Chapter 200 Sad and Deplorable
Before waiting for Doctor Wang to respond, Shen Mengqi put on her coat and walked out with An Yi, "What's going on?"

Physician Wang ran up and exhorted: "Madam, you need to rest now!"

Shen Mengqi turned her head to look at Imperial Physician Wang and said, "After this matter is dealt with, the princess must rest."

Looking at Shen Mengqi who left without looking back, Doctor Wang gritted her teeth angrily, "Wait, wait, wait! We can all wait, but can your body wait?"

"I will fight them!"

As he said that, he saw Wang Taiyi bowed his head and searched for a while, picked up the medicine pot and rushed out of the tent.

He bumped into Luo Lingxiao who came to look for him head-on. Seeing Imperial Physician Wang's battle, Luo Lingxiao was startled, "Doctor Wang, what's wrong with you?"

"Go to the battlefield and smash to death those who hinder Her Royal Highness from resting!"

After Wang Taiyi finished speaking, he took the medicine pot and rushed towards Shen Mengqi's leaving direction.Luo Lingxiao looked in the direction of Imperial Physician Wang, and saw that the originally sloppy Lin family army was running towards the border between Nine Nether Thirteen Commanderies and Xihuang, all dressed neatly and walking in unison.

Luo Lingxiao's heart sank, he stretched out his hand to grab a soldier and said, "What happened?"

The soldier said hastily, "We're calling from Xihuang, please don't leave the camp if you have nothing to do."

After speaking, he left in a hurry.

"Not good! Your Royal Highness!"

With Her Royal Highness' temperament, she must go to the battlefield.People will die on this battlefield, he must not let Her Royal Highness have an accident!

Luo Lingxiao casually grabbed a big knife and followed behind a group of soldiers. Before he had run two steps, he felt his body lighten, and his feet gradually lifted off the ground.

As soon as he turned around, he saw Boss Boss trying to pull himself up on his toes.

Luo Lingxiao said anxiously: "Boss Boss, stop making trouble!"

"I know what you want to do, I'll go."


Luo Lingxiao subconsciously refused.

Boss Boss calmly said: "I am more useful than you on the battlefield, and I can protect Her Royal Highness. You stay here and take care of your elder brother. This is the best arrangement."

"It's the best arrangement, but you shouldn't go."

"We're brothers, aren't we?" Boss Bai leaned forward and hit Luo Lingxiao on the forehead with a brick before he could react.

Just before he fell into a coma, he saw Boss Boss saying to himself: "I will help you protect Her Royal Highness, and you will help me take care of my brother."

Before he passed out completely, he felt his forehead touched something moist, hot and soft, as if Boss Boss had kissed him.

But how is this possible, after all, they are all men.

This was Shen Mengqi's first time standing on the battlefield. She didn't wear any armor, but only a symbolic helmet.

Looking at the densely packed army advancing towards this side on the border, Shen Mengqi quietly clenched her hands.

After seeing the approaching army clearly, Shi Qi couldn't help but gasped, "Hiss~"

Shen Mengqi noticed something was wrong with Shi Qi, "What's wrong?"

"Ma'am, it's the Purging Army that came to attack this time, and it's the most valiant army in Xihuang. We will be able to win when the prince is here before. Now, judging by the number of people coming this time, we are afraid that we will be overwhelmed."

An Liu took the words bluntly: "The enemy's army is 30, and ours is only [-]. It's just a mantis' arm."

Shen Mengqi said: "Then do you want to vote?"

Hearing Shen Mengqi's words, An Yi and the others were all stunned for a moment, no one expected Shen Mengqi to say such a sentence at this time.

An Yi and they all shook their heads and said, "I would rather die than vote!"

They thought about defeat and death, but they never thought about retreating or surrendering.

"it is good."

Shen Mengqi turned her head to look at An Yi and the others and said, "Seventeen, go and evacuate the people, Ye Wei, you go and close the city gate, and spread oil and gunpowder inside the city gate."

Shi Qi and Ye Wei didn't have the slightest objection to Shen Mengqi's order, and they split up after receiving their orders.

An Er looked at Shen Mengqi with some puzzlement and asked, "Ma'am, aren't we going to fight?"

Shen Mengqi asked back, "Why do you have to fight head-on when you know you're losing?"

"When the prince is here, we all take the initiative to attack. If we don't fight, doesn't it mean that Lu Qi has surrendered?"

"You also said that it was when the prince was there; now, it's the princess."

"But you have never fought an enemy before, and gunpowder and oil are sharp weapons. If you don't use them properly, you will hurt yourself."

Although they were convinced by Shen Mengqi's killing all over Lin Yingsai, they still didn't trust Shen Mengqi's decision on the battlefield.

Compared with the countermeasures that Shen Mengqi came up with all at once, they believed more in their years of combat experience.

Shen Mengqi only said: "Today, Dongfeng will help us."

"Then what if you don't help us?" The third party couldn't help but retorted: "Are you going to burn yourself to death?"

"My princess knows that the Lin family army is brave and good at fighting, but can you fight 30 with [-]?"

Thirteenth said: "Killing one is one, you can't hide behind and be a coward."

"Fearless sacrifice." Shen Mengqi looked at An Yi and the others and said, "You also fought like this when your lord was around?"

As soon as the prince was mentioned, everyone froze in an instant.

Naturally, it was not like this when the lord was around. With the lord around, Xihuang was given ten courages, and they didn't dare to take a step towards the border. The key is that the lord is not here now.

An Er couldn't help but said: "Let's go ahead, we can't lose the face of our lord!"

In the end, they cared more about Lin Jihan's face. They would rather risk their own lives to preserve Lin Jihan's honor and the honor of the Lin family's army.

Shen Mengqi turned around and took a look. Not only did she secretly yell at them, but the entire Lin family army was fully prepared to die.

Obviously they don't need to die, but they are determined to die. Rather than saying that they are loyal to Tianyuan Kingdom, it is better to say that they are loyal to Lin Jihan.This is the luck of Tianyuan Kingdom, but also the misfortune of Tianyuan Kingdom.

"If you really want to die, this princess will not stop you. This princess still understands the truth of adult beauty."

Shen Mengqi made way sideways, "Those who trust this princess will stay, and those who are willing to die, this princess has no objection."

She said this sentence to An Yi and the others, and she also said it to the Lin Family Army who were watching her every word and deed below.

Word falls, dark one, dark two, dark three, dark four, dark five, dark six, dark seven, dark eight, dark nine, dark ten, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen all gone , no one stayed.

And the Lin family army inside the gate also followed behind them, less than [-]% of the Lin family army remained.

At this time, a voice sounded from behind Shen Mengqi, "Are you just watching them die?"

Shen Mengqi turned her head and saw Boss Boss standing not far behind her, lazily leaning on the pillar and looking at her.

"It's their choice."

"Tsk~ These words are really ruthless." Boss Bai looked at Shen Mengqi inquiringly and said, "This shouldn't be something the princess of a country, the princess regent, should say."

Seeing that Shen Mengqi didn't talk to her, Bo Lao said, "Your Highness, I really don't understand you. What are you thinking?"

Shen Mengqi stood straight on the city wall, looking at the people waiting to leave the city to face the battle, she said to Bai Lao: "This princess has never been on the battlefield, so what she says and what she does is just talking on paper."

That's right, instead of relying on their status to forcefully suppress them and cause misfortunes to happen in the future, it's better to follow the trend and see what happens.

"That's an army of 30, aren't you afraid that you won't be able to carry it?"

Shen Mengqi asked back, "Can this princess be overwhelmed?"

When Boss Boss heard the words, it wasn't that she was afraid, but that she couldn't bear it. The burden of a thousand catties, the lives of tens of thousands of people were on her shoulders.

"It's really not easy to be the first princess of Tianyuan Kingdom."

Boss Bai looked at Ye Wei who was arguing excitedly with An Yi and the others standing at the door, and she said, "Ye Wei is the first barrier you set up for them."

Shen Mengqi didn't say a word, which was her acquiescence.

city ​​gate

Ye Weicai ordered people to prepare gunpowder and oil, and watched Ye Wei and the others drive down with a large group of people.

"What are you doing?"

Darkly said: "Ye Wei, we are going out to meet the enemy, open the door!"

"His Royal Highness asked you to go out to meet the enemy?"

An Er shook his head, he sneered and said, "How could Her Royal Highness, who opens her mouth to vote when she sees a lot of enemy troops, order to meet the enemy?"

Ye Wei frowned and growled, "An Er! That's Madam, show me some respect!"

An San continued: "We don't need to avoid the war, Madam who surrendered, I believe the prince doesn't need it either."

Ye Wei couldn't explain why Shen Mengqi asked them whether to vote or not.

He gritted his teeth and said, "Madam's intelligence has been praised by the prince. I believe she has her reasons no matter what she does. You will never be wrong if you listen to Madam. Go back!"

An Er couldn't help but said: "Ye Wei, did the food in the capital soften your bones? When did we avoid the war against the people of the Western Wilderness!"

"It's not avoiding war, it's resourcefulness!" Ye Wei knew that no one would be able to suppress them without Lin Jihan, but he still tried his best to explain: "The prince also said that fighting is based on brains, not brute force! "

"But without our brains, we only have brute force. We want to defend the Nine Nether and Thirteen Counties for the prince, and Ye makes way for you. We are brothers, and we don't want to fight with you."

"Can't you just listen to Madam? She won't harm you, nor will she harm Tianyuan Kingdom!"

"His Royal Highness will not harm us, because her goal is the prince!"

Ye Wei had an unbelievable expression on his face, "An Er, how can you think so?"

"Don't you know why the lord married His Highness the Princess? Now that the lord has accepted Shen Qingning as his wife, the lady has come to Nine Nether Thirteen Counties right away. What is she thinking?"

"You really misunderstood, madam will never do that!"

"Ye Wei!" An Er shouted: "Don't underestimate the jealousy of women, especially smart and wise women. This is the Thirteen Counties of Jiuyou, the first road between Tianyuan Kingdom and Xihuang. Defensive line, we can't afford to gamble."

"Compared to Her Royal Highness, we believe in our own fists more. Let the prince guard this place, so that the prince can feel at ease in the capital."

Ye Wei understood immediately when he heard the words, his face darkened, "Did Shen Qingning tell you something through the secret letter?"

Seeing that they were silent, Ye Wei became a little anxious, "Tell me, what did she tell you!"

"It doesn't matter what you say, so don't worry about it." At this time, the third and fourth stepped forward and tied Ye Wei directly, "Brother, I offended you. If we can come back alive, we will apologize to you .”

An Er shouted: "Open the city gate!"

(End of this chapter)

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