Chapter 185 Which side of the people

There is no moon tonight, the sky outside is pitch black, and the sound of the watchman beating the gong gradually sounds. Shen Mengqi, who is sitting on the bed, slowly opens her eyes. white flower.

Waiting for the sound of the gong to fade away, Shen Mengqi quietly got out of bed and walked to the door. She leaned over and listened for a long time, but she didn't hear anything before she knew it and then gently opened the door.

As soon as the door opened, Shen Mengqi saw Shi Qi standing outside the door holding a plate of pastries.

Seeing Shen Mengqi's white body, Shi Qi knew what she wanted to do.

The two looked at each other in silence. After a while, Shi Qi was the first to react. He turned around and walked towards the side room where Doctor Wang lived while holding the pastry in his arms, muttering words while walking. : "Physician Wang, I've brought you the cakes from the restaurant that you miss so much."

Although he does not have Ye Wei's ability to judge the situation and speak well, he is still trying his best to show Shen Mengqi his greatest kindness.

Shen Mengqi said to Shiqi's back, "Thank you."

Then he flew and stepped on the dead tree in the yard, jumped out from the dry tree branch, and jumped out of the mansion in two or three.

Hearing Shen Mengqi's thank you, the corners of Shiqi's eyes softened involuntarily, and his steps became much lighter.

After Shen Mengqi left the mansion, she went directly to the Minister's Mansion of the Ministry of Punishment. The bodies of Minister of the Ministry of Justice and Wang Yanzhi were parked in the main courtyard of the mansion.

The wife of Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment passed away after giving birth to Wang Yanzhi. Wang Yanzhi had been taking care of the mansion before. After Wang Yanzhi went to the regent's mansion, the housekeeper of the mansion was taking care of it.

Now, the walls are down and the hozens are scattered, and there is not even a person in the huge Xingbu Shangshu Mansion, let alone a person guarding the spirit.

Shen Mengqi walked slowly to the main courtyard, where the coffins of Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment and Wang Yanzhi were parked.What Shen Mengqi didn't expect was that there were still a few sticks of unburned incense stuck in the incense burner in front of the coffin, and there were still some ashes and paper money remains in the copper basin beside it.

Someone came to worship Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment one step ahead of her.

Shen Mengqi looked around, but after seeing no one, she walked up to pick up a stick of incense, bowed and bowed to the coffins of Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment and Wang Yanzhi, and put the incense in the coffin devoutly. In the incense burner.

Then she knelt straight down, fortunately it was late at night, and there was no one in the Minister's Mansion of the Ministry of Punishment, otherwise the princess knelt down to the Minister, I'm afraid it would cause shock in Tianyuan Kingdom.

This was also Shen Mengqi's first time bowing down to someone other than Tiandi, the Emperor, and the Queen Mother.

She kowtowed three times devoutly, took out paper money from her pocket and threw it in the brazier to burn.

"You're right. This princess really can't just do it for the royal family. Don't worry, this princess will not let you die in vain. Give this princess another three years, and this princess will definitely let you see the Tianyuan Kingdom in your heart."

This time, the only answer to Shen Mengqi was the whimpering cold wind and biting coldness, but Shen Mengqi didn't feel the cold at all. The burning flames were imprinted in Shen Mengqi's eyes. She was like a phoenix reborn from the ashes, destined to rule the nine heavens.

Shen Mengqi knelt in the Minister's Mansion of the Ministry of Punishment all night, and didn't get up until the sun was shining.When she returned to the palace, she didn't disturb anyone.

After sleeping for an hour, Shen Mengqi got up and put on her official uniform, ready to go to court.After leaving her Nanyuan, she found that today's palace is much more lively than in the past. All the servants are busy, and everywhere they look is red.

Ye Wei was standing among the crowd at this time, directing, "My lord said that the lanterns should be hung for 99, so that newcomers can live a long and long life, and the ground is covered with red, so that life can be prosperous. You all pay attention to me, hurry up!" Do it."

"If the prince's good deed is ruined, there will be good fruits for you to eat!"

After yelling, Ye Weicai saw Shen Mengqi standing not far away wearing an official uniform and looking at the situation here.

Ye Wei's heart skipped a beat, and she didn't know how much Shen Mengqi had heard.He smacked his mouth twice, and greeted him with a smile.

"Ma'am, are you going to court?"

Shen Mengqi looked at the red that caught her eyes and asked faintly: "You are quite busy for tomorrow's prince's wedding."

Ye Wei smiled awkwardly and said, "Hey, it's just arranging according to Mrs. Side's etiquette. If time is a little tight, I just look busy. In fact, it didn't take much effort."

"Then the prince will not go to court today."

Ye Wei was taken aback.

Shen Mengqi pointed to the outside of the courtyard and said, "There is no prince's carriage."

Ye Wei bit the bullet and said: "The prince is not feeling well, so he asked for leave."

As soon as this reason was said, Ye Wei wanted to slap himself twice, what a bad excuse he was making.

Shen Mengqi did not expose his intentions, but said indifferently: "The prince is the pillar of our palace. I can't be careless. This princess is going to court today, but Princess Qingning should have sued for leave."

Ye Wei panicked, not knowing what Shen Mengqi meant.

In the next second, he heard Shen Mengqi say in a calm and unhurried manner: "Anyway, she's going to be the wife of the palace soon, let her come and take care of the prince today, and ask her to see what's wrong with these sets by the way."

"If there is something you want to adjust, you can change it in time. The bride will feel comfortable when she enters the door, and the life of the prince will be smooth in the future, won't it?"

"Yes, Ma'am said so."

Ye Wei showed a smile that was uglier than crying.

"Seeing that you are so busy, there should be a shortage of manpower. Seventeen, you stay and help. If you can help, do it. Princess Qingning will remember you."

Without waiting for Seventeen's reply, Shen Mengqi quickly walked towards the carriage outside the door, and left without looking back.

Ye Wei couldn't help thinking, it's all like this, and Her Royal Highness is not angry, how unbearable it is.

Seventeen said: "When Her Royal Highness married our lord, there was nothing but the 99 seats that moved the capital."

"Not to mention the bright red lanterns shining brightly, the feet of the fiery red carpet, even the wedding night is spent by oneself, this is the difference between true love and marriage."

Ye Wei said in dissatisfaction: "Are you really stupid or fake? You can't feel who the lord loves the most? Isn't the lord doing all this to anger the princess and make her subdue."

Seventeen Rarely analyzed rationally: "This is not anger, but to make Her Royal Highness recognize the reality. Those who are favored are all charming, and those who are out of favor are riddled with holes. A big marriage in the main room is not as good as a side wife. For an official’s house, it’s called doting on concubines and destroying wives.”

Ye Wei was in a cold sweat after hearing this, why didn't he think of this level.The prince is making such a fuss and inviting officials, isn't it just slapping Her Royal Highness in the face, so is there any possibility for them to get back together?
Shi Qi seemed to have the ability to read minds, "It's impossible."

Ye Wei was a little annoyed, "No, what side are you on Seventeen? Don't forget, you belong to the prince!"

(End of this chapter)

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