Chapter 217
Although Shen Qingning was unwilling, she didn't let it out. Instead, she looked at Shen Qingning provocatively, and then said softly to Lin Jihan, "Then thank you, my lord, for your compassion."

As soon as Shen Qingning left, only Lin Jihan and Shen Mengqi were left in the room.

Lin Jihan stood up holding Shen Mengqi, and took off the cloak on his body, "At last we are all gone, madam, let's go to bed too."

Shen Mengqi stood on the ground with her bare feet at a certain distance from Lin Jihan, "My lord, I don't feel well today, and I want to go back to Nanyuan first."

"Indeed, I can't stay in the house where others have stayed. I will accompany you back to Nanyuan."

"I do not."

"Or you stay with me in Juxing Pavilion."

Shen Mengqi's eyes were dim. When she agreed to Shen Qingning's entry into the mansion, she was already ready to serve her husband with others. It was a matter of time, even if it was for Tianyuan Kingdom, she had to endure it.

Seeing Shen Mengqi's distraught look, Lin Jihan just wanted to explain that he had never touched Shen Qingning, when she saw Shen Mengqi raised her head.

Her eyes were a little out of focus, and she seemed to have lost her soul, "Then go to Nanyuan."


Lin Jihan raised his hand to pull her, but Shen Mengqi cleverly turned around to avoid her. She walked barefoot to the door and gave instructions to Shi Qi outside the door.

"Seventeen, go to Nanyuan to prepare water, my princess wants to take a bath."


Lin Jihan originally thought that Shen Mengqi would come back after explaining, but in the next second, she lifted her leg and walked outside.

Now the sky has completely sunk, and the cold wind is raging outside the house. Although it has not snowed, a thick layer of frost has formed on the ground. She just walks out barefoot in single clothes, even if she does not freeze to death, she will Remove Half-Life.

Lin Jihan rushed over and hugged Shen Mengqi, "You want to just walk back like this? You don't want your face, the reputation of the royal family?"

Only then did Shen Mengqi come back to her senses, she looked at Lin Jihan, and said without emotion: "Then please take me back, my lord."

Lin Jihan's hands clenched and loosened, loosened and tightened, back and forth several times before he hugged Shen Mengqi into his arms.

After returning to Nanyuan, Shen Mengqi went straight into the bathroom, as if avoiding Lin Jihan, "I'll go take a shower first."

Shen Mengqi didn't know how long she had been in the bathtub. Her skin was already tight, her hands were wrinkled a lot, her thighs were numb, and the water went from scalding to warm to cold.

Shen Mengqi seemed to have no perception of all this, she just sat in the bathtub, staring blankly into the distance.

She has been instilling in herself the thoughts of three wives and four concubines, and she is also admonishing herself that Shen Qingning got it in the mansion by herself, but in the end she found that she still couldn't accept it. Don't touch yourself until someone else touches you.

I don't know how long it took, the door of the bathroom was knocked open from the outside, Shen Mengqi turned mechanically, only to see Lin Jihan looking at her angrily.

In the next second, he lifted her out of the tub.

"Do you hate me touching you so much now?"

Shen Mengqi lowered her eyes, "It's not that I hate it, it's that I can't accept it."

Shen Mengqi's words were like an invisible sledgehammer, smashing Lin Jihan's heart into pieces. He smiled painfully, "I can't accept it, so I can't accept it!"

He suddenly pulled Shen Mengqi in front of him, "Whether you can accept it or not, I am your husband, and you have to bear whatever I do!"

Seeing Lin Jihan with red eyes, Shen Mengqi trembled a little, and a look of fear appeared in her eyes, "What are you going to do?"

"Are you afraid of me?"

Shen Mengqi walked back in fear, "I"

Before Shen Mengqi could speak, she was roughly pulled back into her arms by Lin Jihan, "Do you want me to remind you? You can only be mine, regardless of life or death!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Jihan carried Shen Mengqi directly out of the bathroom and into the inner room. Before Shen Mengqi could react, he was roughly thrown onto the bed.

"Lin Jihan! What are you going to do?"

Lin Jihan walked towards the bed while taking off his clothes one by one, "Ma'am, do you still remember that you promised your husband that you would give him a child."

He is trying to force her!
"No, don't come here!"

However, Lin Jihan rushed over regardless. Shen Mengqi, who had been exhausted from soaking in the bathtub for a long time, didn't have the strength to resist, so she could only bear it silently.

While pressing on Shen Mengqi's body, Lin Jihan narrated his love to Shen Mengqi's ear over and over again with nostalgia.

Shen Mengqi was like a puppet without a soul, numb under Lin Jihan's body, a tear flowed from the corner of her eye, and silently sank into the jade pillow under her body.

It turned out that the most intimate and comfortable thing in the past can also become a murderous knife when the two hearts change. What is more unbearable to Shen Mengqi than nausea is the pain in her heart and body.

This night, no matter for her or him, seemed extraordinarily long.

A ray of light came in from the window paper, and it was finally dawn.

Looking at Shen Mengqi, whose eyes were red and full of grievances, Lin Jihan also recovered his senses, "Ma'am, I'm sorry, I."

Shen Mengqi said without emotion: "It's almost time for Chen Shi, it's time to go to court, you can go."

Lin Jihan wanted to say something else, but Shen Mengqi had already turned around and stopped looking at him. Looking at the bruises on Shen Mengqi's body, there was only endless regret in his eyes.

Lin Jihan silently picked up the ointment that had been prepared a long time ago, and applied it to Shen Mengqi's feet with frostbite, "Ma'am, I'm sorry, I really lost my temper last night."

Sensing the coldness on her feet, Shen Mengqi didn't react at all, she just lay with her back facing him.

Seeing that Shen Mengqi had been ignoring her, Eleven came to urge her outside the house again. If he really had something to report to the imperial court today, he could only say: "Madam, please rest. I will ask for leave from the imperial court. Wait until I come back."

Only then did Shen Mengqi move, "There's no need to ask for leave, I'll be there later, you can go first."

Lin Jihan's eyes darkened, feeling distressed that she didn't want her to go to court today, but worried that such obstruction would make her loathe him even more.

He wanted to coax her, but he didn't know what to say, so he could only squeeze his fists and said: "Then I'll go there first, Madam, after you rest, I heard that the food shop has new cakes, wait a while and turn to me." Take you to eat, okay?"

That looks cautious.

After waiting for a long time, Shen Mengqi did not reply, and there was another urging outside the door, so Lin Jihan could only say: "Then I'll go first, you have a good rest."

After Lin Jihan left completely, Shen Mengqi got up.

She glanced at the plaster on the instep, her eyes flickered, and no one knew what she was thinking.

Seventeen reported that after Lin Jihan and Shen Qingning left the palace, Shen Mengqi put on her court clothes and walked out.

Before going to court, she told Seventeen: "Kill all the pigeons and crows raised by the Taifu in the palace, and leave none behind."

(End of this chapter)

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