Chapter 201 Countless Strategies Shen Mengqi

"Don't open!"

Looking at the city gate that was about to open, Ye Wei shouted angrily and desperately: "Why! You would rather believe in Shen Qingning than the prince and madam?"

An Yi, who had never spoken all this time, turned his head silently. He looked at Ye Wei and smiled miserably, "Because as an outsider, he can better know what to do for the prince's good."

After finishing speaking, An Yi rushed out of the city gate together with the soldiers, the posture was quite windy, the water was cold, and the strong men would never return once they were gone.

Shen Mengqi stood quietly on the high platform, watching the city gate open, and the mighty army going out, she said to Bai Lao behind her: "Boss Boss has something, the princess needs your assistance."

Boss Bai approached and asked, "What?"

Shen Mengqi turned sideways and whispered a few words in Boss Bai's ear.

After hearing this, Boss Boss couldn't help but clicked his tongue and said: "As expected of the princess who grew up in the hands of the emperor and the queen mother, this trick is really powerful, so it turns out that everything is under your control."

Shen Mengqi didn't say much, but said: "I'm sorry."

"It's nothing to do, even if it's not for Luo's second brother's face, the time you helped me in the ring was worth it for me to run for you." Shen Mengqi on the city wall said: "My boss, Boss, will do what he says. Since I have promised you, I will definitely do it. You don't have to worry too much, just take care of yourself."

As he said that, he even looked up behind Shen Mengqi.Then a flying body flew directly under the city wall, and rushed to the front of the team in two or three swoops.

He didn't stop the team's progress, but passed the team and continued to rush towards Xihuang.An Yi and the others didn't stop Boss Bai, but drove towards the border of Xihuang in an orderly manner.They looked at each other and looked at each other, but they were surprisingly harmonious.

Without turning her head, Shen Mengqi heard the sound of pots being smashed behind her.

I saw Wang Taiyi knocking on his medicine pot with his hands, crying while beating the beat with a choked voice.

"Hey, why is this old man suffering such a hard life! After finally coming to the end of his life, he has such a patient who embarrasses this old man. My heart is so bitter, I don't want to live anymore."

Shen Mengqi suddenly squatted down and looked at Wang Tai-doctor, who was so frightened that Wang Tai-doctor leaned back and straightened up, only to see Shen Mengqi smiled charmingly, "My princess will play a song for you."

"hold head high?"

Physician Wang was caught off guard by Shen Mengqi, and before he could recover, Shen Mengqi had already returned to her original position from the new station.

She said to Ye Wei who had just broken free from the bondage and rushed up, "Ye Wei, fetch a guqin."

"His Royal Highness, An Yi and the others rushed out with their soldiers!"

"My princess knows, it's my acquiescence, go get me a guqin."

Hearing that Shen Mengqi acquiesced, Ye Wei asked in disbelief: "Why? Ma'am, how could you let them die?"

"Are you questioning the princess?"

Looking at Shen Mengqi's quiet eyes, Ye Wei lowered his head and pursed his lips, "I dare not."

"Then get the guqin."

Ye Wei endured and endured, "Yes!"

After fetching the guqin, Shen Mengqi hugged the guqin and flew directly to the highest point of the city wall gate tower. With one foot on the top of the gate tower, her right leg was bent into a flat line as a shelf for the guqin.

While adjusting the tone, Shen Mengqi looked at the itchy Ye Wei below and said, "If you want to attack with them, there is still time to catch up with them."

Hearing the chaotic tone, Ye Wei couldn't help becoming more impetuous in his heart, but he still didn't take half a step forward, he said with restraint: "My lord told me to guard Madam, I will be there wherever Madam is. "

Shen Mengqi didn't talk to him again after hearing the words, but turned her gaze forward after adjusting the tone.

Seeing the two armies getting closer, Shen Mengqi fluctuated the strings of the qin with her internal force, and the sound of the qin instantly resounded throughout the Nine Nether Thirteen Counties.

Whether it was Xihuang soldiers or An Yi, they couldn't help but stop and watch.I saw Shen Mengqi standing on the gate tower, and a war soul song made their chests tremble.

When I came back to my senses, I saw a strong wind blowing eastward all the way from the sky. The wind was so strong that it pushed the dark one and the others forward more than ten meters together, and all the soldiers in Xihuang were also blown back a lot. Few, only Shen Mengqi was as motionless as a mountain, standing firmly on the gatehouse and playing the war song.

At this time, a rope suddenly sprang out from the ground and directly blocked the middle of the two armies. Seeing the dripping oil spots on the rope, the soldiers of Xihuang panicked.

The soldiers carrying the barbarian king immediately shouted: "Back, all back, quick!"

But it was too late.

Boss Boss took out a torch from his pocket and lit the rope directly, "Bye bye."

The fire on the rope was blown by the east wind and fell directly on the people of Xihuang, burning them to pieces and fleeing back screaming, "Get out, get out!"

An Yi and the others also reacted, and directly picked up the bow and arrow on their backs and shot at the burning rope.

The officers and soldiers of Xihuang were in a panic and began to flee backwards. People who were burned kept falling down. The fire spread to the ground. The gunpowder that had been buried in the ground was ignited instantly, and the sound of explosions sounded one after another. If the Lin family army needed to take action, the soldiers in Xihuang would be almost wiped out.

Through the light of the fire, they saw from a distance that a round of blood-red sunset hung behind Shen Mengqi, and Shen Mengqi in white was standing amidst the blood, like a Shura who wanted his life, charming and deadly.

Years later, many people recalled the scene at that time, and only a few words told the story of Shen Mengqi's legendary past.

Princess Anshun, the regent princess, dressed in white and ruled in the Nine Nether Thirteen Counties, burning 30 heroic souls with a song of war, is a cold-faced Yama who came out of hell.

The song "Spirit of War" was over, and the Western Wilderness was over. Shen Mengqi flew down from the tower, stepped on the horseback and the spears that the soldiers were standing on, and came to the front of the army in two or three strokes.

She stood at the other end of the fire rope, with the guqin on her back, raised her hand to take An Yi's bow and arrow, and shot at the barbarian king.

The barbarian screamed in fright and hurriedly dodged, but Shen Mengqi shot one ear off.


A jet of yellow water flowed down from the barbarian king's empty pants, "My king's ears! Come, help!"

Looking at the scared barbarian king, Shen Mengqi put her hands behind her back and said calmly: "My princess said that Tianyuan Kingdom is not afraid of war, nor is it afraid of war. But if you dare to fight, you will have to pay the price."

"Keeping you with one ear is my princess' confession to this war, and keeping your life is my princess' confession to the king of Xihuang. You can go."

(End of this chapter)

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