Chapter 197 Seventeen is Coming
After Boss Bai stepped down, there was a deafening shout from the audience, "Princess! Concubine! Concubine!"

These shouts were their pride from the bottom of their hearts. They were not for anyone, nor for her identity, but only for her, Shen Mengqi.

Those sonorous and powerful shouts made Shen Mengqi numb. Standing on the stage, she felt and endured the enthusiasm and reverence.

"Is there anyone else who wants to come up and challenge?"

Shen Mengqi looked around, and when she saw that no one raised her hand and came to the stage, she wanted to go down.At this moment, An Yi slowly climbed onto the ring and said, "Congratulations Madam, you."

Shen Mengqi didn't seem to see An Yi, she just skipped An Yi and turned over and got off the stage one by one.

Her actions made An Yi a little bit embarrassed, he forced a smile and said: "Let's come here first today, let's go."

Sensing that something was wrong with Shen Mengqi, An Yi and the others dismissed the surrounding soldiers and followed behind Shen Mengqi.

An Er said worriedly, "Ma'am, you are fine."

Before the word "bah" could be said, they saw Shen Mengqi falling forward in a daze.


An Yi and the others hurriedly lifted Shen Mengqi up in shock, "Quick! Go and call the doctor!"

After Langzhong got his pulse, An Yi said worriedly: "Doctor Li, what's wrong with our wife?"

"Ma'am, her heart is weak due to anxiety, depression, coupled with the hard work of the past few days, her body is seriously overdrawn, and that's why she fell into a coma."

It was only then that Anyi and the others remembered that Shen Mengqi had arrived in the Nine Nether Thirteenth County for two nights. After arriving, she had been busy with the affairs of the Luo family and didn't take much rest. Been fighting for so long.

It is strange that this body can hold on.

"Madam's previous body must have been recuperated by an expert. The deficiency has already improved, but now this encounter has brought her body back to its original shape."

"Then what should we do?"

Dr. Li sighed and said: "My medical skills are limited, so I can only hang my wife's life with ginseng soup and other tonics. As for turning around the deficiency, I can only rely on that expert."

As soon as she heard that Shen Mengqi was ill, secretly she didn't dare to delay, and immediately went to report to Lin Jihan.

At this moment, Twelve Yi ran in with a surprised face and said, "An Yi, come and see who's back."

Shi Qi came in with Doctor Wang.

Looking at the person behind Twelve, An Yi couldn't hide his joy, "Seventeen, why are you here?"

"The prince asked us to come here, where's the lady?"

An Yi's face darkened, "Madam is lying in the room, the situation is not very good."

Hearing the words on Shishi, he didn't bother to say much, so he pushed An Yi away and walked in with Imperial Physician Wang.

Physician Wang rushed towards Shen Mengqi as soon as he entered the door. He didn't care to say anything, and stood beside Li Langzhong, grabbed Shen Mengqi's hand and felt his pulse.

Ignoring the greetings with An Yi and the others, Shi Qi followed closely behind Imperial Physician Wang, looking at Imperial Physician Wang whose face gradually became serious, he asked worriedly: "Doctor Wang, how is Madam?"

Wang Taiyi, who had always been arrogant, sighed helplessly, "My lady doesn't pay attention to her body so much, even if Hua Tuo is alive, he won't be able to recruit her."

"What do you mean?"

"It's not very good," Imperial Physician Wang took out a token from his pocket and handed it to Shiqidao: "You take my token to the palace and ask the emperor for the Nine Yang Andrographis."

"Nine Yang Andrographis?"

Seventeen mumbled, "Isn't that the treasure of our Tianyuan Kingdom?"

Although their wives are the darlings of the emperor and the queen mother, compared with that treasure, they are probably
Imperial Physician Wang knew Shi Qi's concerns, "Just tell the emperor that the day of Her Royal Highness has come, and the rest will depend on fate."

Looking at the hesitant Shi Qi, he couldn't help but raise his voice and shouted angrily: "Madam is already dying, why are you still hesitating!"

A sound of exhaustion brought Shiqi back to reality, his heart seemed to be gripped by an invisible big hand, and the pain was tight.

"I'm going right now!"

As soon as Shi Qi staggered out the door, a weak voice sounded from inside the room, "Doctor Wang, are you trying to scare someone to death with your voice?"

Looking at Shen Mengqi who was struggling to open his eyes, Doctor Wang was not in the mood to argue with her. He looked at Shen Mengqi distressedly and said, "Ma'am, you almost scared the old minister to death. Why are you so disobedient?"

The corners of Shen Mengqi's lips curled slightly, "Some things have to be done, Doctor Wang, you can understand this princess, right?"

"I don't understand! All I know is that if Her Royal Highness continues to insist on going her own way, she will leave before finishing this matter!"

"Impossible." Shen Mengqi looked at Wang Taiyi quietly and said, "My princess has a daily exercise schedule. Didn't Wang Taiyi promise that she will be cured if she persists in practicing?"

"Me! I mean you can't work anymore, you can only do well if you keep practicing!" Imperial Physician Wang said angrily, "Why do you both like to be obedient and only listen halfway?"

Shen Mengqi keenly noticed that something was wrong, she looked at Imperial Physician Wang and asked, "What's wrong? Something happened to the prince?"

Doctor Wang's eyes flashed, and he said: "Hey, the old minister just said it casually, you really listened to me, what can the prince do? Madam, instead of caring about the prince, you should care more about yourself!"

At this moment, Li Langzhong came in with a bowl of pitch-black medicine and said, "My lord, I have boiled a bowl of tonic for Madam, can you give it to Madam?"

Doctor Wang brought the medicine up to the tip of his nose and smelled it, Langzhong Li couldn't help becoming nervous.

"You made this prescription yourself?"

Li Langzhong's body tightened, he clenched the clothes on his chest, looked carefully at Wang Taiyi and said, "Ang, do you dare to ask your lord what's wrong?"

Physician Wang nodded and said, "It's very good, nourishing and gentle, and it's well done."

"Thank you for your approval!"

Physician Wang helped Shen Mengqi up and said, "Drink the medicine first, this bowl of medicine should last you until you come back at seventeen."

Shen Mengqi took the medicine obediently, and gulped it down without waiting for Doctor Wang's orders.

Seeing Shen Mengqi who took the initiative to drink such a bitter medicine into her stomach without pushing or making trouble, Imperial Physician Wang couldn't help but twitched her brows. If something goes wrong, there must be a demon. It is really strange that she is so obedient all of a sudden.

Sure enough, Shen Mengqi frowned and threw the bowl to Imperial Physician Wang, and then said, "Princess Wang, I have one more request from you. Master Luo was severely tortured in Xihuang. You go and see."

"Ma'am, you are already like this, are you still thinking about others? It seems that you didn't listen to a word of the old minister!"

"My princess knows what the doctor Wang is going to say, so this princess is only worried about this matter. When the matter is settled, this princess has nothing to worry about."

Looking at Shen Mengqi with a stubborn face, Doctor Wang only felt that it was extremely uncomfortable for him to hold his breath tightly in his chest.

After looking at each other for a while, it was Wang Taiyi who was defeated in the end, "If you are optimistic about the Luo family, will you rest in peace?"

Shen Mengqi nodded.

Physician Wang sighed and said, "Okay, where is Uncle Luo? I'll go and have a look."

Li Langzhong immediately said: "Uncle Luo is on the other side of the barracks, I will take you there."

Before leaving, Imperial Physician Wang couldn't help but turned his head and asked, "Take care of yourself!"

Doctor Wang followed Li Langzhong for a long time before arriving at Uncle Luo's tent.

Shen Mengqi's camp and Uncle Luo's camp, one is in the east and the other is in the west. They are obviously in the same military camp, but they look like the end of the world. The regent's jealousy is big enough.

The second master of the Luo family, who had been guarding outside all the time, his eyes lit up instantly when he saw Imperial Physician Wang coming, "Physician Wang, why are you here!"

"Madam asked me to come over to see how the Luo family is injured. Is it convenient now?"

When he heard that it was Shen Mengqi's instruction, the second master of the Luo family felt warm.

He said to Physician Wang: "It's convenient, it's too convenient, Physician Wang please come inside!"

Looking at Uncle Luo who had no good place on his body in the house, Doctor Wang frowned even more.

"Is this a punishment riddled with holes?"

Looking at Luo Bufan who was pale but still silent, Imperial Physician Wang couldn't help thinking in his heart, no wonder the prince is so afraid, this uncle of the Luo family is really talented.

Physician Wang took out the silver needle from his arms, "Master Luo, in order not to cause you to suffer from the root cause of the disease, the old minister needs to give you the needle. This process will be very painful. Do you need anesthesia?"

Luo Bufan shook his head and said, "Let's pierce it directly, there will be a doctor from Lao Wang."

With that said, he stuffed the quilt into his mouth.

"The old minister will start."

The whole set of acupuncture and moxibustion lasted for half an hour. After finishing it, not to mention the uncle of the Luo family, even Doctor Wang was covered in cold sweat.

Uncle Luo didn't say a word, he just bit the quilt tightly.

Imperial Physician Wang looked at him with some respect and said, "After the old minister gives you the acupuncture for seven consecutive days, you will not suffer from hidden diseases. If there is nothing else, the old minister will leave first."

"Wait a moment."

Physician Wang looked back, "What else can Master Luo do?"

"If Her Royal Highness asks about my situation, please ask Imperial Physician Wang to tell me that everything is fine. Don't call me something that will drag Her Royal Highness down."

Seeing Luo Bufan who was so thoughtful, Imperial Physician Wang said with some distress, "Okay, Mr. Luo Family, rest well, and the old minister will come to see you tomorrow."

On the other side, after Shi Qi took the token to see the emperor, the emperor handed Jiuyang Andrographis Lotus to Shi Qi without saying a word.Seventeen took Jiuyang Churoxinlian and met Ye Wei near the Qingliang Pavilion just after they left the capital.

Ye Wei looked at Shiqi and said, "My lord is waiting for you."

Shi Qi dismounted upon hearing this, and walked towards the pavilion ahead with the Nine Suns Andrographis Lotus on his back.

Looking at the figures in the pavilion, Shiqi knelt on one knee and said, "I will see you, my lord."

"Cough cough."

With a pale face, Lin Jihan turned to Shiqi and said, "Get up, how is Madam?"

(End of this chapter)

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