Chapter 203 He is here

The little girl shook her head and said, "The candy is what I left for the hero. Your Royal Highness is my hero, and the candy belongs to you."

"Your candy is delicious. This princess accepts it. It's getting late. Let's go back with your mother."

The woman also looked at Shen Mengqi gratefully and said, "Thank you, Your Royal Highness."

Shen Mengqi shook her head. At this time, the little girl boldly took a sip on Shen Mengqi's cheek. Her eyes sparkled and she said, "I love you the most, Your Highness. Goodbye, Your Highness!"

After the woman and the little girl had completely disappeared, Boss Bai said to Shen Mengqi: "Everyone is gone, so spit it out quickly, your stomach can't bear this."

Shen Mengqi shook her head and said, "This candy is not bad."

She supported Boss Boss and turned around gently, looking at An Yi who had been standing behind them all the time, they said: "Did you think about the people in the city when you rushed out?"

"For the sake of selfish desires, disregarding the lives of tens of thousands of innocent people, is this the way of marching that the prince taught you?"

Two calm questionings made Anyi and the others unable to lift their heads in shame.

If it were not for Shen Mengqi's presence today, they would have brought all the people of Nine Nether and Thirteen Counties to die here. After living a comfortable life for too long, their minds would not be pure.

The pattern in this heart is unexpectedly inferior to that of a woman, and she is ashamed and annoyed.

Boss Bai helped Shen Mengqi walk a distance, and then murmured to himself with a suppressed voice.

"His Royal Highness really kills three birds with one stone. You have already prepared a countermeasure, but you still let An Yi and them go, just to see the loyalty of the Lin family army. In today's battle, you not only beat the Lin family army, but also defeated the Lin family army." Having won the hearts of the people of Nine Nether Thirteen Counties, apart from him, Lin Jihan, your name, Your Highness Princess, will also be imprinted in their hearts in Nine Nether Thirteen Counties."

The royal family has another bargaining chip to check and balance the regent.

Boss Bai didn't say the last sentence, but Shen Mengqi knew what she wanted to express.

"This princess would rather they not remember me."

When Shen Mengqi said this, she couldn't hide her disappointment in her tone.

It was self-evident what she was disappointed with.

This encounter completely relieved Shen Mengqi's strength, and she leaned her whole body on Boss Boss, "You support me for the princess."

After finishing speaking, Shen Mengqi's hand drooped unconsciously. If Boss Boss hadn't hooked her hand in time, she would have been timid.

Seeing Shen Mengqi who had lost consciousness but still had her eyes open, Boss Bai sighed in admiration: "Even if you lose your mind, do you still have to maintain your demeanor? Tianyuan Kingdom has you, it's a blessing in misfortune."

When Shen Mengqi regained consciousness, she had already returned to her tent, and Doctor Wang was holding the pot of medicine and making medicine for her angrily.

Unexpectedly, when Shen Mengqi woke up, he didn't reprimand her this time, but told her to drink a bowl of bitter and astringent soup, told her to take a good rest, and then went out with Ye Wei to guard Shen Mengqi.

In the middle of the night, an exclamation came from Shen Mengqi's tent.Ye Wei and Imperial Physician Wang, who were guarding the door, rushed in immediately, "Your Highness, are you all right?"

I saw Shen Mengqi sitting on the bed in shock with sweat all over her head, the fear that hadn't dissipated in her eyes.

After all, it was the first time to experience the battlefield, and the first time to experience the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​fire. Even Shen Mengqi couldn't be completely indifferent. After all, she was just a little girl who had just reached her age.

Looking at Ye Wei and Imperial Physician Wang who barged in, Shen Mengqi suppressed her horror and looked at them and said, "My princess is fine, you go out."

"His Royal Highness, do you need an old minister to cook you a soothing soup?"

Shen Mengqi shook her head, she had been drinking soup and medicine for the past few days, her mouth was always bitter, "No, you guys go out."

Seeing Shen Mengqi's insistence, Ye Wei and Imperial Physician Wang did not insist, but told: "Then we will guard you outside the tent, and you can call us anytime you need something."

Shen Mengqi didn't speak, but lay down with her back to them.

She silently raised the wool quilt she was covering with, feeling an indescribable loneliness in her heart.Jiuyou Thirteen Counties is much colder than Kyoto, after covering for so long, the bed is still cold like ice bumps.

In the capital

Lin Jihan looked at the secret letter from Feige from Nine Nether Thirteen Counties, his hands were shaking with anger.

He crumpled up the secret letter and threw it into the brazier, saying: "Eleven prepare horses, this king is going to Jiuyou Thirteen Commanderies!"

"Think twice, my lord. The Minister of the Household Department and the others have been watching you all the time. I'm afraid something will happen if we leave Beijing. Our network will not be easy to collect at that time."

"Xihuang is calling, and they will receive the news tomorrow at the latest. It is reasonable for this king to leave Beijing at this time. This king is going to pick up his wife to come back for the New Year."

Seeing Lin Jihan who spoke righteously and sternly, Eleven couldn't help but slander, saying so much, why does it feel that the ultimate purpose of the prince is just to bring his wife back.

That night, Shen Mengqi slept extremely unsteadily, always being awakened by the continuous flames of war and the screams, but she couldn't get out of bed because of her extreme fatigue.

It was so intermittent that she fell asleep until the sun was up.

When he opened his eyes, he saw Lin Jihan sitting beside his bed and looking at him quietly.

Yes. Dreaming?
Seeing Shen Mengqi looking at him with sleepy eyes, Lin Jihan raised his hand to touch her head, and leaned over to kiss her on the forehead, "Thank you Madam, your husband is here, sleep peacefully."

Seeing Lin Jihan's tender and nostalgic appearance, Shen Mengqi thought, this must be a dream.

But even if it was just a dream, Shen Mengqi panicked and danced all night. Her heart gradually calmed down, and the quilt that couldn't be covered at all gradually gave out a little warmth.

As if there was some magical power, Shen Mengqi actually fell asleep peacefully with Lin Jihan's palm on her pillow.

However, after not seeing Shen Mengqi for more than half a month, Lin Jihan felt that her face had lost a lot of weight again. Holding her like this, he could feel the sharp bones of her face.

After Shen Mengqi was completely asleep, Lin Jihan gently pulled out his palm, and carefully moved Shen Mengqi's head onto the jade pillow.

He put his nose against the bridge of Shen Mengqi's nose, "Have a good night's sleep, and help you clean up those disobedient guys for my husband."

After leaving Shen Mengqi's tent, the tenderness on Lin Jihan's face disappeared immediately, replaced by eyes full of frost.

An Yi and the others stood outside the camp in fear. It was obvious that something happened to Lin Jihan Feige yesterday afternoon. He arrived in Xihuang at noon today. No one knows how he did it. , shortening the two-day journey abruptly into one day.

But they also understood one thing, that is how important Shen Mengqi is to Lin Jihan's heart.

Looking at Anyi and the others who were kneeling together, Lin Ji said coldly, "Go to the Martial Arts Field and ask all the Lin family troops to gather there."

(End of this chapter)

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