Chapter 187

Yi Bai looked at the courtiers whose faces turned blue and red, and said with a sneer, "You guys are so dirty."

After Yi Bai left, all the courtiers gathered together and pointed at Yi Bai. They didn't look like important officials in the court, but more like a grandma talking in the vegetable market.

I don't know when the courtiers of Tianyuan Kingdom have become like this, which is sad, ridiculous and terrifying.

The Minister of the Household Department walked to the side of Chen Nian'en, Minister of the Household Department, and said, "My lord, should we get rid of him?"

Hubu Shangshu looked at Yi Bai's lonely figure with nostalgia.

"Looking at Yi Bai, I thought of Cheng Yili. Back then, he was also so high-spirited and unique. He always felt that he could get out of the mud without being stained, clean the waves without being demonic."

"My lord means"

"Such a loyal man is the most capable of arousing the desire to destroy."

Chen Nianen smiled sinisterly, "Where is there a clean person in this world, find someone to check him."

The Minister of Household Department followed suit with a smile, and said knowingly: "Understood, I'll do it now."


From a long distance, Shen Mengqi saw the emperor and the queen mother standing outside the door of the Palace of Compassion and Peace waiting for her.She quickly walked two steps to the front of the emperor and the empress dowager, just about to bend down to salute, the next second the emperor helped her up.

"It's just a family meal, there are not so many rules, don't kneel at every turn."

"The darlings of the Ai family have always followed the rules, but it's enough to show those rules to outsiders. Our family doesn't talk about those falsehoods."

The Queen Mother couldn't wait to take Shen Mengqi's hand and take her into the Palace of Compassion, "The Ai family specially asked the imperial dining room to make your favorite West Lake vinegar fish and stewed bird's nest. Kaguo, you have a taste together."

Shen Mengqi didn't say anything, but silently followed behind the Queen Mother.

Looking at the evergreen pine in the yard, Shen Mengqi's eyes drifted slightly, as if she had returned to before she got married. Everything here has not changed, but it seems to have changed again.

Being dragged into the hall, the emperor enthusiastically asked Shen Mengqi to sit beside him, and he retreated all the people beside him, leaving only the three of them in the room.

The emperor personally picked up a piece of fish and put it in Shen Mengqi's bowl. He said with some emotion: "Huan Mengqi loved to eat this West Lake vinegar fish when she was a child, but she doesn't know how to be picky. Every time she eats it, she always gets stuck in her throat. .”

The queen mother smiled and said: "Yes, you are the uncle who loves her the most. Every time you take the trouble to pick on her personally to prevent the eunuchs and maids from doing it. Every time you feed her, the food will be cold."

Thinking of the past, Shen Mengqi said: "Yes, Uncle Huang loves Mengqi the most."

"Uncle Huang won't criticize you anymore, you should be more careful."

"Then Meng Qi won't eat."

Looking at the rare naughty Shen Mengqi, Taihou couldn't help but spoil her and said: "You~"

The emperor said so casually, but he still lifted the chopsticks to pick out the fish, picked out the spines for Shen Mengqi, and put them back into Shen Mengqi's bowl.

At this time, they are not like the royal relatives, but like the three generations of ordinary people's family, eating happily.

Everyone enjoyed the rare warmth, and no one mentioned the government affairs first, for fear of breaking this warm moment.

After finishing the meal, the queen mother pulled Shen Mengqi to sit on the chair, and the emperor followed.

He looked at Shen Mengqi and said, "My little Mengqi, do you know why I brought you to the palace with great fanfare now?"

Shen Mengqi said: "I know, Uncle Huang is supporting Mengqi."

The emperor untied the Buddhist beads from his wrist all the time and handed them to Shen Mengqi, "When I got this string of Buddhist beads, they were of different sizes. Let’s start dishing this string of prayer beads together.”

"Mu Xiuyu will be destroyed by forest wind." The emperor explained to Shen Mengqi: "It's all the same reason. There can't be a scene where one family dominates in this court. This power must be divided evenly, so that the court will not Chaos, dare not chaos."

"This is the emperor's check and balance technique, do you understand?"

"Mengqi understands." Shen Mengqi looked at the emperor and the queen mother and said, "If Mengqi is still tied to the prince and the prime minister, the one standing here is Princess Qingning."

While the emperor lamented Shen Mengqi's transparency, he still felt a little uncomfortable. This is the only way for the emperor's family, and no one can escape this vicious circle.

"Mengqi, you have to give something to be born in the royal family."

After hearing the emperor's answer, Shen Mengqi's face didn't change at all, even the emperor and the queen mother didn't know what she was thinking now.

This kind of Shen Mengqi is what the emperor and the queen mother want to cultivate, but now seeing her become like this, they can't help feeling a little worried and afraid, because they can't see through it, so they feel uneasy.

Shen Mengqi looked at the emperor with swaying clear eyes and continued: "Then uncle emperor, did you never intend to let the minister of the Ministry of punishment go?"

Looking at Shen Mengqi with a serious face, the emperor pondered for a moment, then nodded and said: "Yes, it's not good for the royal family to keep him."

"Even if he is a meritorious minister?"

"The world is not black and white. Bad people don't necessarily fall into Jiuquan, and good people don't necessarily die." The emperor stared at Shen Mengqi and said seriously: "What you and I can do is to sacrifice one person to keep it more valuable." This is a trade-off, painful but worth it.”

"Mengqi understands."

Shen Mengqi looked at the emperor and the queen mother and said: "It's getting late, Mengqi still has to go and see how the layout of the palace is going. If there's nothing wrong, Mengqi will leave."

"Xiao Mengqi and so on."

The emperor took out two small boxes and handed them to Shen Mengqi, saying: "Qingning's wedding is going directly to the Prince Regent's Mansion from Qingning Princess's Mansion. It is inconvenient for me and the Queen Mother to go out of the palace, so you can help me with these two wedding gifts." Take it to her."

Looking at the two small boxes made of pure gold, Shen Mengqi's eyes trembled. She tied the boxes calmly, saluted the emperor and queen mother before leaving.

Looking at Shen Mengqi's back, the emperor couldn't help but feel distressed, "After all, I'm still a loner."

The queen mother did not know when she stood behind the emperor, she looked at Shen Mengqi who was standing straight and walking out holding the gold box, and said: "Which one of the high-ranking ones is not a loner?"

"My mother said yes."

The queen mother stood beside the emperor and said: "I heard that the Luo family uncle has taken people and the barbarian king to Xihuang to negotiate with the people of Xihuang."

The emperor nodded and said: "Yes, I heard that the third master of the Luo family has starved to death in the ancestral hall by the uncle of the Luo family."

"He is explaining to us."

The Empress Dowager's heart was like a mirror, "It's a pity that the uncle of the Luo family didn't enter the court and become an official."

"It's not a pity."

(End of this chapter)

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