Chapter 196 Shen Mengqi and Boss Boss
Shen Mengqi stood tall on the ring, she looked at the crowd scrambling to raise their hands and said, "You guys go up together."

Hearing Shen Mengqi's crazy words, the generals in the audience became more and more unconvinced.

An Yi stepped forward and said: "Madam, this is against the rules."

"If you have the ability to make a quick decision, do you still need to abide by this rule?"

As soon as Shen Mengqi's words came out, the audience boiled instantly, because of Shen Mengqi's arrogance, and because of her contempt for them.

In an instant, several people were walking towards the ring. Seeing that Shen Mengqi didn't have the slightest intention to back down and stop her, she had to remind Mrs. Ju to be careful and stepped off the stage.

Although surrounded by several soldiers, Shen Mengqi didn't feel the slightest panic. She still had her hands behind her back and looked at them silently.

A soldier asked, "Your Highness, don't you use weapons?"

Looking at the people holding swords and spears, Shen Mengqi shook her head, "Don't worry about this princess, you just use weapons."

"Then we're welcome!"

I don't know who shouted, "Come on!"

The soldiers immediately set up their swords and spears and rushed towards Shen Mengqi who was standing in the center.

Shen Mengqi flew straight into the air, jumped out of the encirclement of the soldiers, turned around and came behind them, flicking the back of their necks.

The moderate strength caused all the soldiers to break out in cold sweat. If Shen Mengqi wanted to kill them, their heads would have fallen to the ground in just an instant.

They put down their weapons and said with some dejection, "We lost."

Above the stands, An Yi and the others' eyes lit up.

"Did you see clearly just now?"

An San and An Wu nodded lightly, "Madam's posture and gait can't be achieved after ten or eight years of training. Except for the prince, there is probably no one in our military camp who can compete with her."

"This Ye Wei is too blind. Which delicate person do you see can raise his hand and swing a rough guy around?"

Ansan said, but also yelled at Twelve, "Do you think it is Twelve?"

Twelve didn't reply.

An San turned his head and looked over, and saw that Twelve hands were clasping the railing tightly, his eyes were fixed on Shen Mengqi who was killing all directions on the ring, his body was shaking with excitement.

"Good practice, so powerful."

Listening to Twelve's muttering to himself, An Yi and the others couldn't help but shook their heads with a smile, this guy, Wu Chi probably committed a crime again, it will be fun later.

Shen Mengqi stood on the inner ring for half an hour, and most of the people in the basic barracks were beaten to the ground by her.Although she was not injured at all, her face was extremely pale.

The continuous consumption made her feel sleepy and uncomfortable.

But Shen Mengqi still stood on the ring with her usual expression, "Who else wants to come up and challenge this princess?"

All the soldiers in the audience, look at me, and I look at you, but none of them stood up again.

Whether Shen Mengqi was their prince's regent concubine, or Tianyuan Kingdom's first princess, Princess Anshun, they were all convinced.

In the Lin family army's barracks, force represented everything.

Seeing that no one answered under the ring, Shen Mengqi slightly raised her head to look at the dark crowd on the stage and asked, "What about you?"

Looking at Shen Mengqi on the ring, An Yi felt his hands itch, but he didn't dare to go down.

Just when he was about to grit his teeth and shake his head and say no, Twelve and Ansan stepped on the railing and flew down to stand in front of Shen Mengqi.


An Yi was about to stop the two of them, when An Er stood in front of An Yi, "Brother, don't you want to compete with Madam?"

He frowned secretly, "But the prince said it."

"What the prince said was to tell his wife to stay away from the Luo family, and told us to protect her safety, but he didn't say that he couldn't discuss with his wife on Lin Yingsai."

"Brother, don't you want to compete with Madam? If you miss this village, you won't have this shop."

An Yi gritted his teeth and said, "I don't want to, don't you think so?"

The An Er class who were still in the stands said at the same time: "We think."

Anshi, who has never been very talkative, said: "Discuss, compete, and give enough respect, the wife is really our wife."

An Shi's words made An Yi fall silent immediately.

That's right, for the group of them who have been stationed in Nine Nether Thirteen Counties for Lin Jihan, the reason why Madam is Madam is because the prince recognized her.

But in their hearts, she is not worthy of the title of Princess Regent.If you don't go in, there will always be a gap.When there is a gap, it is easy to do bad things.

When An Yi came back to his senses, An Er had already stepped aside.

An Yi put his hands on the railing and looked down, only to see that An Twelve and An San had already rushed towards Shen Mengqi.

Facing the dark twelve and dark three, Shen Mengqi did not panic at all.She unhurriedly took her right leg back half a step, and when An Twelve rushed over, Shen Mengqi directly grabbed An Twelve's arm.

After An Shiu realized Shen Mengqi's intentions, he directly raised his leg and kicked Shen Mengqi mercilessly, trying to force Shen Mengqi to back up, so as to break free his arm from Shen Mengqi's grasp.

And the dark three also rushed to the back of Shen Mengqi, punching directly at the back of Shen Mengqi's head, without showing any mercy because of Shen Mengqi's identity.

An Yi couldn't help but clenched his hands, fixed his eyes on the three people on the ring and said: "The two of them are too much."

"Going all out is the respect for Madam."


Before An Yi finished speaking, she saw that Shen Mengqi had no intention of shrinking from the back and forth attacks of An Twelve and An San. Borrowing his strength, he swung An Twelve directly and slapped it on the ground.

Simple and rude, lacking and very beautiful.

With just one move, An Twelve was beaten to the point where he was unable to fight back. This was not only the suppression of strength, but also the suppression of skills.

After throwing An Twelve to the ground, Shen Mengqi quickly bent down to avoid An San's fist, then grabbed An San's arm, and threw him to the ground in the same way.

A set of movements is smooth and smooth, and the outcome is determined in a short time.During the battle, Shen Mengqi only moved half a step.

It's not that she doesn't know other martial arts, but that she and them are not on the same level at all, and she can defeat the enemy with one move.

Shen Mengqi lightly flicked the dust on the front of her clothes, she looked at the dark one on the stage and said, "What about you? Are you still here?"

An Yi and the others felt a fire burning in their hearts. It was a long-lost fighting spirit, and it was an aura of disobedience.

By the time they reacted, they were already standing on the ring.

An Yi and the others looked at each other, hesitated a little, it was indeed a little too much for so many people to Madam.

Shen Mengqi didn't think there was anything wrong, she finally stretched out her hands behind her back, "Let's go together."

"Then madam, we will not be polite."

"Although come."

Seeing this, everyone was no longer polite. They directly took out their weapons and rushed towards Shen Mengqi. Shen Mengqi took out a very thin silver needle from her cuff and used it as a sword.

When An Yi's broadsword pressed over, Shen Mengqi pressed up with the silver needle between her arms.Four or two thousand gold players flicked the big knife out.

He was so shocked that his arms went numb, and before he could react, he was kicked directly under the ring by Shen Mengqi.

The audience cheered and cheered. The last time everyone was so excited was when Lin Jihan was fighting on the ring.

Dark [-], Dark [-], Dark [-], Dark [-] and others did not dare to be careless at all, and directly moved the Seven Star Formation up, Shen Mengqi's eyes gathered a little light.

Although the seven-star formation was good and their tacit understanding was high enough, it only bound Shen Mengqi for a moment, and they were defeated one by one in less than a stick of incense.

At the end, Shen Mengqi stood in the middle with a silver needle about the size of an embroidery needle in her hand, like an invincible goddess of war.

If they looked carefully, they would find that from the time they entered the ring to now, Shen Mengqi had never left her original position for even half a step.

Just when Shen Mengqi was about to ask who else was there, Boss Boss flew onto the ring.

"Hahaha, Your Royal Highness is very skilled. Can Caomin also want to learn it?"

Seeing Boss Boss clasping her fists and doing quack salutes to her, Shen Mengqi didn't show mercy, so she also clasped her fists and saluted Boss Bai.

"Princess Anshun, Shen Mengqi."

Listening to Shen Mengqi's self-introduction, Boss Boss smiled heartily, "Exquisite! I know you are also a gangster. Filling Hai's, Bai Wushuang came to learn!"

"Bai Wushuang? Bai Wushuang of Haishi?"

An Twelve, who had just climbed down from the ring, couldn't help being startled, "Isn't that Boss Bai who is in charge of Beiwulin? Why is he here?"

An Yi explained: "It's a friend of the second master of the Luo family."

An Wu said worriedly: "That's a first-class master in the Jianghu, can our wife do it?"

"Brother, do you want to stop it, this Bai Wushuang is bold and informal, I'm afraid it will hurt our wife."

An Yi was having difficulty even getting up at this moment, he clutched his stomach and said, "I'm afraid I can't do it, why don't you guys go."

Everyone instantly felt that their wounds began to ache. Judging by the strength of Madam's blow alone, she and Boss Bai might not be able to tell who would win.

The duel between masters is rare, so instead of stopping it, it is better to take a good look at it, and wait until the situation is serious before making a move.

Shen Mengqi and Bai Wushuang on the stage looked at each other for two seconds and then rushed towards each other at the same time.

Bai Wushuang directly swung his meteor hammer and threw it at Shen Mengqi, while Shen Mengqi threw out the silver needle in his hand and stabbed at Bai Wushuang's gate of life.

The two confront each other with deadly moves and surprisingly fast speed. If it weren't for the silver dots shining under the sun, they would not be able to see the details of the battle between Shen Mengqi and Bai Wushuang at all.

The silver needle thrown by Shen Mengqi was bounced away by Bai Wushuang's meteor hammer, and it was directly inserted into the pillar next to Anyi. Most of the silver needle's body was already embedded in it. What would happen if it was hit? And metaphor.

It can be seen that Shen Mengqi was merciful when she played chess with them just now.Such a wife, probably only their princes can subdue.

Seeing Boss Boss and Shen Mengqi's strong confrontation, An Twelve couldn't help curling his lips and said, "This is too shocking. They are also from Tianyuan Kingdom, why are they so powerful?"

The convinced Ansan said from the side: "If you're not amazing, can you be our wife?"

Thinking about it secretly, he smiled, "Hehe, yes."

The person who can fight inseparably with the leader of the Northern Martial Arts is actually their wife. Thinking about them, they are so proud.

Shen Mengqi and Boss Bo had entangled and bumped into each other more than ten times, and both of them had minor injuries of varying degrees.

Although both of them are restrained and know everything, but neither of them is convinced and wants to beat the other party to the ground.

Seeing Boss Boss swinging at her with a meteor hammer again, Shen Mengqi's eyes lit up, there was a flaw!
I saw Shen Mengqi holding the silver needle in both hands and rushing towards Boss Bai.

Before Boss Boss' meteor hammer was about to hit her face, she suddenly turned sideways to Boss Boss's ear, and raised her hand to pierce the silver needle on Boss Boss' cheek.

Boss Bai immediately understood Shen Mengqi's intentions, and he quickly turned sideways to avoid Shen Mengqi's silver needle with his face.

Before he could breathe a sigh of relief, the silver needle in Shen Mengqi's left hand was stabbed into his hair crown with a light pick, while the silver needle in her right hand was piercing towards the Dingshen acupuncture point on his chest.

Boss Boss had no choice but to bite the bullet and go forward.

The silver needle picked Boss Bai's hair crown, and Boss Bai's black hair fell straight down.Shen Mengqi's other hand touched the soft place under the silver needle.

She stared at Boss Boss with a look of surprise, and before everyone could react, she bent down and grabbed the hair crown, and directly imprisoned Boss Boss' head with her backhand, and the other hand was also fixed on Boss Boss's chest. The front silver needle was taken out.

Shen Mengqi stood one step away from Boss Boss, without saying anything.

Boss Bai bowed deeply to Shen Mengqi, he looked at Shen Mengqi and said, "I lost."

Before leaving the ring, he looked back and smiled at Shen Mengqi, "Also, thank you."

(End of this chapter)

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