Chapter 208
Luo Bufan said: "I asked Ah Jiu to tell you the situation in the capital. The purpose is not to tell you to rush back overnight."

"My princess's body is very clear to me. With the presence of Imperial Physician Wang, nothing will happen."

Shen Mengqi knew that Luo Bufan's temperament was a matter of his own opinion, even if he had ten horses, he couldn't make him turn back.

She didn't dissuade, but just reminded, "You need to pay more attention when you arrive in the south of the Yangtze River. The days ahead will not be peaceful."

"With my second child and Boss Bai here, I'm fine. As for Her Royal Highness, please take care of yourself."

Shen Mengqi and Luo Bufan looked at each other quietly, as if they were saying goodbye again, or as if they were afraid that this side would become a forever farewell. Looking from a distance, there was still a bit of reluctant nostalgia in it.

A voice broke the gaze between the two, "Is it a coincidence that this king is here, disturbing the two of you talking about the old days?"

Shen Mengqi turned her head, and saw Lin Jihan walking obliquely towards this side on a maroon horse. His breath was a little unsteady, and there were some sweat stains on his forehead. He looked like he had driven for a long time.

Lin Jihan rode to Shen Mengqi's side, looked at Luo Bufan as if declaring his sovereignty, and said, "This king's wife, this king will care about it, so I won't bother Mr. Luo."

A trace of sadness flashed in Luo Bufan's eyes, and he said, "Caomin understands."

Seeing this, Shen Mengqi pulled the horse and walked aside, giving way to the way forward: "You guys go first, we will meet later."

Although Luo Bufan didn't get out of the car due to serious injuries, he still bowed to Shen Mengqi and Lin Jihan before lowering the curtain.


Shen Mengqi looked at the convoy that was drifting away, her eyes could not help but feel a little sour.

Lin Jihan was a bit apprehensive, "Everyone is gone, why don't you watch it?"

Shen Mengqi looked away, she turned the horse's head, and was about to charge forward.At this time, Lin Jihan stepped on his horse and flew behind Shen Mengqi, and she tightened the reins first, and told the sweaty BMW to stop.

"Where are you going, ma'am?"

Looking at Lin Jihan who knew what to ask, Shen Mengqi didn't have a good face, she grabbed the rein in her hand and said: "My princess wants to go back to Beijing."

The moment Luo Jiuqing stepped into the tent, Lin Jihan knew that Shen Mengqi might not be able to hide things in the capital.Looking at it now, as expected.

He locked Shen Mengqi tightly in his arms and said: "I will take care of everything about the capital for you. Let's stay in the Nine Nether Thirteen Counties for a few more days. Your body needs to rest and not be tired."

"The matter of the Nine Nether Thirteen Counties, this princess has also helped the prince to settle, this princess wants to go back to Beijing to recuperate."

Lin Jihan frowned upon hearing the words, "Why do you have to confront me?"

Shen Mengqi remained silent, but raised her hand to reach for the reins that Lin Jihan had thrown not far away. During the struggle, Lin Jihan accidentally exerted strength with her right hand, and the heart-wrenching pain spread to all limbs in the next second.


Hearing the gasped voice behind her, Shen Mengqi suddenly remembered the words on the note, and she involuntarily gave up struggling.

Shen Mengqi said with a cold face: "Go down."

Lin Jihan tightly locked Shen Mengqi in his arms and said: "No, ma'am, you just see it as your husband came here day and night for you, so don't leave tonight, your body really can't do this anymore. "

"I've already taken care of the affairs of the capital. With Mu Qiancheng sitting in charge to finish the work, and your second brother Shen Nanchen helping secretly, what are you worried about? Huh?"

Lin Jihan raised his head and rubbed against Shen Mengqi's neck: "You can rest here to recuperate, I promise, I will take you back for the New Year, okay?"

Shen Mengqi turned around and looked at Lin Jihan who was coaxing her like a child, her heart was bitter and astringent.I don't know why, the more he pampers and has a family for her, the more she feels that there is a knife resting on her heart, slowly cutting her flesh.

It should be sweet, but she doesn't know why it is bitter and painful. No one taught her what it is, and she can't figure out why she is like this.

Shen Mengqi felt a little sad in her heart, she found that as long as she faced Lin Jihan, she had no other way to resist him except crying sadly.

Thinking of this, Shen Mengqi's eyes turned red like rabbits. Although the tears did not fall, they kept rolling in her eye sockets.

The eyes that were originally black and clear like grapes turned into a red fragile crystal at this moment, and the shining light made people feel distressed.

Seeing this, Lin Jihan quickly hugged Shen Mengqi tightly, "What's wrong? Why are you still crying?"

Shen Mengqi didn't say a word, she didn't resist, she just sobbed silently, her shoulders shrugged, as if she had suffered a great grievance.

Looking at it, Lin Jihan's heart was broken. Feeling the warmth of his chest, Lin Jihan became even more flustered. He carefully held Shen Mengqi in his arms and asked, "Didn't I tell you to go back, isn't it because the capital is too chaotic now?" ? When you feel better, let's go home together."

Hearing the word home, Shen Mengqi's heart ached even tighter.

"Are you worried about the emperor?" Lin Jihan patted Shen Mengqi's back carefully, and said: "The emperor is fine, I went to the palace to see it before. He just watched the excitement and didn't think it was a big deal. See You also left Beijing, and I was assassinated, so I pretended to be sick and did not go to court, and played with birds in the study."

"Although the third prince is useless, but with Mu Qiancheng watching, there must be no big troubles a year ago."

Seeing Shen Mengqi's tears, Lin Jihan couldn't help lowering his head first, "I promise, as long as your body recovers a little bit, I'll take you back to Beijing immediately, okay?"

Listening to Lin Jihan's soft voice of comfort, what Shen Mengqi thought was, would he persuade Shen Qingning in the same way?At the thought of this possibility, she couldn't help but churn in her heart.

Shen Mengqi felt that she seemed to be getting more and more hypocritical. She was clearly planning to push Lin Jihan to Shen Qingning, and she had already prepared for him to have three wives and four concubines, but for some reason, she felt uncomfortable now. .

This is neither good for the country nor good for the family.

Looking at Lin Jihan who was hugging and coaxing her carefully, Shen Mengqi went against her own heart and pulled out a smile that was uglier than crying. She said to Lin Jihan: "My princess knows, my lord, let's go back."

Shen Mengqi obviously agreed to her, but Lin Jihan felt that she seemed to be one step away from him.

He couldn't help wrapping Shen Mengqi tightly in his arms, "Okay, I will bring my wife back for my husband."

Shen Mengqi moved forward involuntarily, "Can the prince ride his own horse, this princess is not used to riding with others."

Looking at Shen Mengqi who distanced herself from her with a princess voice, Lin Jihan felt uncomfortable, "Are you not used to riding with others, or do you not want to ride with me?"

(End of this chapter)

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