Chapter 189 Angry

Shen Mengqi stayed in the palace talking with the emperor and the queen mother until she finished her meal at night. Seeing that it was getting late, she didn't rush back to the mansion. Instead, she went to the Minister's Mansion of the Ministry of Punishment to burn incense and sat alone for more than an hour. Slowly got up and went home.

When she went back, it was late at night, but the gate of the palace was still open. There were a few people standing at the gate, which made Shen Mengqi think back to the past.

Wang Yanzhi was also like this when he was alive, no matter how late he stood at the door waiting for him, or he was presented with a cup of hot ginger tea or a cloak, he always had to say a few words to himself before leaving.

It's a pity that she will never wait for herself at this door in the future.

Ye Wei looked at Shen Mengqi who was standing far away at the door and did not come in. He remembered running over and saying, "Ma'am, the people in the palace said that you left the palace two hours ago, why did you come back so late, but we are so anxious." broken."

"If you don't come back, we'll have to hunt you all over the city!"

Seeing Ye Wei and the others standing at the door, Shen Mengqi explained indifferently: "The lights in the capital are pretty good today. I went to see the princess. I will pick up the bride tomorrow. Why don't you go to rest early."

Looking at the brightly lit and prosperous palace inside the door, Shen Mengqi understood, "Is this not finished yet? Speaking of it, the time is really tight. Thank you for your hard work. Tomorrow, the Japanese princess will give you more wedding money."

Ye Wei knew that Shen Mengqi had misunderstood, but he couldn't say that after Her Royal Highness Princess left the mansion, the prince lost his temper and refused to be arranged.

And because Her Highness the Princess didn't come back after a long vacation, he lost his temper in such a hurry that he demolished the courtyard that was originally arranged in a similar manner, and it has not been completed until now.

"It's not hard, it's not hard, as long as you come back, madam."

Looking at the anxious Ye Wei, Shen Mengqi said, "Don't worry, the princess will definitely be there for tomorrow's wedding."

She pointed to Ye Wei and Eleven and Seventeen behind her and said, "You don't need to be so nervous, this princess will not hide willfully."


This misunderstanding is really big.

"Ma'am, we"

After a busy day, Shen Mengqi was exhausted. She raised her hand and interrupted Ye Wei's words: "The princess is going back to her room to rest now. Go and do your work. Don't worry about my princess."

After finishing speaking, before Ye Wei could say anything more, she left without looking back.

"What should we do? Seeing Madam like this, I'm afraid I have misunderstood our intentions. If Madam is unhappy, the prince will be unhappy, and if the prince is unhappy, we will all die."

Eleven and Seventeen stared blankly at Ye Wei. It was obvious that there was nothing we could do, everything was up to you.

Seeing these two indifferent ice cube faces, Ye Wei was even more annoyed. He must have been confused, and dared to put his hopes on these two elm bumps.

Forget it, let's go and report the news of Madam's return to the prince first.

Before Ye Wei stepped into the courtyard of Juxing Pavilion, he heard the sound of crackling and falling things from inside.

Well, the house has to be redecorated again.

He ordered to the maid beside him: "Mantou, ask someone to clean the room, and bring in some decorations by the way."


Mantou said with some distress: "This is the fourth place today, and the valuable things in our palace are almost destroyed by the prince."

Ye Wei looked at the mantou who was distressed by the object and said, "Then do you want the prince to vent his anger by smashing things, or smashing you?"

Mantou immediately bowed his head and said, "I'll do it now, slave."

At this time, an angry voice came from inside the room, "Ye Wei, where did you die!"

Ye Wei took a deep breath, then put on a smiling face and trotted two steps to the door of the main house of Juxing Pavilion, saying: "My lord, I'm here."

Lin Jihan kicked the door open with his foot, as if he wished to tear down the whole house before he was willing to do so.

If it wasn't for Ye Wei's quick reaction, he would be lying on the ground now.


Before Lin Jihan could speak, Ye Wei hurriedly smiled and said, "My lord, my wife is back, and I'm resting in Nanyuan now."

Lin Jihan's expression softened a little, and his tone became lighter, "Who asked Madam, she loves to come back or not. What do these servants do? It's been a day, can't they even make a set? This time Zhan, I didn’t know this, I thought this king was going to marry a common wife to come in.”

Who doesn't want to finish it sooner!

They haven't finished the arrangement until now, and it's not because the prince is constantly tearing it down.What is built is never demolished quickly.

"What's your expression like?"

Seeing Lin Jihan's expression darkened again, Ye Wei hurriedly said, "It's nothing."

At this time, Mantou brought a few servants over with new items, Ye Wei said: "My lord, Mantou and the others are here to decorate the new house."

Lin Jihan said: "Tell them to make arrangements, and I will go out for a walk."


Seeing Lin Jihan who was slowly walking towards the back garden of the palace, Ye Wei couldn't help clicking his tongue, the prince is really awkward.

After Lin Jihan walked around the palace for a few times, he came to the gate of Nanyuan. At this time, Shi Qi was guarding the gate.

He asked, "How is Ma'am?"

Shi Qi replied truthfully: "Madam looked very tired, she just blew out the lamp and took a rest."

Lin Jihan nodded, he turned around and walked out the door. After walking a few steps, he found that Shi Qi didn't call him.

He looked back at Seventeen and said, "This king has gone back."

Seventeen immediately cupped his fists and said, "Respectfully send off the prince."


Looking at Seventeen with an upright face, Lin Jihan couldn't help but said, "Didn't Madam say that she misses me?"

Seventeen shook his head and said: "Madam came back and simply washed up and rested, without saying anything."

Seeing Shi Qi with a 'sincere' face, Lin Jihan was not only a little bit annoyed, he pointed to Shi Qi's nose and said, "This king wants to see his wife, is that okay?"

Shi Qi suddenly realized, and hurriedly moved away, "My lord, please."

Lin Jihan gave Shi Qi a cold look and said, "It's nothing to learn from Ye Wei what is seeing."

After finishing speaking, Lin Jihan opened the door and entered the room, leaving Shi Qi with a bewildered expression outside the door in a daze.

Lin Jihan saw that Shen Mengqi was lying straight on the bed without even taking off her clothes and the quilt, and said, "I really can't take care of myself at all. If you sleep like this, you will definitely have a cold tomorrow." .”

Although his mouth was full of complaints, Lin Jihan bent down and took off Shen Mengqi's shoes.

Afraid of waking Shen Mengqi up, he did not take off Shen Mengqi's clothes, but pulled the quilt on the bed to wrap both of them in the quilt.

Lin Jihan held Shen Mengqi in his arms weakly, and after feeling Shen Mengqi's breath, his heart that had been impetuous for a day slowly returned to peace.

(End of this chapter)

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