Chapter 183 Lord, This Is My Blood
After saying these words, Lin Jihan regretted it, but facing Shen Mengqi's calm face, he didn't want to say anything more.

Shen Mengqi looked at Lin Jihan who was ignorant of her, and after struggling for a while, she decided to say something more.

"Shangshu of the Ministry of Justice and Wang Tongfang"

When she heard that Shen Mengqi mentioned Shangshu and Wang Yanzhi, Lin Jihan couldn't help being a little disappointed, she interrupted Shen Mengqi's words.

"About Shangshu of the Ministry of Justice and Wang Tongfang, you can do whatever you want. Don't tell me about their affairs in the future. Anyway, in your heart, I am just your bargaining chip to save them. The bargaining chip should have a bargaining chip. Self-awareness, not knowing things that shouldn’t be known.”

Shen Mengqi lowered her head, her eyes were full of sadness and forbearance.

"Okay, don't mention it."

Looking up, Shen Mengqi's eyes were still as clear as ever, as if there was no trace of emotion, she said like a routine.

"Princess Qingning has already returned to the mansion to prepare. The day after tomorrow will be a good day. The prince will be wearing red makeup that day, and eight palanquins will be carried to welcome her. Juxing Pavilion is the main house of the prince. It is the best place to welcome relatives and get married."

"Is that what you want to push me out of?"

Lin Jihan stared straight at Shen Mengqi, "How did I treat you these days, don't you feel at all? Do you have a heart?"

Shen Mengqi didn't talk, she picked out her things and said, "Nanyuan has already been repaired, and I will move there today."

"it is good."

Looking at Shen Mengqi with a cold face, Lin Jihan's eyes were red, and he laughed angrily, "It's fine to move out. If you move out today, you will never move back. I live the same life as anyone else!"

Shen Mengqi paused for arranging things, and then she packed up her things and threw them to Shi Qi behind her.

She looked at Lin Jihan and said, "Then I wish the prince and Princess Qingning a perfect marriage and a happy marriage for a hundred years."

After speaking, she left without looking back.

Not a few steps out of Juxing Pavilion, she heard the sound of crackling and smashing things from the room behind her.

Shi Qi looked at Shen Mengqi in front of her and couldn't help whispering: "Ma'am, my lord is just."

"This princess knows."

Shen Mengqi seemed to remember something, she turned her head to Shi Qi and said, "Princess Qing Ning must be short of manpower after she gets married. When she enters the mansion, you can go with her."

"Seventeen doesn't mean that."

"That's what this princess means."

Shen Mengqi said bluntly: "I still remember that when this princess entered the mansion for the first time, the prince also asked you to follow this princess. The first time you covered up, he beat you half to death. Are you following a cold-hearted master like this princess?" It won't end well, so let's go early."

"But the prince said, my task now is to protect Her Highness the Princess."

Shen Mengqi raised her hand and grabbed Shiqi's arm. Before Shiqi could react, she raised her hand and smashed him straight to the ground in front of her.

"Those who are stronger than this princess are called protection, and those who are weaker can only be dragged down." Shen Mengqi looked at Shiqi who was lying on the ground and said: "This princess remembers that the prince has seventeen secret guards, and the one who is good at martial arts is eleven. You should be Good at tracking."

The implication is obviously that the prince didn't want him to protect her, but to supervise her in disguise.

Knowing that Shen Mengqi and Lin Jihan had a rift now, Shi Qi didn't want to create a conflict, so he dragged his dislocated arm to stand up and said.

"Seventeen understands Madam's meaning, then Seventeen will go to ask the prince first."

Shen Mengqi picked up the package on the ground, patted the dirt and said, "Go."

After coming to Nanyuan alone, Shen Mengqi put the package aside, and she leaned against the big tree in the yard looking at the back of her bloody hand that was pricked by sawdust in a daze.

She didn't seem to feel the pain, she didn't have the slightest intention to clean the wound and pick out the sawdust, but seemed to be waiting for the sawdust to be deeply embedded in her bone marrow.

She was alone in the courtyard, as if she had merged with loneliness.

It was not easy for Juxing Pavilion. Lin Jihan lost his temper, and everything in the room was smashed to pieces, except for the bed that was still standing.

But after looking at the firm bed, Lin Jihan became even more angry. He still remembered why he bought this bed at the beginning, but now it is a situation where things are different.

After Ye Wei dealt with those maids and mother-in-law, he returned to Juxing Pavilion and his heart skipped a beat after seeing the mess everywhere.

He carefully walked around the things on the ground and walked in front of Lin Jihan and said, "My lord, do you know everything?"

Lin Jihan said with a stinky face, "What do you think?"

Ye Wei nodded, "That's right, Minister of the Ministry of Justice, Wang Tongfang and Nuomi's death, how could you not know about it, my lord? After all, these are three lives, and they are all related to our palace and his wife."

After he finished speaking, Ye Wei felt his neck tighten, and saw Lin Jihan was holding onto the skirt of his chest, looking at him with a frosty face, "What did you say?"

"As for the Minister of the Ministry of Justice, Wang Tongfang and Nuomi are both dead."

Seeing Lin Jihan with an angry face, Ye Wei couldn't help but said: "No way, my lord, you didn't know about this when you co-authored it?"

Lin Jihan glanced over, and Ye Wei immediately closed his mouth.

"When did they all happen?"

"At noon today, when the Secretary of the Ministry of Justice asked to be executed at noon, Princess Qing Ning came to the mansion and forcibly robbed Wang Tongfang in the name of stealing. Wang Tongfang committed suicide by hitting a pillar. Madam just went to finish the matter."

After feeling that the surrounding air pressure was getting lower and lower, Ye Wei's voice became smaller and smaller, "I saw Shi Qi and his wife coming to Juxing Pavilion, I thought you knew."

Just as he was talking, Shi Qi also walked back dragging a dislocated arm.

"My lord."

Lin Jihan looked at Seventeen and frowned, "What's the matter?"

"Madam said that I should prepare to take care of Princess Qingning when Princess Qingning arrives."

"Is she your master, or is this king your master?"

Isn't it all the same?

Looking at the angry Lin Jihan, Shi Qi dared not say that.

He said: "Madam said that I am better at monitoring."

Lin Jihan fell silent immediately. He looked at Shiqi's dislocated arm and asked, "Then what happened to your arm?"

Shi Qi said with some embarrassment: "Madam said that people with higher martial arts than her follow her as protection, and those with lower martial arts follow her as burden."

In short, Shen Mengqi just felt that she didn't need Seventeen.

"Why is your hand still stained with blood? You resisted when Madam beat you?" Lin Jihan reprimanded, "Don't you know that you have to stand at attention when you are beaten? If you hurt Madam, you don't want to live."

Looking at Lin Jihan who was full of hostility, Shi Qi said aggrievedly, "My lord. This is my blood."

(End of this chapter)

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