Chapter 190 Getting Started with the Side Wife

Looking at Shen Mengqi who shrunk herself into a ball because Lin Jihan raised her hands and poured coldness into the quilt, he couldn't help saying, "Delicate."

He said so casually, but he still put down his hand and hugged Shen Mengqi firmly in his arms.

When Lin Jihan hugged Shen Mengqi, Shen Mengqi woke up suddenly from her sleep. After she noticed the familiar breath behind her, she was silent for a long time before closing her eyes again, as if she had never woken up that night.

After a sleepless night, when Shen Mengqi woke up, that person was already gone by her side.It was as if he never came last night, it was just a dream.

Shen Mengqi sat on the bed and woke up for a while, then washed lazily, changed into a well-regulated, luxurious but unobtrusive light purple fringed dress, and took out a small wind chime and a phoenix fringe dress from the dressing box. hairpin.

Speaking of which, this phoenix hairpin was a gift from the Queen Mother to her mother, the eldest princess. Back then, Shen Qingning fought with her for this thing.

At that time, even though she was beaten to pieces by the eldest princess and Shen Qingning together, she never let go of this thing.Looking at it now, it is nothing more than an ordinary object.

After putting away the two things, Shen Mengqi walked out of the room, and Shi Qi was waiting by the side. He was wearing black and red cloth clothes today, which were exactly the clothes worn by all the servants in the mansion when she and Lin Jihan were married.

Looking at this battle, Lin Jihan really valued Shen Qingning.

"Where is the side lady's convoy?"

"It's already at the gate, and the ministers of the court and China who came to the wedding banquet are making trouble at the gate."

It seems that it is still early, and it will be a while before she can drink tea.

"Is there any cook in the kitchen free now?"

"Yes, madam wants to eat."

Shen Mengqi said: "This princess wants to eat worry-free cake."

"It's a specialty of Jiangnan. I'm afraid we won't be able to make this taste."

What Shi Qi said was extremely cryptic, Shen Mengqi didn't force it, she looked at Shi Qi and said, "Call me the princess when they finish their trouble."

"Then madam, don't you need to eat?"

Shen Mengqi shook her head, she went straight back to the room, took out the Sakyamuni fruit that the emperor and queen mother gave her in the palace yesterday, and ate it.

She took a big bite and held it in her mouth, as if she was swallowing a worry cake, and slowly waited for the juice to flow into her mouth.

The sweetness in her mouth slid down the esophagus to her stomach, but it didn't bring any pleasure. The bitterness made her purse her lips tightly.

Not long after, Seventeen knocked on the door, "His Royal Highness."

Shen Mengqi slowly got up and opened the door, "It's started?"

Seventeen shook his head, holding a letter in his hand and said, "It's an urgent letter from Eight Hundred Li from Nine Nether Thirteen County, and it's for you."

Shen Mengqi heard the words and took the letter over. After reading the contents of the letter, Shen Mengqi only felt the sweetness in her throat tightened instantly. She couldn't help coughing, and there was still a touch of blood in the pale flesh that she spit out. .

Seventeen was shocked, "Ma'am!"

"My princess is fine." Shen Mengqi tugged on Shiqi's arm and said, "You are not allowed to tell anyone about this matter, even the prince, you know?"

Shi Qi looked at the tough Shen Mengqi, and finally nodded with difficulty.

"Seventeen, can this princess trust you?"

"Seventeen is the prince's secret guard, only loyal to the prince and his wife."

Shen Mengqi went into the room and took a brush and hurriedly filled in a few strokes on the letter. She handed the letter and her jade plaque to Shiqidao, "You should go to the palace to hand this letter to the emperor yourself. Don't give it to anyone but the emperor." anyone to see."

Looking at the letter in his hand, Shi Qi couldn't help asking: "His Royal Highness, is this letter related to Jiuyou Thirteen Counties?"

"It is."

"Is that related to our prince?"

Shen Mengqi said frankly: "It doesn't matter, it's a life-saving letter from an old friend of this princess."

Hearing this, Shi Qi didn't ask further, but put the letter in his arms, "Please rest assured, Your Highness, Shi Qi will definitely deliver the letter."

Shen Mengqi nodded, she and Shiqi went out of the gate of Nanyuan together, but one was going to Duyan Hall and the other was running to the gate of Wangfu.

When Shen Mengqi arrived at Douyan Hall, everyone was there, Mrs. Lin was sitting on the side seat, and Lin Jihan was sitting on the main seat, all waiting for her.

After seeing Shen Mengqi coming, Lin smiled and said: "Your Highness, you are here, let's start now."

Lin's expression was impatient, as if she was afraid that Shen Mengqi would regret it a second later.Lin Jihan just sat on the main seat and looked at Shen Mengqi coldly, without any intention of talking.

Shen Mengqi nodded lightly, walked to the main seat beside Lin Jihan and sat down.

At this time, Shen Qingning was wearing an extremely unruly red wedding dress and a golden hair accessory, her posture was more than when Shen Mengqi married in.

There is also a gold-plated hairpin on her sideburns, which was Lin's favorite before.It seems that Lin is very satisfied with this daughter-in-law from the bottom of his heart.

Shen Qingning knelt down neatly, first she brought a cup of tea to Lin Jihan, and said softly and coquettishly, "My lord, please drink tea."

Although Lin Jihan's face was cold, he took a sip of the tea and put it aside.Shen Qingning picked up another cup of tea and handed it to Shen Mengqi, "Princess, please drink tea."

Lin Jihan used to call her Madam Madam before, and the servants in the mansion also called her that way. This was the first time she was called Wangfei.

Shen Mengqi was stunned for two seconds before she realized and reached out to take her tea, but Shen Qingning refused to hand it out so easily.

"Will sister Mengqi blame me?"

Everyone in the room became embarrassed when she called her sister. In terms of seniority, Shen Qingning was her older sister, but in terms of the order in which she was married, Shen Qingning should be called sister Shen Mengqi or princess.

Shen Qingning called her younger sister, making it clear that she wanted to show her off.

It's really incredible to be so reckless, to put on a majestic prestige before fully entering the door.

Shen Mengqi's face was calm, "It's your ability to be a side concubine. This princess is waiting for the day when you will be promoted as a princess."

Shen Mengqi didn't take her tricks at all, or she didn't take Shen Qingning seriously at all, and she didn't want to talk to Cheng like this.

Both Shen Qingning and Lin Jihan's complexions were not very good.

Lin Jihan looked at Shen Mengqi with a dark face and asked, "What do you mean?"

Shen Mengqi looked at Lin Jihan indifferently and said, "Think about what the prince thinks, think about what the prince thinks."

"Okay, very good! What a good person who thinks what the king thinks, thinks what the king thinks, you are really the king's virtuous wife!"

"Thank you, my lord, for your appreciation."

Shen Mengqi didn't seem to notice Lin Jihan's gritted teeth.

She grabbed the teacup and pulled it towards her, but Shen Qingning secretly tried her best and refused to let go.

Shen Mengqi's eyes flashed, and she immediately let go of her hand.

Shen Qingning didn't have time to pull back, and poured a cup of hot tea directly on her body.


(End of this chapter)

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