After the powerful divorced their wives, they welcome the crematorium

Chapter 191 Treat This Cup of Tea as I Have Eaten

Chapter 191 Treat This Cup of Tea as I Have Eaten

Lin stepped forward to support Shen Qingning with distress, "Qing Ning, are you okay!"

She couldn't help accusing Shen Mengqi and said, "Your Highness, what are you doing!"

Shen Qingning also looked at Shen Mengqi with tears in her eyes and said, "Sister, are you so intolerable for me?"

Everyone was attracted by the aggrieved Shen Qingning dressed in hot tea, but no one paid attention to Shen Mengqi's red hands that were also scalded by the spilled tea.

Shen Mengqi calmly put her scalded hands into her sleeves, looked at Shen Qingning with an aggrieved expression, and said, "This cup of tea should be regarded as the princess who has drunk it."

She placed the three boxes in her arms between Lin Jihan and her, and opened the boxes one by one. After seeing the things prepared in Shen Mengqi's box, Shen Qingning couldn't help but lose her mind.

"The first seven-treasure glazed cup is a wedding gift prepared by the emperor's uncle and grandmother, and this wind chime and phoenix hairpin are given to you by this princess."

Shen Mengqi's voice could not hear any emotion, as if she was telling someone else's story, "Aren't these your favorites at the beginning? Today they all belong to you, and I have the right to be the princess to accept your heart."

The few items that Shen Mengqi took out were not ordinary things, so no one could find any faults.

She stood up and said, "My princess thought about Princess Qingning fighting at the border all year round, her hands would shake, and her clothes might get dirty, so she asked the embroiderer in the palace to prepare a replacement for her early in the morning. Wedding dress."

Shen Mengqi raised her hand, and Shi Qi came in with the embroidered lady who had been waiting outside the door early in the morning. The embroidered lady unfolded the dress. This wedding dress was also red, and its workmanship and appearance were better than those worn by Shen Qingning hundreds of times.

Those who had more eyes couldn't help but whispered: "Isn't this the wedding dress Her Royal Highness used to wear? This size fits so well. She has long expected that one day the chief of Lime County will marry in." Alright."

As soon as the man finished speaking, the people around him glared at him instantly, and the man immediately covered his mouth tightly.

Shen Mengqi's expression remained unchanged, she flicked the tea leaves that had stained her body, stood up gracefully and looked at Shen Qingning and said, "Sister Qingning, you are welcome to marry into the Prince Regent's Palace."

Shen Qingning raised her head to look at Shen Mengqi, she seemed to be like this since she was a child, she always had a face of alienation, a look of aloofness, looking down on all living beings like a god.

Obviously today she should be the one who makes a fool of herself in front of everyone, but she doesn't know why she has become herself again. Why can she always sit spotlessly on the high platform!

Shen Qingning looked at Shen Mengqi with hatred, but Shen Mengqi didn't care.She looked like a royal family, "My princess still has some things to deal with, so I won't participate in the rest of the wedding banquet."

She looked at the courtiers who were looking in from the outer hall and said: "Ministers, please eat and drink well, so I won't accompany you as a princess."

After finishing speaking, Shen Mengqi didn't look at Shen Qingning and Lin Jihan anymore, and walked away with Shi Qi.

After Shen Mengqi left, although Lin Jihan didn't say anything, his face became more and more ugly, and the air pressure in his body was so low that one's heart trembled, no one dared to come forward to congratulate and strike up a conversation.

The tea stains all over Shen Qingning's body, she sat on the ground for a long time without winning Lin Jihan's gaze.Chunni helped Shen Qingning up with some distress and said, "His Royal Highness, are you alright?"

She shook her head, and Shen Qingning touched the wedding dress that Shen Mengqi sent. The material and workmanship of this dress were exactly the same as the one Shen Mengqi wore when she got married. She said that the two sizes were carved out of the same mold. Too much.

"Oh, she still remembers."

"His Royal Highness, what are you talking about?" Chunni didn't hear clearly, seeing Shen Qingning still touching the wedding dress, she quickly said: "Your Highness, we have also prepared wedding dresses."

"No, it's just this one. I can't appease the kindness of my princess sister."

After Shen Qingning changed into the wedding dress that Shen Mengqi prepared for her and came out, all the ministers who came to the wedding banquet started whispering, looking at her with pity, fear, and even indignation.

Shen Qingning didn't care at all, there was still a hint of a smile on the corner of her mouth, and the image of her childhood appeared in her mind, when she and she were best sisters, they made an agreement to marry each other in exactly the same wedding dress.

When Lin Jihan saw the wedding dress on Shen Qingning's body, he couldn't help being in a daze.A few months ago, Shen Mengqi also married him in such a wedding dress and a red hijab.

It's a pity that he only thought of it as a political marriage at the beginning, so he didn't even take a close look at Shen Mengqi, and he didn't even sit with her and entertain the guests together.

In addition to regretting in my heart, I want to worship Shen Mengqi again, so that everyone in the world will know that they are husband and wife, and they will never leave each other forever.

Everyone looked at Lin Jihan's appearance, and said one after another: "The way the prince looks at the princess is too attached."

"Yeah, it looks really loving."

"Speaking of which, the prince and the concubine are the childhood sweethearts, right? Now it's God's will, and the lovers will finally get married."

Listening to the discussions of the people around him, Lin Jihan's brows could not help but twitch into a pimple, but in the end he didn't open his mouth to explain.

What would happen if she heard these rumors?

Lin Jihan couldn't help but look forward to it.

At this moment, Shen Qingning stretched out her hand to Lin Jihan, she held Lin Jihan's arm, and said with a little birdy look: "My lord, it's time for us to toast~"


Lin Ji responded coldly, and at the same time pulled his hand out of Shen Qingning's without a trace, and put a certain distance away from her, as if avoiding suspicion.

Shen Qingning didn't mind either, she still happily followed Lin Jihan's side, acting coquettishly.

This bridal chamber festive night is not over yet, the 'love' between Lin Jihan and Shen Qingning has spread throughout Chang'an City.

After Shen Mengqi left Douyantang, her legs softened within two steps, and she almost knelt down.

Fortunately, Shi Qi supported her.

"Ma'am, are you all right?"

Shen Mengqi stood up relying on Shiqi's strength, she looked at Shiqi and said, "Has the letter been delivered to Uncle Huang, what does Uncle Huang say?"

"The emperor said he understands, and told you to go to the palace when you have time." Shi Qi supported Shen Mengqi and said worriedly: "Are you alright?"

Shen Mengqi shook her head and said: "It's okay, this princess has a lot of body. I don't need this princess to take care of the affairs in the palace. Let's go to the palace now. The matter of Xihuang cannot be delayed."

Shi Qishang was a little hesitant, Shen Mengqi's body was really worrying.

"The princess just sat on the chair for a long time, and her legs are numb. I'm really fine."

As she said that, Shen Mengqi raised her hand and squeezed Shiqi, which was much stronger than him who was fine, so Shiqi felt relieved and followed Shen Mengqi into the palace.

After entering the palace, Shen Mengqi plunged into the imperial study room without delay.

Looking at Shen Mengqi who ran in panicked, the emperor shook his head and said, "It's still not steady enough."

He pointed out: "You have to have the momentum of Mount Tai collapsing in front of you without changing your face, so that you won't be pierced into your heart with a glance."

"Uncle Huang Mengqi knows what you mean, but right now it's a matter of life and death, Mengqi really can't care so much."

"No matter how much life is at stake, don't be in a hurry for this moment. If you are busy, you will have chaos, and if you are chaotic, you will have troubles. If things come together, it will be difficult to control."

Listening to the emperor's earnest instruction, Shen Mengqi slowly returned to calm, "Mengqi understands."

Looking at Shen Mengqi who gradually calmed down, the emperor nodded in satisfaction. He looked at Shen Mengqi and said, "Luo Bufan is already in Xihuang now, and he went there with the determination to die."

"But he doesn't deserve to die."

The emperor nodded, "This Luo Bufan does have the demeanor of his ancestors back then. He is a loyal, courageous and resourceful person. It would be a pity to stay in Xihuang like this."

The emperor took out a dark green jade seal and handed it to Shen Mengqi, saying: "This is the spoil that Emperor Fuxi got when he fought against the Western Wilderness. You take it to the Western Wilderness. If you can catch up, it will definitely save his life."

"Mengqi understands."

Shen Mengqi put away Yuxi backhandedly, "Then Mengqi will go now."

Looking at Shen Mengqi who didn't hesitate at all, the emperor still couldn't help reminding: "You've already married someone else's wife, remember to explain to your family about going away so that he won't miss it."

Thinking of the person who treated her coldly in Douyan Hall, Shen Mengqi felt a little uncomfortable, "There is nothing to explain, and no one will care, so don't bother."

The emperor shook his head, "Meng Qi, when did you learn to lie to yourself?"

Shen Mengqi raised her head, the emperor's eyes seemed to be able to penetrate people's hearts, he looked at Shen Mengqi and said: "You obviously care about it very much, and you really want to talk about it, why do you suppress it? Some people walk away in silence."

"Don't rely on a person's kindness to you to spend recklessly, he will always be tired."

Shen Mengqi smiled wryly and said: "That has to be good to you. Her confession to the person she cares about is sweet, but her confession to the person she doesn't care about should be troublesome. Today is his big day, Mengqi shouldn't sweep it away." his interest."

"Xiao Mengqi, you"

"Uncle Huang, the matter of Xihuang is very important. Mengqi will go there first. Let's talk about it in detail when you come back."

Looking at Shen Mengqi's fleeing back, the emperor shook his head and said, "I'm afraid that it will be too late when you come back."

It's a pity that Shen Mengqi left too hastily, and didn't hear the emperor's words.

"Listen to people's persuasion, eat enough, hey, why doesn't Xiao Mengqi understand?"

As soon as Shen Mengqi left, the imperial study room became empty again in an instant.

Hearing the emperor's complaints, Manager Wang Peng stepped forward and said with a smile: "You have to walk this road to know whether it is fair or not. Your Highness Princess is also quite good-natured."

"He has a good temper, but he suffers."

The emperor threw the brush aside a little annoyed.

"Your Majesty, you can't support her for the rest of her life. Her Royal Highness will have to go through it sooner or later. It's not a bad thing."

Is it a bad thing, but he can't help but feel distressed, after all, it's the child he watched growing up.

"Go ask Xiao Mazi to follow Meng Qi. If she doesn't report back to the manor, you can ask Xiao Mazi to speak to the Prince Regent."

"Your Majesty, if you do this, the Empress Dowager may not be able to pass the test."

"The queen mother hates that iron can't be made into steel. Compared with me, she is the one who is most reluctant to be wronged by Mengqi, so just do it."

Seeing the emperor's insistence, Wang Peng didn't remind him again, but said yes respectfully and then went to tell Xiao Mazi to go.

Shen Mengqi rode her bloody BMW that had been kept in the palace all the way to the gate of the Regent's Palace.

Standing outside the door, she could hear the joyful voice in the mansion, and when she closed her eyes, she could imagine Lin Jihan's happy appearance at this time.

She sighed, saying that she would rather demolish a temple than destroy a marriage, she'd better not disturb Lin Jihan's elegant mood and make him unhappy, after all, today is his day of great joy.

Seventeen, who had finally caught up, saw Shen Mengqi riding a horse looking at the glowing red palace illuminated by a patch of red, and he couldn't help reminding: "Ma'am, let's go home."

"This princess has one more thing to do, Shiqi, you should go back first." Shen Mengqi looked sideways at Shiqi and said: "When the wedding banquet is over, you will tell the prince tomorrow morning that this princess has a temporary mission, If you need to travel far away, it will take seven days at the earliest, and you will be back in half a month at the slowest."

"His Royal Highness, can you do it alone? Seventeen will go with you."

Shen Mengqi shook her head, "This is a secret decree, the fewer people you have, the safer you will be. And when you get there, this princess may not be able to protect you."

In a few sentences, Shi Qi understood the danger, and he became even more worried, but he heard Shen Mengqi say: "One less person means less danger, don't make unnecessary sacrifices."

Shi Qi still couldn't help asking: "Madam, where are you going?"

"This princess can only say that she is going to the west."

Shi Qi stepped aside when he heard the words, he looked at Shen Mengqi with some anxiety and said, "Then madam, you have to be careful."

Shen Mengqi nodded, she glanced at the palace, as if she was waiting for someone, but she knew that she was destined to not be able to wait for this person.

Without hesitation, she turned the horse's head and whipped the horse's buttocks. The bloody sweaty BMW rushed towards the outside of the capital with a neigh.

Shen Qingning, who was originally sitting on the bed in Juxing Pavilion waiting for Lin Jihan, was taken aback. She got up and walked to the door, but there was no more sound, "Strange, did I hear wrong?"

When Chunni saw Shen Qingning coming out, she thought something was wrong, so she hurried over, "His Royal Highness, what's the matter?"

Shen Qingning shook her head, "It's an illusion."

"Haven't they finished drinking before?"

"Not yet, the ministers probably drank too much and kept pulling the prince to drink. I just went to see them and played with the drinking order."

"Go and watch, don't tell the prince to drink too much."

"Understood, I'll go right away, the prince must not have delayed the wedding ceremony."

In the vestibule, Lin Jihan had already passed out from drinking, but insisted on fighting with each other, his appearance was almost endless.

Ye Wei and Eleven watched from afar but did not dare to persuade them, when Chun Ni happened to come over, "Your Highness is still drinking?"

(End of this chapter)

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