After the powerful divorced their wives, they welcome the crematorium

Chapter 188 Luo Bufan Goes to the Western Wilderness

Chapter 188 Luo Bufan Goes to the Western Wilderness

The queen mother looked at the emperor beside her.

I only heard the emperor say: "In today's court, asking him to enter the court as an official is wronged him."

"But the Luo family and Meng Qi have always been on good terms."


The emperor looked sideways at the empress dowager beside him, "Tianyuan Kingdom is like a mess now, you should leave Meng Qi with someone available."

"Physician Wang said that Mengqi's physical condition has gotten worse recently. If she continues to consume like this, she may die sooner than the emperor."

"Her body was bullied by Lin Lin and Qing Ning when she was a child, and her bones have always been bad. After learning martial arts, her body has become strong, but her inner body has not been well nourished. She is also a child who puts everything in her heart, and she will continue to consume like this. "

The queen mother who wanted to say something at first fell silent when she heard about Shen Mengqi's body problem.

After a long time, she finally opened her mouth and said: "Since Lin Lin left, Meng Qi has become more and more calm and reticent, and the Ai family even forgot that she is just a young girl who just got married."

After all, Shen Mengqi was brought up by the Empress Dowager herself, she said with some distress: "The Prince Regent and Meng Qi's husband and wife are divorced, and after Qing Ning enters the Prince Regent's Mansion, Meng Qi must be tormented."

"Mengqi has been in a bad mood since she entered the imperial court. Let's call her to the palace to celebrate the New Year this year."

The emperor knew that the empress dowager had softened her heart, "Well, it belongs to the empress dowager."

Xihuang country

Luo Bufan, Boss Boss and his party brought the barbarian king to Nine Nether Thirteen Counties.

Luo Lingxiao picked them up personally, Boss Bai's eyes lit up when he saw Luo Lingxiao, "Second Luo!"

A loud voice sounded, shaking the surrounding dust into the air, looking at Boss Bai with bright eyes, Luo Lingxiao smiled and stretched out his fist to meet his fist.

"Boss Boss, this time I really troubled my brothers. After this matter is over, good wine and good food will be served."

Boss Boss hammered Luo Lingxiao's shoulder and said, "We're all brothers, don't worry if there's any trouble, you can rest assured that I'm here, and I promise you won't let your big brother suffer. It's you, here in Nine Nether Thirteen Is the county okay?"

Luo Lingxiao smiled and said: "There's nothing wrong with it, the brothers on this road are all because of Boss Boss, you give me three points, even if I'm new here, they didn't make it difficult for me."

At this time, the younger brother next to Boss Bai smiled and said, "Second Master Luo has been messing around on the road, so there is nothing he can't eat."

Boss Boss nodded, quite agreeing, "It's true, who can stop this smiling tiger. Worrying about you is better than worrying about myself."

Luo Lingxiao smiled, and he took out some money from his pocket and said: "I know you guys like to drink flower wine, so I specially prepared it for you. You will be leaving the customs tomorrow, so go and play to your heart's content today."

Facing Luo Lingxiao, Boss Boss was not polite to him at all, he just raised his hand and took away all the banknotes in his hand. After looking at the amount on the banknotes, the corners of his smiling mouth almost touched the corners of his eyes. .

"In terms of grandeur, it still depends on your second son Luo."

Boss Boss shook the bank note in his hand and said, "Then shall we go have fun?"

Luo Lingxiao smiled and shook his hands, "Have fun."

Boss Bai waved his back to Luo Lingxiao, and rushed towards the brothel with a group of younger brothers, as if he hadn't seen a girl in 800 years.

After Boss Bai left, Luo Lingxiao walked to Luo Bufan's side worriedly, he frowned and said, "Brother, did you just go to Xihuang like this? Don't you want to tell the court?"

Luo Bufan shook his head and said: "The matter is undecided, so we can't talk about it."

Don't say it's a family matter, it's a state matter.Shen Mengqi once told him that the national treasury was almost emptied, and if Xihuang was pushed into a hurry because of this matter, it would not be a good thing for Tianyuan Kingdom.

"But if the court doesn't know, then you can only rely on Boss Boss and the others when you arrive in Xihuang. I'm afraid Xihuang will be bad for you, brother."

"They dare not."

Luo Bufan said firmly: "Most of the merchants in Xihuang have acquaintances with our Luo family. Because of private interests, the Luo family cut off their contacts. Their own merchants in Xihuang are enough for them to eat a pot."

Luo Lingxiao was still a little panicked, "But what if?"

"The Luo family depends on you."

"Big brother!"

"No matter what, the third brother is still a direct descendant of the Luo family. If he makes a mistake, it means that the entire Luo family has made a mistake. The death of the third brother is not enough to make up for this mistake. I, the eldest brother, must shoulder it."

"Brother, I am more familiar with Xihuang than Big Brother, and I have also made friends with some people from the Jianghu in Xihuang. I am more suitable than Big Brother."

Luo Bufan shook his head. He looked at Luo Lingxiao and said, "You are more suitable to be in charge of the Luo family. If I can't come back this time, you have to take good care of the Luo family, yourself and Ah Jiu, you know?"

Luo Bufan instructed Luo Lingxiao as usual, and Luo Lingxiao's eyes immediately turned red, "Brother."

"The second master of the Luo family can't shed tears."

Luo Lingxiao bit her lower lip, forcing back the whiteness in her eyes, "Understood."

He took a deep breath, "I will guard the Luo family and Ajiu for the eldest brother. If Xihuang really...really keeps you, then our Luo family and Xihuang will never die!"

When it arrived, Luo Lingxiao didn't even want to say the word "killing". For the first time, Luo Lingxiao, who never believed in fate and didn't believe in gods, had a taboo.

He wanted his eldest brother to return safely, and he hated Luo Ping'an even more for wanting to be so weak that he swallowed like a snake and dragged down the entire Luo family.

If something happened to Luo Bufan, he would definitely dig Luo Ping'an out of the grave, throw him into the barren mountains and make him a lonely ghost, and he would never have peace!
Luo Bufan could see his brother's thoughts at a glance, he patted Luo Lingxiao's forehead as if he was a child, "We are all brothers, so we should depend on blessings and misfortunes."

Luo Lingxiao lowered his eyebrows and said, "Yes, big brother."

The two brothers had a sleepless night, and in the early morning of the second day, Luo Bufan took the drowsy Boss Boss and his party and the Man Dynasty to the West Wilderness, obviously not wanting to ask Luo Lingxiao to see him off, so as not to feel sad.

What he didn't know was that before they left, Luo Lingxiao had already crouched on a distant hill, watching them secretly.

Seeing Luo Bufan who resolutely pressed the barbarian king into the territory of Xihuang Kingdom, Luo Lingxiao gritted his teeth but still a drop flowed down.

He wiped his face with his sleeve indiscriminately, then walked towards the military camp not far away.

Brother, I'm sorry, I can't listen to you this time. When you come back, beat me and scold me, even if you don't recognize me as a younger brother. As long as you can come back alive.

Luo Lingxiao handed the letter in his arms to the soldier and said: "Eight hundred miles, hurry up, please deliver this letter to Princess Anshun as soon as possible."

(End of this chapter)

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