Chapter 216

Seeing this, Shen Qingning immediately said: "The princess's chopsticks have fallen off, come here and bring another pair of chopsticks."

Lin Jihan stretched out his hand to stop it and said, "No need, this king and his wife can use just one pair."

After finishing speaking, Lin Jihan didn't care about everyone's reaction, and directly asked Ye Wei to reheat the medicinal food that Shen Mengqi hadn't eaten a few mouthfuls, and put it aside.

He picked up a slice of ginseng and brought it to Shen Mengqi's mouth. Shen Mengqi didn't speak or open her mouth, as if neither refusing nor cooperating.

Lin Jihan whispered in her ear: "Are you eating, or should I open the cloak three times to show your appearance in front of everyone?"


Even so, Shen Mengqi opened her mouth obediently and ate the ginseng slices.

Lin Jihan smiled, "That's good."

Looking at Shen Mengqi who was full of anger, Lin Jihan heaved a sigh of relief. Mu Qiancheng said that as long as she still has a temper with him, it means that she still has him in her heart.

As long as you still have him in your heart, then everything is not a problem.

Seeing the two flirting in front of her, Shen Qingning's hands hidden under the table couldn't help but clenched into fists, Lin even said directly: "Ji Han, it's so hot in this room, put this cloak Just take it off, and beware of prickly heat.”

"Take it off~"

Lin Jihan raised his voice and looked at Shen Mengqi who was in his arms. Shen Mengqi couldn't bear it anymore and directly raised her hand to pinch the soft flesh of Lin Jihan's waist.

That force was ten percent effort, originally the room was very hot when the earth dragon was connected, but Shen Mengqi's move made Lin Jihan sweat immediately.

Shen Qingning immediately stepped forward and said, "My lord, you are already sweating, you should take off quickly, I will help you."

Before her hand touched the corner of Lin Jihan's clothes, Lin Jihan turned sideways and hid her, "No, it's rare that there are so many people in the palace during the meal. Without this king's aura, the madam will be shy."


Everyone couldn't help complaining that Shen Mengqi, who was so generous when all nations came to congratulate her, was so timid and shy at a family banquet in a small palace. Who would believe this?
But with Lin Jihan in this town, who would dare not believe it?

Shen Qingning gave a dry laugh and stepped aside. No one ate much of this family banquet except Shen Mengqi and Lin Jihan.

Lin Jihan fed food into Shen Mengqi's mouth non-stop, and after a while, most of the medicinal food on the table fell into Shen Mengqi's stomach. Seeing this, Wang Taiyi hurriedly persuaded, "Your Majesty, you can't feed it any more. This is how to make up for Madam's body. Can't live."

Lin Jihan stopped after hearing the words.

Shen Mengqi finally had a chance to speak.

Seeing the Taifu who was eating beans without even raising his head, Shen Mengqi said, "Master Taifu."

Hearing Shen Mengqi calling himself, the Taifu was taken aback, and the beans caught in the chopsticks also slipped onto the plate. After he was quiet, he looked at Shen Mengqi with a smile and said, "Ma'am, what's the matter?"

"How did you and Dali Temple Minister investigate the case of the former Minister of the Ministry of Officials?"

If it wasn't for Shen Mengqi's mention, Lin Jihan might have forgotten this unexplained 'previous event'.

The Taifu obviously didn't expect Shen Mengqi to suddenly bring up this matter at this time, he put down his chopsticks and asked, "Why did Madam remember to ask about this matter?"

"After all, this matter is related to the princess and the prince. We have dealt with other matters. It is time for us to pay attention to the progress of this matter."

She looked at the Taifu who was full of embarrassment, and Shen Mengqi asked again: "What? Is it convenient to talk about it?"

"Ma'am, you also know that the old minister is a teacher who preaches and solves doubts. To put it bluntly, he is the Taifu. To put it bluntly, I am a teacher. What is wrong with the case? Basically, Dali Temple Secretary is fully responsible for it." of."

"The old minister only knows that the case has been concluded, and it was handed over to the emperor's case a while ago, and the rest is not clear."

In a few words, he picked himself clean.

"That's it."

Shen Mengqi raised the corners of her lips slightly, that half-smile was even more frightening than when she kept her face cold.

"My princess has entered the palace today. Uncle Huang showed me a memorial. The handwriting on it is no different from that of the Taifu."

"Is it?"

The Tai Tu obviously didn't expect the emperor to show this thing to Shen Mengqi, he laughed twice and said: "Madam, what did you see?"

Shen Mengqi played a charade and asked, "What does the Taifu think I can see?"

"How dare the old minister make wild guesses about the royal affairs?"

"Don't you dare?"

Shen Mengqi looked at Taifu suddenly, and after two seconds of staring at each other, she withdrew her gaze.

Regardless of whether everyone had finished eating or not, they directly poked Lin Jihan, who was chewing beef strips, and said, "Tomorrow we will all go to court. It's late at night, so let's go."

Lin Jihan was not angry at all, he picked up another strip of beef, looked at the people who were still sitting in front of him and looked at each other, and said, "Madam has already spoken, what are you still doing here?"

"I ate and ate the reception banquet, met people, and talked, what else do you want?"

Everyone blushed when they were told, and got up to say goodbye.

Lin Rao was very dissatisfied, but seeing Lin Jihan who was getting impatient, she didn't dare to disobey easily.

He had no choice but to say falsely: "Then I'll go back first, and you guys should go to bed earlier, don't be too late."

When the crowd dispersed, Lin Jihan looked at Shen Qingning who was still sitting aside and said, "Why don't you leave?"

Shen Qingning twirled her fingers, looked at Lin Jihan shyly and said, "My lord~ I've been living in Juxing Pavilion, where should I go?"

Listening to Shen Qingning's declaration of sovereignty, Shen Mengqi poked his waist and said, "Send me back, I'm going to rest too."

Lin Jihan seemed not to have heard Shen Mengqi's words. He looked at Shen Qingning and said, "I've been so busy these days that I forgot to arrange a place for you. From tomorrow onwards, you can move to Lanyue Pavilion."

After Wang Yanzhi and the Secretary of the Ministry of Justice were injured, Xiu'er and Shen Mengqi left the mansion. At that time, Shen Mengqi had a lot of things to deal with, and Shen Qingning was already in the mansion.

She was worried that she would not have the energy to protect her and let her follow Wang Yanzhi's old path, so she didn't do much to keep her after she learned that she was leaving, but gave her a lot of money to keep her safe for the rest of her life.

Shen Mengqi suggested: "Lanyue Pavilion is too far away, let's live in Xunxing Pavilion. It has a good meaning, and it is also close to the prince, which is convenient."

Lin Jihan squeezed Shen Mengqi's waist dissatisfied, he looked at Shen Mengqi and said, "Why don't you keep asking her to live in Juxing Pavilion?"

There was no emotion in Shen Mengqi's eyes, "If the prince is willing."

Lin Ji was out of breath, but he couldn't bear to hurt Shen Mengqi, so he slammed the table angrily, "Ye Wei, arrange Shen Qingning to Lanyue Pavilion, it's clean and suitable for her."

(End of this chapter)

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