Chapter 194
Shen Mengqi nodded slightly to the excited Boss, and then ran towards Luo Bufan.

Luo Bufan said worriedly: "Your Highness, why are you doing this?"

Shen Mengqi looked at Luo Bufan firmly and said: "You and Ah Jiu protected me when I was young, now I should protect you."

"Over there in Kexihuang"

"Now that two granaries are full, plus the [-]% of the national treasury, even if the internal worries are serious, as long as we have enough food, we can fight and win. If they dare to attack, they will only die, and there will be no prisoners!"

Looking at Luo Bufan's wide skirt, Shen Mengqi's eyes were full of murderous intent, and she said with some regret: "It's really cheap for him to just cut off his two legs."

The Nine Nether Thirteen Counties are remote and remote, and there are few doctors, and the best doctors are basically concentrated in the Lin Family Army barracks stationed here.

After taking Luo Bufan back, Shen Mengqi didn't intend to hide her tracks anymore.Without the slightest hesitation, she directly took Luo Bufan and others to the Lin Family Army's garrison.

It was now midnight, and apart from the soldiers patrolling and watching as usual in the Lin Family Army's camp, there was silence in the camp.

Luo Lingxiao said with some embarrassment: "Your Highness, the Lin family army has strict military discipline. As soon as the sun sets, the gate of the barracks will be closed, and no one is allowed to enter or leave. We are afraid that we will have to wait until dawn."

They can wait, but Luo Bufan
Shen Mengqi glanced back at Luo Bufan, Luo Bufan's face had become paler and paler, and when he saw Shen Mengqi looking at him, he tried to stand up straighter, and said in a weak voice.

"Don't worry, I can hold on, and it won't be long until dawn."

"It's a matter of urgency. Let's go and have a look first. Master Luo asked your people to find out if there are any famous doctors around here, and make two-handed preparations."

"Someone has been sent to look for it, but it will take some time."

Shen Mengqi nodded, and she walked outside the Lin Family Army's barracks alone. Standing at the gate of the barracks were two youths with young faces. They looked young, but there was a heroic and fierce look in their eyebrows that the people of the capital did not have.

Seeing Shen Mengqi approaching, the two of them immediately stretched out their spears and overlapped to block Shen Mengqi's way, "The military camp is important, please evacuate quickly."

"This princess is Shen Mengqi, Princess of Anshun. Tell the lieutenant general in your barracks to come out."

One of the soldiers whispered: "Princess Anshun. Isn't that our regent princess?"

He looked at his companion with a look of disbelief.His companion also looked confused, "Isn't the princess regent in the capital? How could she come to our barren place?"

While sneering, the man took out a fire pocket from his pocket and lit it on fire.

Leaning on the light of the fire and taking a closer look, the person in front of me is not the same as the person in the painting, "It really is!"

In the next second, he immediately pulled his companion and knelt down together, "See the princess, the princess is thousand years old!"

"Get up." Shen Mengqi looked at the two of them and said, "I don't want to disturb other people, so I asked your lieutenant to come out. My princess has something to look for him."

"The last general will go here."

After a while, the guard came out with An Yi, looking at Shen Mengqi standing quietly in the dark, An Yi couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Finally, I found it.

"An Yi sees Madam, why did you come here, the prince is looking for you like crazy."

Shen Mengqi evaded and did not answer, "I have something to do now, and I would like to ask First Officer An to help me."

"Madam, you can't afford to help me at the end. If you have something to do, you can just greet me directly. The prince said that what Madam says is his word, and we have to obey."

Mentioning Lin Jihan and Shen Mengqi's eyes darkened, it might not be long before the words of Mrs. Side are what he said.


Shen Mengqi's thoughts were interrupted, An Yi was watching her silently.

Shen Mengqi waved behind her, and Luo Lingxiao and the others walked towards this side carrying Luo Bufan and countless big boxes.

"I heard that the best doctors in Jiuyou Thirteen Counties are all in this barracks. Uncle Luo was seriously injured and needed medical treatment, so I came here to ask for help."

Looking at Luo Bufan, who was pale and pretended to be calm, he couldn't help laughing. If the prince knew that his wife had disappeared, he would go to the Luo family, he would be crazy.

Shen Mengqi said: "Is it inconvenient?"

"It's convenient." An An turned aside to make way for a way: "Madam, please."

The two guards didn't know the entanglement involved, seeing An Yi bent down to invite, they immediately shouted excitedly, "Princess, please come in!"

The sound of Wang Hao was particularly loud in the silent military camp, and the tents that were originally dark were all lit up in an instant.

Before Shen Mengqi could react, she saw soldiers in military uniforms coming out of each tent, and surrounded her together.

"Is the prince's concubine here?"

"Is the princess here?"

Seeing that the person who came was really Shen Mengqi, all the soldiers looked at her and knelt down excitedly, "See Wangfei, Wangfei is a thousand years old!"

Seeing Shen Mengqi's expression, these soldiers were excited, uplifted, and unconditionally trusting.

She knew that it was not because she was Princess Anshun, but because Lin Jihan was their belief.They gave her the trust and respect engraved in Lin Jihan's bones, because she is the regent princess here.

Seeing that Shen Mengqi's eyes were red, An Yi thought it was Shen Mengqi who had never experienced such a big battle and was frightened, so he hurriedly dismissed everyone, "Madam is here for important matters, let's catch up on the old days later, they are all gone .”

Although the soldiers had some reluctance and reluctance in their eyes, they also obediently withdrew to their respective tents.

An Yi came up and explained: "Madam, the officers and soldiers have been curious about you all the time, that's why they all surrounded you, which surprised you, let's invite you inside."

Shen Mengqi knew that An Yi had misunderstood, but she didn't explain much, "Yes."

In the camp, the second, third and others all gathered together, "This is our wife, she must be a little too courageous, it's just that there are too many people going out in our tent to scare her." Eye sockets are red."

An Shi secretly poked and said: "A while ago, I wrote back on November and said that the prince never asks his wife to be a cold bench. Either the stool is padded, or the prince hugs her, and she is coquettish."

An Wu, "Such a squeamishness, it really doesn't match our lord."

An Er continued: "The children raised in the capital are all delicate flowers. Thinking about Shen Qingning when she first came here, she is even more delicate than Madam."

"The left and right are all married, so it seems that the prince might as well have gone to Princess Qingning. She has at least been on the battlefield, and she is not as delicate as my wife."

As soon as An San's words were spoken, Twelve, who had been silent all this time, whispered, "Shen Yan, have you forgotten about Shi Qi?"

Thinking of the half-dead Shiqi who was beaten before, the third party was angry and angry, "I'm right, even if the prince is here, I dare to say that!"

Seeing that he was about to choke again, An Er hurriedly said in an old-fashioned way: "Okay, stop arguing, let's go to bed early, I see this posture, Madam won't leave for a while, instead of arguing here, It's better to catch up on more sleep, and when she starts to torment, we won't feel so uncomfortable."

"That's right, the second child is right, go to sleep."

Saying that, before An San and Twelve could speak, An Wu got up and blew out the candles in the house, and the tent became pitch black in an instant. After An San snorted coldly, he turned around and lay down on the bed to sleep. caught.

In Anyi's camp, Langzhong surrounded the inner three floors and the outer three floors. Hearing their worried sighs, Luo Lingxiao's low choked sobs, and Luo Bufan's suppressed muffled groans, Shen Mengqi couldn't bear it anymore.

She was about to go to see Luo Bufan's injury, but An Yi immediately came up to stop her.

"Ma'am, men and women are different."

"This princess just wants to see how the Luo family is injured."

Mentioning Luo Bufan's injury, his dark eyes trembled, Luo Bufan almost didn't have any good meat anywhere on his body, those people in Xihuang were extremely vicious.

In order to let Luo Bufan experience the pain that life would be worse than death, they used a knife to goug out all the vital parts of Luo Bufan.

Then he sprinkled maggots on the meat, let the maggots and leeches suck his meat, and then cut off his carrion with a knife.

He was tortured like that but his face was as usual, he didn't shout or shout, even An Yi, who had his heart on Lin Jihan, couldn't help but sigh secretly, this is a real man.

Looking at An Yi's expression, Shen Mengqi knew that Luo Bufan's injury must be more serious than she imagined.

Shen Mengqi's eyes turned violent, "Get out of the way for this princess."

If Shen Mengqi were to go and see the Luo family uncle today, I'm afraid his life would be lost.

Gritting her teeth secretly, she stood in front of Shen Mengqi and said, "No!"

Just when Shen Mengqi was about to make a move, the uncle of the Luo family gasped and cried out in pain: "Don't come in and watch! Your Royal Highness, please leave me with some dignity."

As soon as Luo Bufan's words came out, Shen Mengqi only felt that her feet weighed a thousand catties, and she could no longer move forward.

An Yi breathed a sigh of relief after seeing Shen Mengqi retreating slowly outside the door.

Finally, he saved his own life.

"Dark one."

Hearing Shen Mengqi's icy voice, An Yi was so frightened that he broke into a sweat in this cold winter, "Ma'am."

"Is there any sand table about the border between Xihuang and Tianyuan Kingdom? This princess wants to see it."

"Yes, but this thing is in the prince's camp."

Shen Mengqi looked at An Yi quietly and asked, "Take me to see the princess."


"Is it difficult?"

Looking at Shen Mengqi who was in full bloom, she shook her head subconsciously and said, "Don't make it difficult, don't make it difficult."

After he reacted, he had already brought Shen Mengqi to Lin Jihan's tent.

Lin Jihan's camp can be called simple and crude. There is a short and small bed in the room, there is a hanger with a silver battle armor hanging on it, and there is nothing else outside of a sand table.

Seeing that there was not even a desk in the tent, Shen Mengqi could hardly imagine that this was a tent where a prince lived.

Standing in front of the large sand table, Shen Mengqi looked at the layout inside. She felt as if she was standing on the battlefield between Xihuang and Tianyuan Kingdom, standing next to Lin Jihan who was in silver armor and holding a sharp blade, fighting with him.

(End of this chapter)

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