicide.

When Wang Yanzhi was mentioned, Shen Qingning calmed down a lot, she looked at Shen Mengqi and said solemnly: "It is true that this matter is not handled well by the princess, this time the agreement is forgotten, the princess will not enter the Regent's Palace. "

"Need not."

Shen Mengqi's expression was so calm that it was impossible to understand what she was thinking, "Since you want to enter the palace so much, this princess will help you."

Seeing Shen Mengqi who was so calm, Shen Qingning panicked.

She had never seen such Shen Mengqi before, and she couldn't understand her anymore.

"In the next few days, the prince will be preparing to marry you. Princess Qingning should go back to the princess' mansion to prepare for the marriage."

Before Shen Qingning could refuse, Shen Mengqi said: "Ye Wei, I respectfully send my wife back home."

Ye Wei immediately walked up to Shen Qingning and bent down, "Princess Qingning, please."

Shen Qingning didn't say much and followed Ye Wei towards the outside of the palace. When passing by Shen Mengqi, Shen Qingning said: "No matter what you think, the princess didn't want her to die at the beginning."

There was no ripple in Shen Mengqi's eyes, she stated: "But you forced her to death."

The group of maidservants from before also followed behind Shen Qingning, wanting to get out with Shen Qingning.

Seeing that they all followed Shen Qingning to the gate of the courtyard, Shen Mengqi's cold and emotionless voice sounded behind them, "Wait a minute."

Everyone was so frightened that they immediately stood up straight, and they couldn't help but sweat dripping from their foreheads, "Mrs. Husband."

Shi Qi didn't know when she moved a stool and placed it in the yard. Shen Mengqi sat on the stool upright, her cold eyes fixed on the group of maids and women who were already trembling with fright.

"How did you force Wang Tongfang?"

The maid and the mother-in-law looked at me and I looked at you, no one dared to speak, and they all kept their mouths shut, as if they could escape a catastrophe.

"Did you strip Wang Tongfang's clothes in the name of a body search and force her to throw herself against a pillar to prove her innocence?"

The servant girl and mother-in-law were so frightened that they all knelt down. They looked at Shen Mengqi and said, "Ma'am, His Highness the princess forced us to do all of this. There is nothing we can do about it. Madam please forgive me!"

"You don't seem to know who you are serving and who is your master."

"We were wrong, ma'am, we really knew we were."

Looking at the people who kowtowed repeatedly, Shen Mengqi said calmly: "But what you did was right, after all, Shen Qingning will also enter the mansion to be his wife in the future."

After hearing the words, everyone cautiously raised their heads to look at Shen Mengqi.

Shen Mengqi said coldly: "But if you force the master to death, you will be punished. Since you forced Wang Tongfang to death by taking off Wang Tongfang's clothes, then you should stand naked on the street for an hour."

"Madam, then how can we live!"

Not to mention the unmarried maids, even the old woman was so frightened that she cried out, "Please Madam, please forgive me! We really know we were wrong, please Madam."

"If you can't survive, then go to die."

Shen Mengqi said cruelly: "The prince will get married in the future, if this princess sees you naked on the street, she will beat you to death with a stick."

"Seventeen, go and take the pillar that the princess broke to the carpenters in the south of the city, and ask them to make two wooden sticks that can kill people."


After finishing speaking, Shen Mengqi didn't care about the women who were still crying and begging for mercy, and just walked away.

After leaving Wang Yanzhi's courtyard, there is a fork in the road, one leads to Nanyuan to the east, and the other leads to Juxing Pavilion to the west.

After Shen Mengqi paused for a moment, she raised her legs and walked towards the Juxing Pavilion. She had just entered the Juxing Pavilion when she smelled a strong smell of rouge.

Even if she had never been to Fireworks Willow Lane, Shen Mengqi knew where the smell of inferior rouge came from.

Shen Mengqi's already heavy heart instantly became even heavier.

Looking at Lin Jihan who was lying in his clothes, Shen Mengqi plucked up the courage to ask, "Have you gone to the green brothel?"

Lin Ji laughed coldly, "My wife rushed to take a concubine for this king, and if I wanted this king to enjoy the blessings of everyone, I naturally have to adapt in advance, don't you think so?"

Shen Mengqi only felt that someone had sprinkled a layer of salt on her heart that had been torn apart by someone, and it was so painful that even speaking a word became an extravagant hope for her.

(End of this chapter)

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