Chapter 195 Lin Yingsai

Shen Mengqi looked at the sand table from side to side, until she couldn't bear it anymore with exhaustion all over her body, then she lay down on the edge of the sand table and fell asleep drowsily.

As soon as the sky was slightly bright, An Yi found it.Looking at Shen Mengqi's ashen face, she secretly sank, "Ma'am, are you alright?"

Shen Mengqi shook her head, "How's the Luo family doing?"

"It's out of danger."

"His Legs"

"Don't worry, Your Highness, the doctor has taken care of her. You just need to lie on the bed and rest for a while, and you will be fully recovered."

Only then did Shen Mengqi breathe a sigh of relief, "Did there be any changes in Xihuang last night?"

"No change."

Shen Mengqi said: "This princess is going to see the Luo family uncle."

Thinking of the news that the flying pigeon came back from the letter last night, An Yi silently blocked Shen Mengqi's way.

"Your Highness, the Luo family has just rested after a whole night of tossing around. You may disturb his rest by visiting now."

"The princess just takes a look at the door and doesn't go in."

"Ma'am, Boss Bai and the second master of the Luo family are all guarding outside the house. You must exchange some pleasantries when you go, and you will definitely disturb the uncle of the Luo family."

"My subordinates have heard that the uncle of the Luo family is the most polite. When he knows that you have gone, he will definitely stick to it and salute you. It will not be worth the candle."

"The princess waits until the Luo family's uncle recovers from his injury before going."

Seeing that Shen Mengqi was no longer persistent in going to see the Luo family uncle, she secretly let out a breath.Finally, he escaped a catastrophe, but what does it mean to wait until the injury is better?
Shouldn't it be
An Yi swallowed his saliva, and asked cautiously: "Your Highness, do you mean that you won't be returning to Kyoto in the short term?"

Looking at An Yi with probing eyes, Shen Mengqi said indifferently: "Yes."

An neither light nor heavy sound, almost made An Yi faint on the spot.If the prince knew that his wife was going to stay here for a while, and it was for the sake of the Luo family, then they would all suffer.

"My princess knows that the military camp is an important place for military affairs, and it is not suitable for outsiders to stay for a long time. When the uncle of the Luo family recovers from his injuries, this princess will take him back to the south of the Yangtze River. I will definitely not embarrass you."

An Yi immediately said: "No embarrassment!"

If Shen Mengqi and the uncle of the Luo family were asked to leave, then the prince would have to skin him.

Seeing Shen Mengqi staring at him, An Yi forced a smile on his face and said: "There is nothing to be troubled by, Madam, just let the Luo family master to cultivate in the barracks with peace of mind. It's jolted."

Fearing that Shen Mengqi would become suspicious, An Yi hurriedly changed the subject and said: "Madam hasn't eaten yet, I asked An Er to cook some Kyoto snacks for you, you eat first, we will wait for you outside."

Just as he was talking, An San came over and shouted to An Yi from a distance: "Brother, is your side okay? Lin Yingsai is about to start, and I'm waiting for you to preside over the overall situation."

Seeing Shen Mengqi's eyebrows raised slightly, An Yi immediately gave An San a hard look, and told him to step aside.

"His Royal Highness, that's the dark third. He grew up in Nine Nether Thirteen Commanderies. He doesn't know any rules. You're laughing at me."

Shen Mengqi could tell at a glance that the third player who was ordered to stand in the corridor by An Yi did it on purpose just now, and he just wanted to say what Lin Yingsai said to himself.

"What Lin Yingsai?"

"Oh, this is a rule established when the prince was here. Every year today is the Lin Ying competition. The Lin family's army can compete in the form of a duel to determine the winner. Anyone who can stand at the end can stay. His name is listed on the Lin family tree list, and he was given the surname Lin."

"So your name is Lin Anyi?"

He shook his head secretly with a smile and said: "Your Highness, my subordinates can't beat the lord."

"It's because no one in the entire barracks can beat the prince."

The dark three came over at some point.

Angrily, "Who told you to come here?"

An San ignored An Yi, but bowed to Shen Mengqi and said, "My subordinate An San, please refer to Madam."

Seeing the dissatisfied and contemptuous An San, Shen Mengqi said flatly, "Get up."

Shen Mengqi's non-painful answer made Ansan even more dissatisfied. He said provocatively: "In the past, the prince participated in the Lin Ying competition. This year, the prince is not here. Do you want Madam to participate instead?"

Facing An San's naked provocation, Shen Mengqi didn't even blink her eyes, but An Yi turned around and slapped An San severely.

"Presumptuous! Apologize!"

An San refused to open his mouth, seeing that An Yi's palm was about to fall again, at this moment Shen Mengqi said, "No need, this princess is participating in the Lin Ying competition."

An Yi frowned when he heard the words, "Ma'am, the participants in the Lin Ying Competition are all reckless people, you"

A delicate flower that is held in the palm of the prince's palm, isn't it just waiting to be destroyed by someone's hands when participating in the Lin Ying competition? Even if they give up to the wife for the prince's sake, then the prince will lose it in the end face?
"This princess just took this opportunity to see the strength of the Lin family army, so that the royal family and this princess can entrust this fortress to you to guard with more confidence."

With one sentence, Shen Mengqi took away her identity as the regent princess. Considering the aspect of the royal family, they could no longer stop Shen Mengqi from participating in the competition, let alone be merciful and cowardly. After all, that would slap their lord even more in the face.

An Yi gritted his teeth and said, "Alright then."

"Ma'am, I have to remind you that this is a military camp, and swords have no eyes."

"If something happens, the princess will bear it all, let's go."

Seeing that Shen Mengqi insisted, An An had to take Shen Mengqi to the martial arts arena.When Shen Mengqi, Anyi and the others appeared in the martial arts field together, Lin Jiajun immediately cheered.

Obviously, Shen Mengqi's arrival made them even more excited.

An Yi walked up to the stage and waved his hands to the audience: "Madam is here today to test us on behalf of the royal family, and she will also come down to compete with everyone in person, everyone must cheer up, don't slap the prince in the face !"

As soon as An Yi's words came out, the eyes of everyone in the audience looking at Shen Mengqi changed, from enthusiasm and joy at the beginning to suspicion and dissatisfaction, but they did not whisper, but watched Shen Mengqi silently.

If they replace the royal family, it is not the princess but Princess Anshun, and they only recognize the Prince Regent and the Palace of the Prince Regent, not Her Royal Highness.

What An Yi said was to repeat Shen Mengqi's meaning, and it was also to pick Lin Jihan clean, because the last thing he wanted was to implicate Lin Jihan's reputation.

After all, Lin Jihan is like a god here, and a god shouldn't have shortcomings.

Shen Mengqi stood aside calmly, without any explanation, she just said: "Please do your best."

After stepping off the stage, An Yi looked at Shen Mengqi with some guilt, "Ma'am, my subordinate"

Before An Yi finished speaking, Shen Mengqi stopped him and said, "You did a good job."

After finishing speaking, Shen Mengqi was about to go to the arena of the martial arts arena, but An Yi stopped her at this time, "Madam, the first few games are irrelevant, you don't need to fight in person, you should eat first."

"No need."

As Shen Mengqi said, she was going to bypass An Yi, but An Yi gritted her teeth and stepped forward to block Shen Mengqi's way, "Madam, the lord has specifically instructed you that you are weak, so you must have lunch sometimes."

Hearing the words Lin Jihan, Shen Mengqi paused for a moment, looking at An Yi who was standing firmly in front of her, she didn't insist, but turned around and walked towards the main seat.

Before Shen Mengqi was about to sit down, An Yi seemed to have thought of something, and hurriedly snatched a ball of cushion from An San's hand and put it down.

Seeing Shen Mengqi looking towards her, she secretly smiled awkwardly and said: "The prince said, you can't ask your wife to be a cold shoulder."

It is true that Lin Jihan is not seen everywhere, but there are traces of Lin Jihan everywhere.


I don't know who whispered, and the people around looked at Shen Mengqi a little bit badly.

Shen Mengqi didn't seem to feel it, she sat calmly on the cushion, ate her breakfast slowly and watched the people fighting in the arena.

After seeing Shen Mengqi's operation, everyone sighed for a while, and felt wronged for their prince. I can't imagine how aggrieved the prince who married such a delicate flower as his wife is.

In the end, the prince married the royal family to keep them. After all, it was their prince who carried everything, and he really loves their prince.

The murmurs under the stage became louder and louder, and even with An Yi present, there were always sighs of dissatisfaction coming from around Shen Mengqi.

Shen Mengqi was not affected at all, as if the person being condemned was not herself.She finished her breakfast as steadily as Mount Tai, and then leaned on the soft couch and looked at the people below indifferently.

If you look carefully, besides tiredness, there is more fatigue in her eyebrows and eyes.After rushing here day and night, I haven't been able to get a good night's sleep until now, and some hard-working people can't bear it anymore.

What's more, the duel on the stage was too boring to arouse people's interest at all.

Seeing that Shen Mengqi's mental state was getting worse and worse, the general who had just won a battle pointed angrily at Shen Mengqi who was sitting on the high platform and said, "The final general wants to challenge Princess Anshun, but I don't know if Her Royal Highness would dare to fight!"

His Royal Highness called out all his dissatisfaction and unwillingness and worthlessness for Lin Jihan.

Hearing someone challenge Shen Mengqi by name, An Yi still couldn't help feeling a little worried, he looked at Shen Mengqi and said, "Madam, why don't my subordinates fight for you?"

Shen Mengqi shook her head, and saw that she got up and stepped on the railing, jumped down, and landed firmly on the ring.

The body that floats down is like the nine-day fairy descending to the earth, light, elegant and beautiful.

Shen Mengqi looked at him lightly and said, "Let's make a move."

Looking at Shen Mengqi who put her hands behind her back, she asked, "Your Highness, don't you want to choose a weapon?"

"Need not."

Looking at the two meteor hammers in the general's hand, she said: "You can just make a move."

The general threw the meteor hammer aside, "Since Her Royal Highness doesn't use weapons, then the general doesn't use weapons either, it's fair competition!"

Shen Mengqi remained silent.

Seeing this, Bi Jiang clenched his fists in front of his chest, and while rushing towards Shen Mengqi, he said: "Your Highness, the general has offended you!"

Looking at the general who was rushing straight towards her, Shen Mengqi's eyes did not change at all, and her hands were already behind her back.

It wasn't until his fist was close to the bridge of her nose that she suddenly stretched out her left hand, grabbed the fist that was stretched out, and directly swung him up, hitting the ground in front of her, only to hear to a loud bang.

The general passed out directly, without even struggling.

With Shen Mengqi's blow, everyone's eyes widened in shock, "Have you seen clearly how Her Royal Highness punched?"

All the soldiers shook their heads, "No."

Shen Mengqi raised her eyes lightly, looked at the audience and said, "Who else wants to challenge?"

In an instant, many soldiers raised their hands, "Me!"

"I want, too!"

Not to mention all the soldiers in the audience, even An Yi and the others wanted to fight Shen Mengqi's beautiful move after seeing Shen Mengqi's beautiful move.

An Yi and the others trembled excitedly, thinking to themselves, this time they were definitely tricked by Ye Wei and the others. Shen Mengqi, who was able to hit the ground with one blow, could never be a delicate flower held in the palm of someone's hand. flower.

If it is a flower, it is also a cannibal flower!

(End of this chapter)

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