Chapter 207
Shen Mengqi said: "So?"

"The prince belongs to the princess, and Luo Jiuqing will also belong to the princess soon. You can only be a widow, because you don't deserve to have these."


Shen Mengqi calmly filled the empty teacup in front of Shen Qingning, "Do you just want to tell this princess?"

Looking at Shen Mengqi who always looked at her with a calm expression, as if looking at her like an ant, Shen Qingning laughed and said, "Of course there are more than that."

Shen Qingning got up and leaned over to Shen Mengqi's ear and said.

"My princess would also like to say thank you for my sister's success. Ten miles of red makeup and a spring breeze once gave me enough face and pride. The only pity is that my sister, you traveled thousands of miles to attack the Nine Nether Thirteen Counties, and you were unable to witness this scene with your own eyes."

Shen Qingning was observing Shen Mengqi's expression while talking, but it's a pity that Shen Mengqi's face didn't change at all, let alone losing her composure, as if she was listening to someone else's story, she didn't respond.

"Don't feel sorry, we will witness it sooner or later under the same roof."

Facing Shen Qingning's closeness, Shen Mengqi didn't hide, she calmly picked up the tea bowl and drank tea: "You think so, Mrs. Side?"

Shen Qingning choked, "Yes, we are under the same roof, and the days are long. I really hope that I can keep pretending that I don't care."

Shen Qingning stood up and said: "Since my sister is still ill, the princess will not bother you any more. You can rest well. The prince will be taken care of by the princess."

After Shen Qingning got out of the tent, Shen Mengqi still maintained the previous sitting posture, although her face was still neither happy nor sad, but there was an inexplicably small fine line on the teacup in her hand.

The scalding tea remained from the fine lines, making Shen Mengqi's fingers red and swollen, but she didn't seem to feel it.

He just poured the scalding hot tea into his mouth abruptly, and let it travel through his internal organs, scalding her heart to pieces.

In Luo Bufan's tent
After Luo Jiuqing looked at Luo Bufan's bloody leg, tears welled up in his eyes, "Brother, why did you get hurt like this?"

After seeing the person clearly, Luo Bufan couldn't help frowning, "Why are you here?"

"I heard from Mu Qiancheng that you were seriously injured, brother, so I didn't worry about you, so you came here."

"You are simply messing around!" Luo Bufan scolded: "Leaving Beijing without authorization, what if the princess's plan is ruined?"

"Brother, after Her Royal Highness left the capital, this plan has already gone wrong. It doesn't matter if I come or not. The most important thing right now is your injury."

"What do you mean?"

Luo Jiuqing said: "After Her Royal Highness left the capital, those people from Xihuang moved their hands. The prince was assassinated and the emperor was seriously ill."

"Does Your Royal Highness know about this?"

Luo Jiuqing shook her head and said: "I haven't had time to tell Her Royal Highness about these things. The main reason is that the prince is worried about her current physical condition. We originally thought that the Nine Nether and Thirteen Counties are the safest places in the capital. "

Speaking of this, Luo Jiuqing expressed remorse, "Who would have thought that Xihuang would dare to send troops to attack here?"

Luo Bufan said in a deep voice: "West Wilderness dares to attack, that's for sure. Their purpose is not just to test. If it weren't for the presence of Her Royal Highness, the Nine Nether Thirteen Counties would not be able to keep it."

He knocked on the table next to him, pondered for a moment and said: "Look for an opportunity, and quietly tell Her Royal Highness the situation in the capital. Don't stay here either, go back to the capital after a night's rest."

Luo Jiuqing stared at Luo Bufan's wound worriedly and said, "Brother, I still can't worry about you."

"With Doctor Wang here, I'm fine. After the last injection, I'm going back to Jiangnan. I'm afraid Xihuang is about to move, so we need to make more plans."

Luo Jiuqing looked at Luo Bufan with red eyes, although she felt distressed, she did not disobey him, "Yes, big brother."

Shen Mengqi didn't know how long she had been in a trance, but when she came back to her senses, it was already dark.Someone put a note on the table beside her at some point.

She looked around and picked up the note after seeing no one.

I saw the note read: "On the eve of the eve, the sky changed in Kyoto. The regent was assassinated and nearly broke his arm. The emperor was seriously ill and bedridden. Now the third prince is in charge."

Shen Mengqi raised her hand and threw the note into the candlelight beside her. When the candlelight burned out, she put on a thick cloak and walked outside.

Ye Wei and Shiqi, who had been guarding outside Shen Mengqi's tent, quickly surrounded her, "Ma'am, this one is deeper, where are you going?"

Shen Mengqi stopped, she turned to look at Seventeen and asked, "Where is my princess' bloody BMW kept?"

This sudden question stunned Shi Qi, and he blinked and said, "It's in the stable to the west, it's not Madam, why are you asking it so late?"

"Back to Beijing."

After leaving two words, Shen Mengqi walked towards the west with the wind on her feet.

The howling cold wind seemed to have blocked Shi Qi's ears. He scratched his head in confusion, looked at Ye Wei beside him and asked, "Retaliate? What is Ma'am trying to repay?"

Ye Wei jumped up and knocked seventeen times: "It's back to Beijing! You go and inform the prince, I'll go and catch up with the lady first, so as not to cause any trouble on her way."

Only then did Seventeen come to his senses, and quickly said, "Okay."

On the other side, Shen Mengqi came to the west stable, and blew a whistle directly at the sweaty BMW. The sweaty BMW, which was still eating hay, immediately hissed, raised its front hooves and jumped out of the stable, arriving at Shen Mengqi's. around.

Shen Mengqi got on the horse directly, patted the horse's buttocks lightly, and the sweaty BMW galloped away, but in a short while, she carried Shen Mengqi out of the Lin family army barracks.

After running on the official road for a while, she bumped into the motorcade of the Luo family who had left without saying goodbye.

Looking at Boss Boss who was lazily riding a horse to explore the road ahead, Shen Mengqi reined in the reins of the bloody BMW, "Woo~"

Hearing Shen Mengqi's voice, Boss Boss turned around, "His Royal Highness? Where are you going?"

"Back to Beijing."

Shen Mengqi rode a horse and walked slowly to the carriage in the middle of the team, before she could speak, Luo Bufan in the carriage lifted the curtain, "Your Highness, you are still weak, how can you drive at night? "

Shen Mengqi asked back: "Your injury is much worse than this princess, why don't you stay in the Lin family army's barracks?"

Luo Bufan looked at Shen Mengqi quietly for two seconds and said: "The princess entrusted her with too much value, I'd better take it back to Luo's house to be at ease. Physician Wang has given me the last injection, and my illness is no longer serious." I'm in the way."

"Your Royal Highness, you really shouldn't be so troublesome."

(End of this chapter)

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