Chapter 202

The barbarian king who used to say harsh words before was crying pitifully like a child.

He said to the soldiers who were carrying him: "Go, go! This king wants to go home, this king wants to find his father, woo woo woo!"

The generals of Xihuang came aggressively and left like a bereaved dog.

Boss Boss immediately rushed to Shen Mengqi's side and said: "There is no plan left, Your Royal Highness, you actually buried the matchlock and gunpowder in advance, and set fire to the camp. It's wonderful, it's cruel."

Shen Mengqi said briefly: "You must not have the heart to harm others, and you must not have the heart to guard against others."

I don't know who shouted, "Wangfei is a thousand years old."

Afterwards, voices sounded from all directions, "The princess is a thousand years old, the princess is a thousand years old!"

Tens of thousands of voices converging together made Shen Mengqi's ears hurt. She turned her head and saw a group of soldiers looking at her frantically. Camp tours are even more spectacular.

An Yi and the others walked forward with some guilt, looked at Shen Mengqi and said, "Ma'am, I'm sorry, we were wrong."

"You are right."

Hearing Shen Mengqi's words, Anyi and the others who were still bowing their heads suddenly raised their heads. They looked at Shen Mengqi and said with some uncertainty: "Ma'am."

"Everyone has their own choices and persistence. You just stand where you think is right, and there is nothing wrong."

Shen Mengqi's words warmed the hearts of An Yi and the others.

But in the next second, they were thrown into the cold cave.

"For the prince, it is a blessing to have you. For the Tianyuan Kingdom, it is a blessing and a tragedy. This princess has no right to criticize you, but I cannot forgive you either."

"It's not bravery or fearlessness, but recklessness and ignorance to go forward knowing that there is a dead end."

After finishing speaking, Shen Mengqi bypassed Anyi and the others and walked towards the gate of Jiuyou Thirteenth County. Boss Bai took a deep look at Anyi and the others, followed behind Shen Mengqi without saying anything.

An Yi and the others fell into silence for an instant. They were obviously on the winning side, but this time they didn't feel the slightest joy, only chagrin and regret.

Shen Mengqi stood upright, looking at the gate of the city that was close at hand, exhausted of her inner strength, she couldn't hold on after all, her feet were weak and she was about to fall halfway.

At this moment, Boss Boss, who had been standing behind her, stepped forward quickly, and held her up a second before she was about to fall, "Your Highness, you must not fall down."

Faced with Boss Bai's teasing tone, Shen Mengqi sneered, "Thank you."


Some people don't need too much words, don't need too much contact, just a look, can understand each other's state of mind, Shen Mengqi and Boss Boss are like this.

When Boss Boss helped Shen Mengqi into the city gate, he saw that the people who had been evacuated by Shiqi had all gathered here.

Some of them are holding sickles, some are holding hoes, some are holding wooden sticks, and some are even holding kitchen knives for cooking.In their eyes, there is perseverance and determination to defend their homeland to the death.

After seeing Shen Mengqi dragged back by Boss Boss, they breathed a sigh of relief. The people put down their weapons and saluted Shen Mengqi.

"Grassman see Wangfei, thank you Wangfei for protecting us Nine Nether Thirteen Counties!"

Shen Mengqi struggled to open her mouth and said, "Why didn't you leave?"

"Nine Nether Thirteen Counties is our home. No matter whether there are people from Xihuang or gunpowder and oil here, we will not leave. Even if we die, we will die in our hometown!"

"Yes! We are not afraid of death, but we cannot die in a foreign land!"

"My husband died to protect Nine Nether and Thirteen Counties. I am his wife, and I want to guard him. I will be there wherever he is!"

Shen Mengqi couldn't help being a little moved, but she still had a cold look on her face. She looked at them and said, "The enemy bandits have retreated, so you should all disperse. With the prince and the Lin family army here, Xihuang will not be able to enter. This is Nine Nether Thirteen Counties."

They originally wanted to say something more, but seeing Shen Mengqi's exhausted appearance, they dispersed wisely, but before they dispersed, they still looked at Shen Mengqi with some anxiety and told her to take more care of her body .

Although Shen Mengqi's face was cold and unkind, she responded to their words one by one, which warmed their hearts.

At this time, Shen Mengqi felt that the hem of her clothes sank. She lowered her eyebrows and saw a six or seven-year-old girl with two croissants hanging upright, holding her clothes and looking at her with big watery eyes. .

The little girl's hands were a little dirty, so she dragged Shen Mengqi like this, and all of Shen Mengqi's clothes were blackened.

But Shen Mengqi didn't mind at all, she looked at the little girl tenderly and said, "Do you have anything to do with this princess?"

The little girl nodded, took out a piece of melted candy from her bosom and handed it to Shen Mengqi: "Please eat the candy, Your Highness the Princess."

Looking at the candy soaked in sweat, Boss Bai frowned in disgust.

The woman standing next to the little girl also smiled a little embarrassedly, "His Royal Highness laughed at her. Children are ignorant, and this candy is dirty. How can I give it to Her Royal Highness?"

The woman raised her hand to grab the little girl's candy, "Yaoyao, give the candy to mother."

The little girl turned around stubbornly, putting the woman behind her, "Candy is not dirty! This is Yaoyao's favorite food. Yaoyao only got one during the Chinese New Year. Yaoyao protects it very well, it is not dirty !"

The woman smiled awkwardly at Shen Mengqi, then pulled the little girl up and said, "Your Highness, she doesn't like sweets. Let's go, we're going home!"

The woman was afraid of offending Shen Mengqi, so she grabbed the stubborn little girl by the ear and was about to carry her home, "I'm causing trouble to Your Highness, we're leaving now."

While the little girl was struggling, the candy rolled down to the ground in an instant, and the candy that was covered with a little dust was really dirty now.

Seeing the dirty candy, the little girl burst into tears instantly, no matter how much the woman beat and scolded her, she didn't get up from the ground.

Seeing this, Shen Mengqi, who had regained some strength, broke away from Boss Bai, bent down and picked up the candy on the ground, blew it, and then put it in her mouth.

Seeing this, the woman and Boss Bai shouted in shock: "Your Highness Princess!"

Boss Bai stepped forward even more quickly, asking to pat Shen Mengqi on the back, wanting to pat the candy out of her mouth.

The taste of the sugar is not good, it smells like dusty teeth and sweat, because it has been left for a long time, it is sweet and greasy with a bit of bitterness, it is the worst candy Shen Mengqi has ever tasted. But she didn't spit it out.

Shen Mengqi raised her hand and said, "It's nothing."

Seeing this, the little girl even forgot to cry. She looked at Shen Mengqi and said, "The candy is dirty when it falls on the floor. Why do you still eat it?"

Shen Mengqi smiled slightly, "It's not been three breaths since the landing, so it's not dirty."

She gently patted the little girl's head and said, "It's you, you gave this princess the candy you cherished for so long, wouldn't you feel bad?"

(End of this chapter)

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