Chapter 186 Red Lantern Ten Miles of Red Makeup
Seventeen replied, "Yes, because I am also a member of the prince, so now I am left to help."

Ye Wei choked for a moment, Her Royal Highness wanted to draw a line with them, this is not a good sign.

If they really got to that point, the prince will definitely explode, and they will be the ones who will be unlucky then.

Thinking of this, Ye Wei couldn't bear it anymore, and hurried to the direction of Wangjuxing Pavilion, shouting Wang Ye while running.

Shen Mengqi stood in front of the Xuanzheng Hall right on time, she just stood still, and the ministers on the side began to look at her, Shen Mengqi didn't need to look sideways, she could guess what these people were saying about her behind her back .

At this time, Yi Bai, the newly promoted minister of the Ministry of Rites, walked to Shen Mengqi's side, his eyes staring straight at the three big characters in Xuanzheng Hall, "I heard that you took the imperial decree to rescue the minister of the Ministry of Punishment yesterday, but you were too late."

A sore spot flashed across Shen Mengqi's eyes, and she said coldly, "What do you want to say?"

"Actually, even if you catch up with the execution, the Minister of the Ministry of Punishment will not be able to save you."

Looking at Shen Mengqi who was staring at him, Yi Bai smiled and said: "Because the emperor wants him to die, how could he still be alive? I gave you the imperial edict, the emperor is just giving you an explanation."

"However, he knows so many secrets of the royal family, he really deserves to die, and the royal family is not at ease if they don't die."

Shen Mengqi's hands hidden in her cuffs tightened tightly, and she said coldly: "So, what does this have to do with you?"

Yi Bai sneered, "Of course it's none of Guan Chen's business."

Shen Mengqi was not in the mood to deal with him today, when she was about to turn around and stand on the other side, she only heard Yi Bai whispering in her ear: "Thank you, Your Royal Highness."

Shen Mengqi turned her head and saw Yi Bai looked at her sincerely and said, "Thank you for your willingness to do something for people like Minister of Punishment. It turns out that women in this world are not only troubled by chaos, but also heroines."

Shen Mengqi didn't reply, but just bowed her head and turned around to leave. In fact, she didn't want to be a heroine or a heroine.

After going to court, when someone said that both Shen Qingning and Lin Jihan had taken leave because they were unwell, the crowd who went up began to sigh.

They looked at Shen Mengqi with more pity and gloating.

Shen Mengqi stood upright in the crowd, as if she was not affected at all.But the emperor became a little unhappy. He pointed to a group of ministers and said: "My dear friends, what are you talking about? Speak up, let me listen too!"

The ministers immediately lowered their heads, looking at me and you, no one dared to speak first.

The emperor obviously didn't want to let them go this time, he pointed to the minister of Dali Temple on the ground and said, "Say it!"

Seeing this, the minister of Dali Temple was helpless, so he had to grit his teeth and say, "I report to the emperor, we are discussing the matter of the regent's wedding banquet tomorrow."

As soon as the word wedding banquet came out, the emperor subconsciously went to look at Shen Mengqi who was standing below.Under the tall official hat was a face that was calm and without ripples.

The emperor twitched the corner of his lower lip in satisfaction, Kailai Shangshu's move was very good.

He added fuel to the flames: "The Prince Regent's wedding banquet is indeed not a trivial matter, so let's take a rest tomorrow and you all go to support the Prince Regent."

Hubu Shangshu and others stared at Shen Mengqi, and said with a bit of yin and yang, "Thank you for your kindness, we will definitely support the Prince Regent's wedding banquet."

The emperor nodded. While listening to the Hubu Shangshu, he carefully observed the changes in Shen Mengqi's expression.

And Shen Mengqi was like an outsider, calm and a little abnormal, as if this matter hadn't affected her in the slightest.

Hubu Shangshu and the others who were still very happy at first lost their expressions instantly.

Before they could say anything more with guns and sticks in their arms, they heard the emperor call Director Wang to announce his withdrawal from the imperial court.

Hubu Shangshu shook his sleeves unwillingly, but he didn't say anything.

Then Mu Qiancheng said in front of Shen Mengqi passing by, "You also have today."

Mu Qiancheng's voice was not too loud, just enough to be heard by the people in the hall, but not too sharp.

Shen Mengqi looked at Mu Qiancheng who had a provocative face, she counterattacked lightly: "You will have today too."


Before Mu Qiancheng could say anything, Director Wang came in front of Shen Mengqi, and he said, "Your Highness, the Emperor said to invite Her Highness to go to the palace for lunch. The Emperor and the Queen Mother miss you."

Wang Peng's voice was not high, but it made all the courtiers hear it clearly, and the eyes of the courtiers looking at Shen Mengqi couldn't help but change.

Shen Mengqi didn't refuse either, she looked at Wang Peng and said, "Coincidentally, this princess misses her uncle and grandmother too."

As she said that, Shen Mengqi's eyes wandered around the courtiers who had just spoken ill of her, and the faces of all the courtiers changed instantly.

After Shen Mengqi left with Manager Wang, they immediately gathered together.

The Elder Ge, who was at the mercy of the wind, said with some panic: "What does Her Royal Highness mean by that look at us just now? Could it be that she is going to sue the Emperor and the Queen Mother?"

Another minister also said in fear: "Didn't the emperor and the queen mother despise Her Royal Highness a long time ago, what are they doing now?"

"Could it be that Princess Anshun is going to make a comeback?"

"If Princess Anshun becomes the favorite of the emperor and queen mother again, then we"

"What are you panicking about?"

Hubu Shangshu looked at the frightened courtiers with a cold face and said: "It's just the end of the battle, it scares you. The emperor specially asked us to take a rest for a day for the marriage of Princess Qingning and the regent. Based on this, you Don't you know who the emperor and the others prefer?"

The courtiers were silent, and no one spoke.

Hubu Shangshu was not annoyed, he continued, "Those who have been offended may not remember the kindness you treated them afterwards, but those who have not been offended will definitely remember which side you are on. You should know how to choose."

"After all, I've been in the officialdom for so many years, so I don't need someone to teach me how to choose."

Hubu Shangshu glanced over with a threatening look, and all the courtiers immediately lowered their heads.

At this moment, Yi Bai looked at them with a sneer and said, "Follow the dog, you won't live long."

The courtiers were angry, "What are you talking about!"

"Is this the person promoted by Her Royal Highness? Returning the Minister of Rites, this education is not as good as that of a three-year-old child!"

Seeing the courtiers attacking him in anger, Yi Bai stood aside with a sneer and said, "Do you know why you are so angry? It's because I poked your spine."

"The strength of character of scholars has been trampled under your feet by you. You don't think it's shameful, but I do. I think your sage books are eaten into the stomach along with the salary of the past few years, and pulled out along the intestines."

(End of this chapter)

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