Chapter 192 Marriage with Shen Qingning
"Yeah, today is a big day, the prince is very happy, so he drank too much." Ye Wei opened his eyes and said nonsense: "We dare not persuade us."

"Miss Chunni, you are the person next to Mrs. Side, the prince will not speak harshly to you, why don't you go and persuade us?"

Hearing Ye Wei's nonsense, Eleven couldn't help covering his face and turned around, looking as if he wanted to draw a clear line from the game.

But Piansheng Chunni really listened to it, she straightened her waist and said: "It's because our princess is worried that the prince is too drunk, so he asked me to tell the prince."

Seeing Chunni with a proud face, Ye Wei chuckled, Chunni and His Royal Highness are probably still immersed in their dreams, and they think they can control the prince.

Having grown up so big, their prince has only listened to Madam's words, and is willing to bow his head for Madam's sake. Others are really not that important to him.

But Ye Wei didn't open his mouth to mention Chunni. Firstly, he wanted to kill Chunni and His Royal Highness's vigor, and secondly, he had unconsciously agreed that his wife was his second master.

Although he didn't say it, his heart was still biased toward Shen Mengqi. Subconsciously, he wanted to stand on Shen Mengqi's side and help Shen Mengqi fight against these people.

Chun Ni said goodbye to the broken hair on her sideburns, and then walked to Lin Jihan's side with small steps, and said in a somewhat coy voice: "My lord, madam asked the servant to come and tell you that you should stop drinking, be careful of hurting your body. "

Hearing the word Madam, Lin Jihan's eyes became blurred, and he turned around, "What did Madam say?"

After seeing who was coming, Lin Jihan's originally excited eyes instantly calmed down, and an indescribable sense of loss pervaded the air.

Instead of correcting Chunni's slip of the tongue, he ignored her and continued drinking with the ministers.

Without instructions, Chunni didn't leave or stay, standing there was embarrassing.

At this moment, Shi Qi walked in, although Shen Mengqi had told him that she would leave after the festive night in the prince's bridal chamber.

But for some reason, Shi Qi always felt uneasy, as if something was about to happen.So as soon as Shen Mengqi left, he rushed to look for Lin Jihan.

"My lord, I have something to tell you, Ma'am."

As soon as Chunni heard the word madam, she immediately straightened her waist and squeezed forward. She looked at Lin Jihan and said, "My lord, Mrs. Side is still waiting for you to go to the bridal chamber."

At this moment, Chunni had only one thought, she must not ask Shen Mengqi to call the prince away tonight, and make them add masters to become the laughing stock of the whole capital!

Lin Jihan's eyes flashed, and he didn't know whether it was anger or what, he stood up and said, "Yes, tonight is the wedding night of my bridal chamber, and I have to go to the bridal chamber."

"Ministers, please eat and drink well. Ye is greeting you. My king is leaving first."

Just now when Lin Jihan smashed the table like that, who would dare to step forward to dissuade Lin Jihan? They all complimented each other: "Okay, I wish the prince a happy wedding."

"My lord, hurry up, the bride must not be in a hurry, I'm afraid it won't be long before the Prince Regent's House will have an extra son, haha."

Lin Jihan glanced over with a sharp eye, and the man immediately covered his mouth tightly, not daring to say a word.

In the next second, Lin Jihan said something ambiguous, "Then I will accept your good words."

Seeing that Lin Jihan didn't intend to get angry, that person was relieved.

Seventeen hesitantly stepped forward and said, "My lord, Ma'am."

"Don't you know that tonight is this king's wedding ceremony? Let's talk about it tomorrow!"

Looking at Lin Jihan who had a icy face because he mentioned Shen Mengqi, Shi Qi silently retreated to the side, probably because the wife had expected such a scene to mention Shen Mengqi today, so she asked herself to talk about it tomorrow.

Shi Qi bowed to Lin Jihan and said, "Shi Qi understands."

After speaking, he stepped back to the side.

Shi Qi is not as slick as Ye Wei, and he doesn't know how to assess the situation at all.Looking at Shi Qi who retreated to Ye Wei's side without saying a word, Lin Jihan couldn't help feeling a little regretful.

He pulled his face and said: "Go to Juxing Pavilion."

Although Lin Jihan's complexion was not good, but after all, he said that he was going back to Juxing Pavilion, and Chunni couldn't hide his joy, "I will help you."

Seeing the drunk Lin Jihan stumbling around, Ye Wei stomped his feet anxiously, but until Lin Jihan was helped out, Ye Wei didn't receive any 'help' signal from Lin Jihan.

After a while, Ye Wei couldn't sit still anymore.Now if the prince had something to do with Shen Qingning because he drank a few glasses of foolish wine, the prince will definitely regret it when he wakes up.

Just as Ye Wei was about to move, Eleven grabbed his arm, "My lord told you to keep an eye on the guests, what are you doing?"

"Go save the prince."

Ye Wei didn't hide it from Eleven, "My lord is drinking too much now, and he's lost his mind. I'm afraid he will do something irreversible."

Eleven calmly said: "What is irreversible? Princess Qingning is already the prince's concubine, and what happened to them is normal. Didn't the prince just say, don't disturb his bridal chamber wedding night."

"If you have a long life, don't drag me and Shi Qi." After finishing speaking, Eleven looked at Shi Qi and asked, "Right Shi Qi."

Seventeen nodded and said: "Don't disturb the prince's elegant mood, it is rare for the prince to be happy."

Looking at the two elm bumps in front of him, Ye Wei wished to pry open their brains to see what was inside their heads.

"I am going to help the prince because I am afraid that the prince will regret it."

Ye Wei didn't explain too much, after all, they couldn't understand if there were too many explanations.

Ye Wei said simply and rudely: "The prince cares about the madam. The madam and the side madam are incompatible masters. You saw it just now in the Douyan hall."

"If the prince really had something with the side princess when he was drunk, let alone the princess, what do you think the prince will do?"

Thinking of Lin Jihan who frequently went mad because of Shen Mengqi, Seventeen and Eleven couldn't help shivering, the consequences were not something they dared to think about.

"If the prince really likes to sideline the princess, we won't stop it, but in this situation now"

Eleventh and Shiqiyi, whose hearts were already biased toward Shen Mengqi, rolled up their sleeves and walked forward, "I'll call the prince out."

Seeing their attitude of fighting to the death, Ye Wei said without exaggeration, as long as the two of them are let go, then the three of them will really die.

Ye Wei stopped a person with one hand and said: "I have served the prince for the longest time, so let me go to the prince's side. If I make a mistake, the prince will not punish me, so you don't have to."

"You guys watch here, just don't make any forks, I'll go to the prince's side."

Listening to Ye Wei's words, Eleven and Shiqi were moved, "Ye Wei, thank you for your hard work."

It's not for living, it's easy for him.

On the surface, Ye Wei slapped his chest, "We are all brothers, and we take it to heart."

Eleven and Seventeen also hammered together, "They are all brothers."

Inside Juxing Pavilion
After following Chunni back to the main house of Juxing Pavilion, Lin Jihan's eyes became much clearer.

After Chunni sent Lin Jihan to the house, she smiled at Shen Qingning, and then closed the door intimately.

Listening to the steady and powerful footsteps gradually walking in her direction, Shen Qingning under the red hijab nervously squeezed the hem of the clothes on her knees.

Seeing the figure standing in front of her through the gap of the red hijab, Shen Qingning called out with nostalgia, "Husband."

But Lin Jihan didn't take off Shen Qingning's red hijab for a long time. Just when Shen Qingning was about to take off the red hijab herself, Lin Jihan's hand stretched out towards her.

Shen Qingning obediently put down the hand that wanted to move around in an instant, and seeing the big hand getting closer to her, Shen Qingning couldn't help but get excited.

Finally let her wait until this day, as long as tonight, as long as tonight, she can
Before Shen Qingning could think too much, she felt her eyes darken.

I saw Lin Jihan's hand quickly circled behind Shen Qingning's neck, and slapped Shen Qingning hard on the back of her neck.

Looking at Shen Qingning who fainted on the wedding bed, Lin Jihan's eyes didn't have the slightest wavering, his heartless look made people tremble inwardly.

At this time, there was an untimely knock on the door.

button button

Lin Jihan frowned, and when he was about to speak, he heard Ye Wei's voice from outside the door, "My lord, have you rested yet?"

Lin Jihan said in a hoarse voice, "What's the matter?"

The thick voice made Ye Wei outside the door tremble, he must be late.
As soon as he spoke quickly, he accidentally expressed the question in his heart, "My lord, you are still clean."

After saying these words, there was silence inside the house and outside the courtyard, and an overwhelming coercion came out from the house, making Ye Wei's heart pounding.

He slapped himself hard on the mouth twice, thinking with some annoyance, why did he say what was in his heart?

Isn't it pure courting death to say such blunt and blatant words without thinking so much?
He must have been able to do such a thing because he has been with eleven and seventeen, two straight-headed and brainless people, for a long time.

It seems that after this, you still have to stay away from the two of them.

Just as he was thinking, the door of the main room of Juxing Pavilion was pulled open forcefully from the inside, and Ye Wei knelt down proficiently, "My lord, I know I was wrong."

The kneeling posture is very standard, the attitude is very sincere, and the pitiful pretending is very standard.

Looking at Ye Wei who was waiting for the trial, Lin Ji said with a cold face, "Get out."


Looking at Lin Jihan who was dressed neatly, Ye Wei couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief.I don't know if it's for him or for myself.

After entering the room, Ye Wei saw Shen Qingning who was unconscious on the bed.

"My lord, this."

Lin Jihan pointed to Shen Qingning who was lying on the bed and said, "Move her to the soft couch."


After all, Shen Qingning is the princess and Lin Jihan's side wife, so he didn't dare to touch Shen Qingning directly, he pointed to the quilt on Xi's bed and said: "My lord, I will wrap the side lady with the quilt and go to the soft couch."

At this moment, there was no one else in the house, Lin Jihan said stiffly, "It's Princess Qingning."

Well, this means that even if he married someone in, he didn't think about admitting it.

Even so, Ye Wei still wrapped Shen Qingning up with joy and carried Shen Qingning to the soft couch.

Ye Wei hadn't put Shen Qingning down here when he heard crackling noises coming from the bed.

He looked back, and saw that Lin Jihan violently tore off the mattress on the bed, together with peanuts, beans and other things, and threw them on the ground.

Looking at the bare bed, before Ye Wei could react, Lin Jihan pulled out a set of bedding from the closet, threw it directly on the bed, and lay down straight on it without even taking off the bedding.

Judging from this appearance, it must have been thought of long ago.

Seeing this, Ye Wei felt relieved, and he said, "My lord, I'll take my leave if there's nothing wrong with it."

"You can't go."

Lin Jihan on the bed said, "Just in the room, sleeping on the soft couch with Shen Qingning."


The prince sleeps on the bed by himself, and he sleeps on the soft couch with the prince's newly married side princess?this
"The ears are not working well, and you are still deaf. Do you want me to call Wang Taiyi to come over and show you?"

The prince still thinks there are not enough people in this room, right?
Ye Wei said tremblingly: "No need, I understand."

"Sleep with you steadily."

After saying this sentence, Lin Jihan turned over and fell asleep.

Seeing Lin Jihan lying on the bed in a daze, obviously not drunk, but still refusing to take off his shoes and clothes to go to sleep, Ye Weimeng suddenly remembered why the prince was like this.

I still remember the first time my wife took four rooms for the prince and came back. The prince asked those rooms to stay here for one night. On the second day, except for the bones of the rooms, all the other places in Juxing Pavilion were demolished. Yes, even the bed was not spared.

Now the prince is doing this because he is afraid that Shen Mengqi will misunderstand what he and Shen Qingning really have, so he asks himself to stay in the house. If there is a real trouble in the future, he will have a physical evidence.

Can remember little things for so long, who can say that their prince doesn't care about his wife, doesn't love her.

Although he knew what Lin Jihan meant, Ye Wei still didn't dare to sleep with Shen Qingning. He crawled to Lin Jihan's feet pitifully, dragged the quilt thrown down by Lin Jihan to the ground not far away, and shrank himself. He squinted and fell asleep on it.

If it wasn't for his wife's high fever at that time, the prince threw the entire Juxing Pavilion on the ground dragon, and Ye Wei lay on the ground to sleep all night, maybe he could go to see the king of Hades directly in his dream.

Feeling the warm temperature under his body, Ye Wei couldn't help but thank Shen Mengqi in his heart.It is true that the predecessors planted trees, and the descendants enjoyed the shade.

If it wasn't for the madam to live in, the prince might never know that there are such warm things in the world. After all, the prince said that they are made of iron, and the mere coldness is nothing, just endure it.

But when it came to Madam, the prince didn't say that.

He said, Madam has a delicate body, she is a delicate flower, she must be well cared for and coaxed, she must be well connected to the earth, and Madam must not be exposed to the cold.

However, thinking of Mrs. Jiaohua who could throw seventeen rounds with one hand and dislocate her, Ye Wei felt that the prince was 'blind' and couldn't see the essence of his wife.

(End of this chapter)

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