Chapter 204 Lin Jihan Gets Angry

On the martial arts arena, Anyi and the others knelt in the center of the arena in unison, and Lin Jihan sat on a grand teacher's chair and watched them quietly.

The coercion oozing from him made everyone shiver uncontrollably.

"An Yi, do you still remember what this king told you before?"

An Yi replied: "The prince and the concubine are husband and wife, the words of the concubine are the words of the prince, seeing the concubine is like seeing the prince."

"Then how did you do it?"

"It's An Yi's fault for not obeying the concubine's order. An Yi knows his mistake, please punish him."

"What you did wrong was not only that you didn't obey Madam's orders, but that you caused her to drag her exhausted body up the stairs to play the piano and overdraw her internal energy. What's more wrong was that she ignored the lives of the people in Nine Nether Thirteen Counties."

Lin Jihan looked at An Yi and the others and said: "You know what will happen to them after the city is broken, but you still want to die for the so-called false fame. Not only are you ignorant, but you are also stupid. A country is a country, and a country has a family. This is the most basic thing you all want to do." forget."

An Yi and the others buried their heads even lower when they heard the words, they were indeed wrong, and they were too wrong.

"My lord, we knew we were wrong."

Lin Jihan beckoned, and Ye Wei walked over immediately, "My lord."

"Take off their clothes and tie them to the posts."

Ye Wei was taken aback when he heard the words, and he reminded: "My lord, it's freezing cold, if you are naked, you will die."

"If you make a mistake, you have to be punished. It's because they haven't experienced life and death for too long, so they do this kind of thing. It's cold, just to wake them up."

Seeing Ye Wei not moving for a long time, Lin Jihan looked back at him and said, "What? You have to disobey, and you want to wake up with them?"

"My subordinates dare not."

"Then go!"

Ye Wei shook his body, glanced at An An and they said to Lin Jihan, "Yes, this subordinate will go now."

Seeing Lin Jihan who was sitting on the ring in a frosty suit, eyes full of alienation, and looked like he refused to be thousands of miles away, Ye Wei was stunned for a moment.

Now sitting on this ring, looking down on all beings with cold eyes, is his real appearance.I thought that after being with Shen Mengqi, Lin Jihan lost his coldness, put away his sharp blade, and became gentle, but he didn't expect that he was only doing this to Shen Mengqi alone.

There is no wind today, and the sun is shining brightly, but people can't feel the slightest warmth.An Yi and the others have been tied to the pillars for an hour. Seeing that they are covered in bruises from the cold, Lin Jihan still has no intention of letting go. From this appearance, he has no intention of letting them go.

Ye Wei couldn't help but secretly worried, and glanced at Lin Jihan who was sitting on the ring and reading the book of war without any hesitation, he pulled Shi Qi who was passing by and asked, "Is Madam awake?"

Shi Qi shook his head and said, "There is no movement from the tent."

Ye Wei hammered the palm of his hand secretly, it's too bad.

Looking at An Yi and the others who were still naked and tied to the pillar, Shi Qi whispered, "Has the prince not let go yet?"

Ye Wei shook his head, "My lord is probably going to be angry this time."

But when did he forgive Shen Mengqi lightly?

Glancing at An Yi who was almost in a coma, Shiqi gritted his teeth and walked towards Lin Jihan.

Seeing this, Ye Wei pulled him back, "What are you doing?"

"I'm going to beg the prince, I can't just watch them freeze to death."

"It's useless for you to beg the prince now, you can only add fuel to the fire." Ye Wei said: "If you want to save them, you can only ask the madam, and it's useless for anyone except her."

"But Madam isn't awake yet, do you want to wake her up?"

Ye Wei looked at him with a look of whether you are a tiger or not: "Do you not want to live? If you dare to wake up the lady, the prince will definitely kill you directly."

That's right, in the eyes of the prince, nothing is more important than his wife's body.

"Wouldn't that be a game of dead chess?"

Ye Wei bit his lip, "Well, you go to guard the camp of Her Highness the Princess first, and immediately plead for mercy when Her Highness wakes up. As for me, I'll just stare here, Ruo Anyi, they really can't hold on anymore , let's think of a way."

"it is good."

After another three incense sticks of time passed, An Er had already started talking nonsense, Ye Wei looked at Lin Jihan, only to see that Lin Jihan seemed to have not heard, and was still flipping through the book of war.

Ye Wei stepped forward and said: "My lord, An Er, An Wu, they are all starting to talk nonsense. If this continues, something will happen."

Lin Jihan turned a page of the book unhurriedly and said, "Isn't it normal for people to die in the military camp?"

Ye Wei was shocked, the prince was determined to kill them.

He got off the ring in a panic, and while Lin Jihan was not paying attention, he hurried towards Shen Mengqi's tent.

"Seventeen, is Her Royal Highness awake?"

Shi Qi shook his head and said, "There is no movement yet."

Ye Wei anxiously started circling in circles, and after walking back and forth four or five times, he couldn't wait any longer, he would die if he wanted to, for the sake of the brothers, he fought!
With this in mind, Ye Wei walked to the tent. He was about to open the tent when Shen Mengqi came out.

He almost ran into Shen Mengqi's body.

Shi Qi and Ye Wei looked pleasantly surprised, and cried: "Madam, you are finally awake!"

Looking at the reactions of these two people, those who didn't know thought it was Shen Mengqi's return to the light, and they came here to cry and laugh.


Shen Mengqi wrapped the cloak around her body, "What's wrong?"

"Ma'am, the prince is here, and he lost his temper. He stripped An Yi and the others and tied them to the pillars. It has been more than an hour, and they are about to freeze to death. I beg you to save them quickly." Save them!"

Shen Mengqi was taken aback when she heard the words, she said stiffly: "The prince is here?"

"Ang, I arrived this morning."

Shen Mengqi's heart beat like a drum, he really came, so it wasn't a dream.

Seeing that Shen Mengqi didn't answer, Ye Wei and Seventeen knelt down at Shen Mengqi's feet and kowtowed, "Madam, please save them, please."

Shen Mengqi looked at the two kneeling at her feet and said: "You are begging the wrong person, the princess is not in charge of the prince's affairs."

In other words, she didn't want to interfere in this matter.

After finishing speaking, Shen Mengqi looked up at Imperial Physician Wang who was coming over with a pot of medicine and said, "Princess Wang, is the princess going to do some exercise today?"

"His Royal Highness, you are able to get off the ground entirely because of the medicinal properties of Andrographis Nine Suns. What kind of exercise program are you doing? Isn't this an old minister? Go back and lie down."

Shen Mengqi heard the words and was about to go into the house, when Ye Wei and Shiqi crawled up to Shen Mengqi on knees and said.

"Ma'am, my lord, he doesn't listen to anyone except you now. They are about to freeze to death, and you are the only one who can save them. I beg you to be merciful. At least a dozen lives will be lost, ma'am." .”

Shen Mengqi said lightly: "Isn't it normal for people to die in the military camp?"

(End of this chapter)

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