Chapter 206 Is Quarantined Outside

It's a pity that she stood there for a long time, but she couldn't talk to her.Shen Qingning and Lin Jihan seemed to have formed an invisible circle, isolating her outside.She obviously only left Lin Jihan for half a month, but it felt as if she had been away for several years.

After standing for a while, Shen Mengqi turned around silently, and said to the doctor Wang who was coming up: "The prince seems to be injured, you go and show him, the princess will go back to the tent first and wait for you."

Looking at Shen Mengqi who was a bit lonely from the back, and Lin Jihan who was talking with Shen Qingning, Doctor Wang sighed and shook his head, "It's a pity."

Shen Qingning chattered to Lin Jihan about her thoughts and worries, which made Lin Jihan feel impatient.After seeing Shen Mengqi turn around and leave, he couldn't sit still any longer, and turned around to follow.

Upon seeing this, Imperial Physician Wang stopped Lin Jihan first and said, "My lord, madam asked the old minister to come and see your injury."

"My king's injury is not serious, you let me go first."

As he said that, Lin Jihan squeezed past Doctor Wang sideways and was about to chase after him, but after this delay, Shen Mengqi had long since disappeared from the ring.

He knew that she didn't want to see him and wanted to avoid him.

Lin Jihan's expression was a little sad, and Shen Qingning immediately stepped forward when she saw this, and said, "My lord, this illness is nothing small, you are the pillar of our palace, I'd better ask the doctor Wang to show you."

Seeing that there was no possibility of catching up with Shen Mengqi, Lin Jihan looked at Imperial Physician Wang with a sullen expression and said, "Then I will trouble Imperial Physician Wang."

As he said that, he looked at Shen Qingning the same way.

Shen Qingning immediately retreated knowingly, "I'll ask a few people to tidy up the tent for the prince, so that the prince can rest at night."

After Shen Qingning's figure could no longer be seen, Lin Jihan looked at Imperial Physician Wang and said, "Physician Wang, how is Mrs. Wang's health?"

Physician Wang truthfully said: "Nine-yang Andrographis is hanging on his life, his body is just a little weak now, it will be fine after a while of meditation and recuperation."

"Do you still have to drink the soup every day?"

Imperial Physician Wang nodded and said: "This time I fought against Xihuang, Madam has exhausted her internal energy and her body is deficient, so she needs to rely on decoction to nourish her."

Lin Jihan tightened his eyebrows in distress, and he asked again: "The box of candy cakes sent by the king, is Mrs. Satisfied?"

Physician Wang pointedly said: "Madam only ate a piece of sweet-scented osmanthus cake, and after she ate candy in it, she never touched that box of cakes again."

"But Madam won't secretly pour the medicine anymore, she drinks it all in one gulp every time, and doesn't eat any candies or pastries anymore." Imperial Physician Wang smiled and said, "Our Madam has grown up."

Doctor Wang's words pierced Lin Jihan's heart like a needle.

How could he not know why it was able to make her grow up overnight and never eat sweets again?

Seeing Lin Jihan's heartbroken face, the doctor Wang said: "My lord, let the old minister take a look at your injuries. You are the pillar of our Tianyuan Kingdom's protection. If something goes wrong at this time, the old minister will be in danger." Death is unforgivable."

Lin Jihan's eyes were full of sadness, and he didn't pay any attention to Wang Taiyi's words. It was Ye Wei who said, "The injury of the prince is on the right arm."

Hearing this, Imperial Physician Wang carefully rolled up the sleeve on Lin Jihan's right hand. Looking at the arm that was about to be pierced, he couldn't help but gasped.

"Why didn't you treat such a serious injury in time?"

Seeing that Lin Jihan was silent, Ye Wei shook his head with a sigh and said: "The situation in the capital is not optimistic. When Xihuang launched an attack on the Nine Nether Thirteen Counties, the people in the capital also attacked the prince. The prince's meeting is always because of the madam. If you are distracted by the matter, if you don’t notice it for a while, you will fall into their way.”

"In the capital, we don't have a doctor we can trust, so naturally we don't dare to reveal the extent of the injury, so the prince can only simply bandage it himself."

Physician Wang took out some medicinal powder from his bosom and sprinkled it on Lin Jihan's wound, and said, "Fortunately, it's the twelfth lunar month, otherwise the wound would have rotted."

Looking at the deep bone wound, Doctor Wang couldn't help but drift away, "So, the prince didn't come here for his wife, but for a cure?"

Lin Jihan looked at Doctor Wang with keen eyes and said, "What do you think?"

After exchanging glances with Lin Jihan, Imperial Physician Wang smiled dryly and said, "I don't think much of it, it's all nonsense, I'm going to cook some soup for the prince first!"

After saying that, Doctor Wang ran away in a hurry.

On the other side, when Shen Mengqi was about to walk to her tent, she saw Luo Jiuqing holding a black cat, leading Fa Caicai and others into the main entrance of the barracks.

The moment she saw Shen Mengqi, her eyes lit up, and then she returned to calm.

Seeing this, Shen Mengqi didn't have the slightest emotional ups and downs, and only nodded slightly to her, which was regarded as a greeting.

Just as she was about to lift the tent curtain and walk into her tent, Shen Qingning's voice sounded behind her.

"Sister Mengqi, let's talk~"

Shen Mengqi turned around slowly, looked at Shen Qingning who was wearing a brocade hat and sable fur, she said flatly: "I don't seem to have anything to talk to you about."

"But my princess has it." Shen Qingning looked at Shen Mengqi, who was still pale, and said, "If you don't want my princess to enter the camp and say it, she can say it here."

"I just don't know, what will the soldiers in this army think of you after this princess finishes chatting with you." Shen Qingning stepped on Shen Mengqi's sore spots, "After all, you may have to stay in this army for a long time."

Thinking of what Ye Wei said to herself before, that the prince wanted her to stay in Jiuyou Thirteenth County temporarily and not go back, Shen Mengqi couldn't help but squeeze her hand hidden in her sleeve tightly.

Looking at the smug Shen Qingning, Shen Mengqi said, "Come in."

After finishing speaking, Shen Mengqi turned around and entered her tent.Shen Qingning twisted and twisted into Shen Mengqi's camp like a defeated rooster.

In the tent, Shen Mengqi picked up the kettle on the stove and filled a cup of tea for herself and Shen Qingning.

Looking at Shen Mengqi who was neither happy nor sad, Shen Qingning felt a little depressed and flustered. She couldn't see through such Shen Mengqi at all.

After Shen Qingning sat down, Shen Mengqi asked, "What do you want to talk about?"

"Just chat casually."

Shen Qingning picked up the teacup in front of her and pecked lightly. The corners of her lips curled up slightly and said, "The Princess just saw that Luo Jiuqing had also come. Did she see that you don't even have a smiling face now?"

"Nothing to do with you."

"How can it be said that it has nothing to do with the princess?" Shen Qingning put the teacup heavily on the table, she leaned over and said in Shen Mengqi's ear: "Now you have become a loner again, isn't it Bai Ben? Was it given by the princess?"

(End of this chapter)

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