Chapter 193

On the second day, Lin Jihan got up early in the morning. Looking at Shen Qingning who was still in a coma, he raised his leg and kicked Ye Wei who was beside him.

Ye Wei, who was still having a sweet dream, woke up in an instant. He got up tremblingly and said, "My lord."

"Put her to bed, I don't want her to wake up before lunch today."

"It's beyond my control when Princess Qingning wakes up, my lord, I"

Lin Jihan's eyes turned cold, "Can't you control it?"

Ye Wei's back tightened, "Yes! I can control it!"

Only then did Lin Jihan leave in satisfaction. As soon as he left, Shen Qingning showed signs of gradually waking up.Seeing that her eyelids had started to tremble, she was about to wake up.

Ye Wei gritted his teeth, hurriedly grabbed a walnut and slapped Shen Qingning hard on the forehead.The walnuts shattered, and Shen Qingning also had a small lump on her forehead.

Shen Qingning, who hadn't yet woken up, suddenly woke up from the pain, "You!"

Shen Qingning pointed at Ye Wei and was about to start cursing, the next second Ye Wei quickly shot Shen Qingning with a knife on the back of the neck.

Looking at Shen Qingning who fell asleep again, Ye Wei muttered about sins, sins, and helped Shen Qingning to the bed.

Knowing that Lin Jihan was obsessed with cleanliness, he didn't dare to let Shen Qingning sleep directly on Lin Jihan's mattress. He pushed Lin Jihan's mattress aside and put Shen Qingning on it.

This mess, at first glance, looks like the two have experienced a night of Spring Festival.

After Lin Jihan came out of Juxing Pavilion, he went to Nanyuan. He stood outside the whole time and dared not open the door to enter.

After a while, Shiqi came out from Nanyuan, and when he saw Lin Jihan standing at the door, he immediately ran over.

"My lord."

Lin Jihan stared straight at the main house in the South Garden, and asked Shi Qi, "Did Madam sleep well last night?"

"My lord, Ma'am, she's gone."


Lin Jihan looked at Shiqi coldly, "What's going on?"

"Yesterday, the princess went to the palace to chat with the emperor for a while, and when she came out, she left the capital with a small package on her back. She said she was going to the west, and she would be back in seven days if it was quick, or half a month if it was slow. "

"Why are you talking about such a big thing now!"

Looking at the furious Lin Jihan, Shi Qi didn't mention Shen Mengqi, but said: "Yesterday I talked about my lord, but you said that no matter what happens, we have to wait until tomorrow."

Lin Jihan roared angrily: "What's the matter with Madam!"

Realizing his gaffe, Lin Jihan took a deep breath, suppressed his anger and said, "Go and find out where Madam is now, hurry up!"


Lin Jihan looked at him with red eyes and said: "This time, no matter when, as long as there is something about Madam, report it immediately, understand?"


At this time, Shen Mengqi hurried on, and arrived at the border of the Western Wilderness after two nights of driving. Luo Lingxiao, the second master of the Luo family, had been waiting by the side early.

"Your Highness, why are you here in person?"

Shen Mengqi traveled day and night for two days, her face was pale and piercing, she said with a strong spirit: "How long has your brother been in Xihuang? You sent someone to Xihuang, do you have any news?"

Luo Lingxiao shook his head, "Brother, there was no news after he pressed the barbarian king into Xihuang, but last night, Xihuang suddenly launched a small-scale attack on our Nine Nether Thirteen Counties, but fortunately, the Lin family army is here, They didn't dare to make a fuss."

Shen Mengqi turned her head and rushed in the direction of Xihuang when she heard the words, as if she wanted to eat people.

Seeing that they were about to cross the border of Xihuang, at this moment, figures of the Luo family uncle and others appeared on the border of Xihuang.

Uncle Luo's face was as calm as ever, but his legs were limping, and there were still wet bloodstains on his body.Boss Boss and the others also had injuries of varying degrees, and they surrounded Luo Bufan tightly, as if they were guarding against something.

The barbarian king followed them slowly on a tall horse.

"Your Highness, why are you here?"

Shen Mengqi didn't care so much and raised her hand to lift Luo Bufan's trouser leg. The meat on Luo Bufan's right calf was basically scraped off, and the bloody bones were still in place.

She didn't know how Luo Bufan endured it.

"Your leg"

Luo Bufan snatched the clothes from Shen Mengqi's hand and put them down to cover his leg, saying: "I'm fine, one leg can be exchanged for [-]% of our national treasury, it's not a loss."

The barbarian king also said in a strange way: "That's right, don't be dissatisfied with your Tianyuan kingdom."

As he spoke, the barbarian king waved, and the people behind him brought up hundreds of boxes, each of which was tied with a piece of bloody meat.

"One piece of meat is exchanged for one box. Uncle Luo's meat is really valuable."

"You!" Luo Lingxiao rolled up his sleeves and was about to rush forward, "I'll fight you!"

However, Luo Bufan directly stopped Luo Lingxiao, "Ling Xiao, stop! I did this voluntarily."

A voluntary voice directly forced Luo Lingxiao to tears, "Brother!"

For the Luo family, their eldest brother really paid too much.

The barbarian king looked at them with a haughty look, "That's right, we're just negotiating business with businessmen, you still took advantage of it, don't act like we bully you, okay?"

"Think about me, the majestic barbarian king of the West, locked up in the cellar by you pariahs, and I don't care about you."

The barbarian king sat on the tall horse, looked at them like ants, and said, "You should be grateful, at least we Xihuang didn't kill Master Luo."

"By the way, I heard that all the doctors in Tianyuan Kingdom are very skilled in medicine, but I don't know if they can cure Uncle Luo's leg. This king is really looking forward to it."

"However, this king is more looking forward to what others will think of the Luo family after the person in charge of the Luo family is disabled."

No wonder he didn't kill Luo Bufan, he just wanted to dampen Luo Bufan's vigor, make him a cripple, and live the rest of his life like a wimp, making his life worse than death.

"I'm going to kill you!" Luo Lingxiao stared at the barbarian king with scarlet eyes and was about to rush out, "Brother, don't stop me, I will risk my life, and I will kill him too!"

"Calm down! Do you want to make the price I paid go to waste?"

How could Luo Lingxiao calm down? He was struggling crazily, trying to rush towards the barbarian king, but Luo Bufan finally couldn't hold it anymore and let out a muffled snort.

Luo Lingxiao was so frightened that he didn't dare to move immediately, he touched Luo Bufan's body, there was nothing under the loose clothes.

"Big brother."

Seeing Luo Lingxiao, who was worse than death, the barbarian king finally let out such a bad breath. He said to the soldiers behind him, "Let's go."

At this time, Shen Mengqi who had been standing aside said, "Wait."

Only then did the barbarian king notice Shen Mengqi beside Luo Lingxiao, he looked at Shen Mengqi and said, "The little girl looks good, why, do you want to be my king's pet?"

Shen Mengqi didn't speak, but directly took the bow and arrow from the hands of the people around her, nocked the arrow and pulled the string to shoot at the barbarian king.

The arrow went straight to the barbarian king's face, and the barbarian king's expression changed, he fell straight off his horse in order to avoid the sharp arrow.

"My lord!"

He looked at the barbarian king who was still lying on the ground surrounded by Xihuang soldiers.

Shen Mengqi said with cold eyes: "I don't like to look up and talk to people."

Seeing Shen Mengqi make a move, Luo Bufan said: "Your Highness, please don't do this, I'm fine."

Shen Mengqi ignored Luo Bufan, but said to Luo Lingxiao: "Second Master Luo, take good care of your elder brother."

Luo Lingxiao immediately wrapped Luo Bufan in his arms, his voice was mixed with crying, "Don't worry, Your Highness, I will definitely take good care of my brother."

"Ling Xiao!"

"Brother," looking at Luo Bufan who was rarely angry, Shen Mengqi said, "I don't want you to be wronged."

"Big Brother" directly blocked Luo Bufan's words, looking at Shen Mengqi who was petite but stood in front of all of them, building an invisible barrier for them, Luo Bufan's eyes warmed up.

Shen Mengqi raised her hand and drew out the big knife carried on Boss Boss' back, and walked towards the barbarian king step by step.

The barbarian king panicked, and he pushed the Xihuang soldier in front of him fiercely, "What are you doing in a daze, help me stop her!"

Looking at Shen Mengqi, who was full of hostility like the king of Hades, the Xihuang soldiers were a little stage frighted by her aura before they fought.

But the barbarian king kept urging behind them, "What are you doing standing there, come on!"

I don't know who shouted, "Kill!"

The Xihuang soldiers rushed towards Shen Mengqi tremblingly with their spears and sharp blades.

Everyone didn't even see how Shen Mengqi pulled out the knife, and the soldiers of Xihuang had already fallen to the ground, with a trace of blood gradually oozing from their necks.

The barbarian king was frightened and backed away crazily, "What are you going to do? Let me tell you, I am the barbarian king of the West Wilderness!"

Shen Mengqi didn't hesitate at all, holding the blood-stained sword, she walked towards the barbarian king step by step.

Looking at Shen Mengqi, whose pure white clothes were stained with blood and murderous intent burst out in her clear eyes, the barbarian king was trembling with fright, he got up and turned around to run.

However, Shen Mengqi flew out with a hosta and directly stuck his coat on the ground, causing him to fall back to the ground in one fell swoop.

"You don't come here, this king tells you, if you dare to touch this king, this king's father will not spare you!"

Seeing Shen Mengqi who had no intention of retreating, he shouted in a broken voice: "Do you want Xihuang and Tianyuan Kingdom to go to war!"

Shen Mengqi didn't respond, and saw that she directly chopped off a pair of thighs of the barbarian king with a knife in her hand, and the scream sounded instantly, "Ah!"

Shen Mengqi took off the package with the jade seal on her back and threw it on the barbarian king, and said in a cold voice: "Leave your life and take it with you to deliver a message, to tell the king of Xihuang that our Tianyuan Kingdom has never been afraid of war, and we are not afraid of war." This princess, Shen Mengqi, is waiting for him in Tianyuan Kingdom!"

After finishing speaking, Shen Mengqi turned around and walked back.

Boss Bai looked at Shen Mengqi, who was acting ruthlessly, and she couldn't help but said, "Wow, you were so handsome just now, as expected, everyone who knows Luo's second son is domineering and loyal. You are my friend, Boss Boss." deal!"

(End of this chapter)

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